Unfortunately, we all encounter folks who will keep taking from you without showing even the slightest appreciation. And this breeds a feeling towards that individual, which can be damaging to your inner peace. We’ve put together these quotes about being ungrateful.

How to Deal with Ungrateful People

Sometimes the individual who is not being grateful even isn’t aware of it. Although it seems absurd, it is true. Because of this, you must be upfront with others and not assume they can read your mind.

The reality is that you can only ultimately influence your own attitude and actions. You might not be able to stop someone from being ungrateful if they choose to be.

But you can decide to stay in a state of joy and thankfulness rather than letting that person’s lack of appreciation destroy your day. It is entirely up to you whether you choose to allow their attitude and behaviour negatively affect how you feel.

If you publicly express how that person’s lack of gratitude is affecting your relationship and they refuse to make changes, you may need to decide whether or not you want to continue being in that relationship.

Quotes about Being Ungrateful

1. “An ungrateful man resembles a hog under a tree eating acorns but never looking up to see where they come from.” – Timothy Dexter

2. Hurtful people are like sandpaper, they keep dishing out hurt thinking they can break you by scratching you over and over again with their actions. Never mind that! Because in the end, they will end up useless and old but they would have polished you into someone much more amazing.

3. The belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow. -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

4. You’ll never see a happy ungrateful person. -Zig Ziglar

5. They could never make me hate you. Even though what you was doing wasn’t tasteful.. Even though you out here looking so ungrateful.. I’m a keep it moving, be classy and graceful. -Nicki Minaj

6. “No matter how often you’ve been kind to the ungrateful, as soon as you say “no” to them, all they remember is your refusal.” – Abdulbary Yahya

7. “The problem people are are ungrateful and I cannot stop being nice.”

8. As humans, we have the freedom and the capacity to be anything we want to be in the world, but the watchword is, “ do not be ungrateful.” Why should I cumber myself with regrets that the receiver is not capacious? It never troubles the sun that some of his rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space, and only a small part on the reflecting planet. Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion.

9. “You can be anything in this world, just don’t be ungrateful.”

10. “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart.” ― William Arthur Ward

11. Making the ungrateful grateful will bring tears to your eyes, tears of blood bleeding from the heart.n-Ana Monnar

12. “The saddest of all hearts is one without gratitude.” – Tom Krause

13. I am not pained by the fact that you lied to me, but I’m pained by the fact that you insulted my intelligence, which I really find offensive.

14. “Learn to give your absence to those who don’t appreciate your presence.”

15. Ungrateful people breed negativity. No one gets any pleasure from giving to an ungrateful person. When you show appreciation, the object of your attention blossoms and flourishes.

16. “What you do for an ungrateful man is thrown away.” – Seneca The Younger

17. “A man may be ungrateful, but the human race is not so.” ― John Milton

18. “What you do for an ungrateful man is thrown away.” ― Seneca The Younger

19. “The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.” ― Aesop

20. “The saddest of all hearts is one without gratitude.” ― Tom Krause

21. “Learn to give your absence to those who don’t appreciate your presence.” – Unknown

22. I’m going to be meeting with people today who talk too much – people who are selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But I won’t be surprised or disturbed, for I can’t imagine a world without such people. -Marcus Aurelius

23. “Ungratefulness is the very poison of manhood.” ― Sir Philip Sidney

24. “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.” – Unknown

25. “He that’s ungrateful has no guilt but one; All other crimes may pass for virtues in him.” – Edward Young

26. “An ungrateful man is a tub full of holes.” ― Latin Proverb

27. “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart.” – William Arthur Ward

28. “At some point you will realize that you have done too much for someone, that the only next possible step to do is to stop. Leave them alone. Walk away. It’s not like you’re giving up, and it’s not like you shouldn’t try. It’s just that you have to draw the line of determination from desperation. What is truly yours will eventually be yours, and what is not, no matter how hard you try, will never be.” – Unknown

29. “Why are you doing the most for people who are doing the least for you?” – Unknown

30. Letting go of people who keeps weighing you down requires enough strength and bravery because the people you surround yourself with reflect who you are. I think I need a better company.ciety, gratitude is the rarest of all human virtues.” ― Wilkie Collins 

31. “Never take anything for granted.” – Benjamin Disraeli

32. “You’ll never see a happy ungrateful person.” – Zig Ziglar

33. “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.” ― Shakespeare

34. “Never put your time into the hands of the ungrateful.” – Scottie Waves

35. “Sometimes, people don’t notice the things we do for them, until we stop doing it.”

36. “The wicked are always ungrateful.” ― Miguel de Cervantes

37. “Ungrateful people forget what they are not grateful for.” ― Ana Monnar

38. “To do good to the ungrateful is to throw rose-water into the sea.” – Latin Proverb

39. “A complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart.” –  William Arthur Ward

40. “In every class of so 1. Nobody is worth these tears, not even you! The reason I am in tears is never because of you. I am simply pained at the realisation of who you are which has shattered my delusion of who I think you were.

41. “People try to make you look bad and act like you did nothing for them when in reality, you did everything for them.” – Unknown

42. “Stop being ungrateful. No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is desperately fighting for theirs. Instead of thinking about what you’re missing. try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.” – Unknown

43. “Perform our duty by giving, even if only a few are grateful for it.” – Unknown

44. We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing. -Mother Teresa

45. “Every greed is the root of ungratefulness.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita

46. Gratitude is the key to happiness. When gratitude is practiced regularly and from the heart, it leads to a richer, fuller and more complete life… It is impossible to bring more abundance into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you already have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are negative emotions and they will attract more of those feelings and events into your life.

47. “The wicked are always ungrateful.” – Miguel de Cervantes

48. “One ungrateful person does an injury to all needy people.” ― Publilius Syrus

49. “People don’t remember the million times you’ve helped them, only the one time you don’t.” – Unknown

50. “We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.” – Mother Teresa

51. “A grateful person is rich in contentment. An ungrateful person suffers in the poverty of endless discontentment.” – David A. Bednar

52. “Ingratitude to man is ingratitude to God.” ― Samuel ibn Naghrela

53. I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

54. Usually, most people do not realise that their ingratitude will make them lose the most precious people or things others will kill to have. One ungrateful man injures all who need assistance. Not everyone will appreciate what you do for them. You have to figure out who’s worth your kindness and who’s just taking advantage.

55. “Why are you doing the most for people who are doing the least for you?”

56. People always don’t appreciate what they have which in the right sense, is the best cure for missin what you think you might have lost. But when you don’t, you lose out on everything.

57. Life is better and more enjoyable when you are surrounded by the right people who truly love you and show you the right emotions to become a better person. If anyone isn’t making your life better. Let them go! I think it’s time to let you go.

58. I have too many flaws to be perfect. But i have too many blessings to be ungrateful. -Zig Ziglar

59. “People don’t remember the million times you’ve helped them, only the one time you don’t.”

60. Even though many people prove to be ungrateful, do not let that stop you from benefiting others-for not only is beneficence in itself a noble and almost divine quality, it may also happen that while you practice it, you will encounter someone so grateful that he will make up for all the others’ ingratitude.

61. “I believe the best definition of man is the ungrateful biped.” ― Fyodor Dostoevsky

62. “To do good to the ungrateful is to throw rose-water into the sea.” ― Latin Proverb

63. “Men may be ungrateful, but the human race is not so.” ― Jean De Boufflers

64. “Keep calm and ignore ungrateful people.” – Read Beach

65. “Only ungrateful people complain about the smallest issues.”                                                                                

66. Sometimes in life, letting go is a better show of strength than hanging on or holding on, which most people think is a show of strength. Maybe it’s time to chose a different strength

67. “There are many things in life to be thankful for, so don’t let one ungrateful individual ruin your entire day.” – Unknown

68. “If you don’t start appreciating what’s right in front of you, you might lose it.”

69. “It is impossible to lose everything and still be alive.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

70. “There are so many blessings and things to be thankful for. Don’t let one ungrateful individual ruin your day!” – Unknown

71. “Most people forget everything except being ungrateful.” ― Arab Proverb

72. “An ungrateful man is a tub full of holes.” ― Latin Proverb

73. “Never help an ungrateful person get on the feet. It’s like telling a wolf that you’re a sheep.” – Unknown

74. This century is filled with so much hurt. Love is no longer unconditional and honesty is repaid with betrayal. Most people through their ingratitude, trash your faithfulness to them, and your transparency is meaningless and worthless to them. What a joke of a century!

75. “People are so ungrateful. No one thanks me for having the patience not to kill them.” – Unknown

Conclusion on Quotes about Being Ungrateful

Gratitude is simple and easy. You can never run out of gratitude, so why keep it to yourself?
No matter how big or tiny the good in your life may be, allow yourself to be grateful for it all.

This pleasant energy from our thankfulness spreads throughout us, benefiting both ourselves and the people around us. We hope we all get to experience this positive energy from others and give it out, not just receiving. Being grateful should always be reciprocal, just as being respectful.

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