Every day is a gift but some days are special as they bring this euphoria which makes them different from other days. One of such days is a birthday.

A birthday is a unique day in the life of every individual though some choose not to acknowledge it as that. However, this day deserves to be celebrated, if only for being alive to witness it.

When you are fortunate to have your son celebrate his birthday, you would want to make it memorable for him, especially when it’s a milestone.

As a parent, one of your priorities is to make your son happy and see him become responsible and great in life. And some of the ways to achieve that is to support, encourage, groom, educate, provide for him, appreciate and celebrate him. Even though every day gives you the chance to do all of these, his birthday is a unique opportunity.

On your son’s birthday, you may be wondering how best to celebrate him and convey your sincere wishes and then, the thought of sending him a letter comes to mind. That’s a great idea! You see, a letter gives you the liberty to express your mind and it’s a special way to reach one on their birthday.

So, for your son’s birth anniversary, I have made available for you, the best happy birthday letters to son from dad or mom. If you intend to make things right with your son or just to celebrate and wish him well, these top-notch birthday letters are what you need. Go ahead and pick your choice.

My dear son,
I love you with all my heart. You are the most amazing son on earth! I am so lucky to be your mom and that I get to see you grow up every day! Always stay humble, patient, hardworking and obedient. Always try your best, never give up. I’m sure this new year will be great for you. Happy birthday!

Be a darling mother by sending your son one or more of the best birthday letters for son below.

1. To my lovely son,
I love you! You are the most amazing person I know. You have changed my life for the better. I am so proud of your progress over the past year. Watching you learn just makes me smile from ear to ear. You are an amazing young man that I feel blessed every day to call mine! Happy birthday to the most amazing son in the world, I love you! You are a great man who will continue to make our family proud. Love, mom.

2. My darling son,
You are such a sweet boy. You make me laugh every day. I admire your ability to work hard and your courage in the face of adversity. I’m so glad that you are my son! I am so proud to call you so. I am proud of the way you treat others and I look forward to watching you grow up. You are my pride and joy and my best friend. Thank you for making me a happier mom! May all your days be filled with happiness and love. Happy birthday, son.

3. To my baby boy,
I want to tell you how much I love you. As a mother, I’m not supposed to have favourites, but you’re my favourite son. Because of your attitude and tenacity, you are going to be successful in whatever dream you had as a kid. I love you with all my heart!” You are a gift from God. I pray that you will always love God with all your heart and be a man of valour. Happy birthday!

4. My son,
You are the best son I could ever ask for. You are strong and independent in your ways. You are kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. You show maturity beyond your years, and you make good decisions… most of the time! I love you more than anything in this world and hope that you never forget that. I will do my best to be a good mother. I’m wishing you a happy birthday today!

5. Precious son of mine,
You are my biggest blessing. I hope that you are very proud of everything you have accomplished in your life. I am so proud to be your mom! What I love most about you is how you treat others. I hope that with time, these handmade, “just for you” gifts will remind you of this special day and of all the love that we have for each other. Go and prosper, baby. Happy birthday!

6. My priceless son,
Everyone loves you, your kindness, your beard and your all-around awesomeness. I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for you! You bring so much joy to my life and mean everything to me. I couldn’t be more proud of you, happy birthday! This year will be even a greater one for you and this family at large. Heart you big.

7. To my lively son,
Today is your birthday. I hope that you will become a man who has the patience, tenacity and humility, to face the obstacles in your life with diligence and determination. Some years ago, you were just a baby, and now on this day, you grow up to be a young man. I pray for you to trust God in everything that happens in your life. Have a memorable birthday. Love, mom.

8. My handsome boy,
You try your hardest at everything you do and it is so long your goal to become a great man like your father. I love you so much and you need to know that everything I have done since the day I became a mother was for you. I hope your birthday will be filled with happiness and love from family and friends. There is nothing in the whole world as wonderful as your smiles on your day. Have a blast, son!

9. My dear son,
You have many years to live and you will see things that I cannot predict. you are young and mistakes will be made, but with God’s help, you will overcome anything. From this moment on, let your heart be filled with love for all people, and let the wisdom of a child guide your life decisions. Love is always patient and kind, never jealous nor boastful, never selfish nor rude. Go into your new year with love and you will prosper. Happy birthday!

10. To the best first son in the world,
Thank you for being a loving and supportive sibling to your younger ones. Your patience truly is a virtue and it teaches me the value of tolerance. Your tenacity is admirable; despite everything, you have not given up. You have worked hard to discover new ways to be involved with this family and even after all these years, you still want to do more. May strength be multiplied unto you. Happy birthday, dear.

11. My dearest son,
I love you so much more than you can ever begin to imagine! I am so very proud of the young man you’re growing into and look forward to cheering you on as we enjoy many more adventures. Happy birthday to you today!

12. To my cute son,
Honey, mommy loves you more than the Earth loves the Sun. I will always be here for you, no matter what! I love you more than all the fishes in the sea and all the stars in heaven. I will never stop loving you. I wish you greater feats in life as you continue to grow. Happy birthday, love.

13. Son,
Without the strength to be patient, there will never be the strength to succeed, and without the hard work to succeed, we will never grow into greater things. We are all on this journey together. As a family, we can’t lose sight of what is important and must hold it close to our hearts because it is what makes us strong. I love you, son and I’m thankful for all you are. Happy birthday!

14. My favourite son,
I never forget to give thanks to God for all the wonderful things He has given me. You are my most treasured gift. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being patient with mommy. I wish that you become that man you ought to be. Happy birthday! I love you, son.

15. My good son,
I’m happy birthday and so proud of you. You are one of the best things in my life and have brought me more happiness than I could imagine. I love you so much and can’t wait to see what amazing things your future holds even as you celebrate a new age today. Wishing you a happy and memorable birthday!

16. Darling little son,
Today, you are 11 years old; already, you have seen more in your short life than most people see in a lifetime. But through it all, you have never complained nor have you ever whined. I hope that this year is the best year ever and that you learn from all the experiences you will encounter. I love you and with God’s grace, I know that you will become great in life. Happy birthday!

17. My dearest son,
I promise to love you forever without a condition. You are smart and kind, polite and sensational(wonderful). I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. May God continue to bless us with love that will never end. I love you always and forever!

18. Hey, son,
I support you and am there for you to let me help you become the best human being you can be. I want to be a part of your life every day. I am so proud of you because you are all of those things. You are a great role model to others like I am to you. I know you will be very successful in life and the rewards will be so worth it. I love your sense of determination and your passion for what you do. Happy birthday, dearest.

19. My brave son,
Your independence displayed this past year was a great success. Thank you for taking the time to study and complete each step before moving on. We are so proud of you! I love you, son! I have always wanted to celebrate your birthday with you … but it’s not possible. So today, I have decided to express it by writing this letter. With love, from mom.

20. Baby boy,
You will always be my baby no matter how old you become. You are more than I could have ever dreamed. You are the light of my life. I love you because you are obedient, sweet, caring and above all else determined to be the best boy in class. You share your toys, hug others often and try hard not to disappoint me or yourself. I’m so excited and I celebrate you today. Happy birthday!

21. Dearest son,
The best years of my life have been with you. I am so happy with the choices I have made and so lucky to have such a wonderful son. Everything about you amazes me. Your intelligence, your creativity, your spirit, your curiosity, your sense of humour, your persistence in trying new things and taking risks. You are the best, son, keep being that. Happy birthday!

22. My loved one,
I love you more than I can say. You are an amazing young man, and I’m not just saying that to be nice. You have a good heart – you’re kind, you’re thoughtful and you have a big imagination (thank God!). You also have a great sense of adventure which will stand you in good stead when you are older. The sky is just your starting point. Good and excel. Happy birthday!

23. My baby boy,
You’re My Son, I am very proud of you. I love you more than the air I breathe! Someday, you will read this note. I hope my words can help you know that your parent(s) love(s) you so much and you are different from anyone we have ever known in life! You just turned five and I see a nice young gentleman in my vision for you. You are sweet, kind and obedient. I am grateful for you. Happy birthday, my son!

24. Hello, dearest son,
This year, you turn the big 18. But to me, you are 17 going on 97… Smiles… It seems like just yesterday I was holding your hand as you took your first steps and said your first words. I love you and I am so proud to be your mother! Today is the day of your birth and I will be the best mother I can be, setting a good example and showing you the way to lead your life. You are amazing! Happy birthday!

25. To my son,
You are my pride and joy. I am so proud of the man you have become. I am so thankful that you are my son. You have made me so happy and a better person myself by bringing me great joy. I have come to love you with a relentless love that only a mother can have. I have known you since you were in my womb and have loved you ever since. Your father and I trust you. You have a wonderful set of skills; use them. Happy birthday!

Dear son, You are so precious and I love you so much. Each day is all about our time together. I’m grateful for the blessing you are to my life! Thank you for letting me love you and teaching me the joy of being a dad. Here’s to many more birthdays, my dear son- daddy.

26. My darling son,
I have to make difficult decisions, and I have to be tough sometimes. Your most important job is to learn from these situations and become a better person. When you are an adult, you won’t need me anymore, but you will still want me in your life. It will be at this time that we can be truly close. Just want you to know this day that I care about you and I’m wishing you the best. Happy birthday to you. From daddy.

27. My baby boy,
I don’t know if I have expressed to you how proud I am of you and the man you’ve become over these past 18 years. You are kind, loving and extremely patient. You are respectful of others and try to see the good in everyone. You deserve greater feats in this new age of yours. Happy birthday!

28. To my darling little son,
I know you are only 7 years old, but I love you so much. You are the most amazing kid. You have all of the qualities in a child that will make him successful in life. I’m so proud of the man you are becoming and I can’t wait to see what happens next! May you grow into that great man you ought to be. Happy birthday!

29. My son,
You have been good, obedient and much loved. You are a good and wondrous gift from the Good Lord above. Long may you live! I adore the way your eyes light up when you see something new and you try to learn it as fast as you can. You amaze me with your creativity and your tenacity to learn faster than anyone else. Please, always remember that I love you more than I have the ability to express! Happy birthday.

30. Dear son of mine,
I love that you are respectful and treat others with kindness. I love that you give your all whenever you work on a task or do something difficult for you. I am so proud of the young man you are becoming. You make me smile anytime I think of you. May you enjoy love and happiness all through your life. Happy birthday from daddy.

31. To my handsome boy,
You are my son and I am proud of you every day. I love you with all my heart. I have never been more proud of you. I am so happy to have you as my son, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish you the best in all you do. Happy birthday to you!

32. My dearest,
I could not have asked for a better son, man and friend, you show me every day that you make me proud. Your dedication to your wife and kids is inspiring and you give them all the attention they deserve. I love you so much and I look forward to our future adventures together. Happy birthday to you from your dad.

33. My son,
Loving you has taught me patience, tenacity, humility and the value of hard work. You have made me believe in myself and my abilities. Your love has shown that I can do anything I put my mind to. Being a parent has made the best years of my life yet. I look forward to having many more blissful years with you. Happy birthday!

34. My son,
I love you and miss you very much today. You are in the arms of your Savior, and He will comfort you. My heart aches for you, little boy, but I have to be strong and be a good example of Christ to everyone else around me who needs strength right now. One day we will all meet again and you and I can sit on the floor and play with cars like we used to. Love from daddy always!

35. My cute son,
Happy birthday to you, I love you more today than I did last year on your birthday, and I will love you more tomorrow than I do today. I see your love and your passion for others. I am so proud of all you have accomplished this year. Keep up the good work! You will excel in all you do. Happy birthday!

36. My great son,
You are and will always be the greatest gift I have ever received. You make my life more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Every time I look at you, it just makes me so happy. I love the way you listen to what I say and always follow my example. I love being your dad; it’s everything I ever wanted. On this day, I can’t but celebrate you and wish you a super duper happy birthday.

37. My favourite son,
I love you, and I’m proud of you. Your strength makes me strong, your hugs warm my heart and your ability to love inspires me daily. This day, I wish you the strength you need to achieve your dreams. Happy birthday to you from daddy.

38. My son,
Keep working hard, keep putting others before yourself. Be humble because humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. And most importantly, have patience and tenacity because, without those two qualities, it’s easy to give up and stop trying when things get tough. Just some words from my heart to you, my son. Happy birthday!

39. To my dear son,
You are a gift to my and your family’s lives. I thank God every day that you were born. The best part of an amazing life. You are my pride and joy. No matter what happens in this world, God has given me the best possible person to face it with — you. Be stronger and conquer. Happy birthday!

40. My dear son,
You make me a happy man because I am blessed with you! I know not how, why or when but there is something so special about you…you have an amazing heart! You are all these things and so much more. thank you for being an example to all of us. I love the man that you are and I am proud to call you my son. Happy birthday!

41. To my one and only son,
We are so proud of you and we know that you lead and are learning to be a man of character. Just as your mom has reflected on what a lucky woman she is to have you as a son, I reflect on what a lucky man I am to have you as a son. Keep being you and may your path shine brighter. Happy birthday!

42. Hi, my loving boy,
I love you beyond words! It brings me immense joy every day to see you grow. Every year brings so much excitement as we move forward into new adventures. You are wise beyond your years and continue to amaze me with the knowledge that you possess. I look forward to spending this special day with you, doing what you love to do best. Happy birthday my dear boy!

43. I love you, son.
I have always been proud of you and I always will be. I am so pleased with how far you have come; you are my hero. You are a wonderful young man and I can’t wait to see the world through your eyes. Happy birthday, my dear boy. Love, dad.

44. To my baby boy,
happy 8th birthday, sweetheart. You are my light, my hope and my everything. I thank God that he has blessed our family with you. You make every day a good day. I love you more than all the stars in the sky or sand on the beach at low tide. Keep being yourself and stay humble and kind to everyone you meet!

45. I love you so much, son.
I have watched you grow into a magnificent young man before my very eyes. You have always charmed me with your smile and made me proud of your achievements. If you treasure what is ahead of you, then, first come to terms with who you are behind. May you never lose focus. Happy birthday!

46. My dear son,
I’m so thankful I get to be your dad. I know you want to be good. I know you can be good. Just keep trying. There will be days where you don’t feel like putting in the work but you must push on and when it is over, look back and realize all the great things that came from it. I love you, son. Happy birthday!

47. To my angel, (INSERT NAME OF CHILD).
I hope that you find health and happiness as your journey continues. Just know today and always that I am so very proud of you for being who you are. I wish you a lifetime of happiness and bliss. Happy birthday, my dear son.

48. My baby boy,
I love you with all my heart and soul. Your mom and I worked together to give you life and now, we must work together to give you purpose. You must always remember that good things come to those who wait. Never be in a rush to grow up and never settle for anything less than your best. I wish you good success in life. Happy birthday!

49. To my dearest son,
My son, never lose your love of learning! As long as you do so, you will grow and prosper. Your greatest ability is your kindness and your greatest strength is in giving; I believe in you more than you believe in yourself. You will achieve amazing things as you ride the wave of success. Happy birthday!

50. My son,
Please, be respectful of how hard the world can be on a person; always help others with their pain. You are a diamond. you are a pearl. you are a ruby. you are your father’s hope, his pride and joy. Enjoy your day and have the best. Happy birthday!

Gotten the letter that best conveys your thoughts? Do well to send it to your son as he celebrates his birthday.

As the good mom or dad that you are, you wouldn’t want to make your son less celebrated on his big day. So, go ahead and send more than one of these cute letters to him.

Want to appreciate me? Kindly do that by sharing with loved ones who may need them too. Thanks.

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