Adolescent Attitude Towards Sex Education In The Senior Secondary Schools Of Awka South Local Government Area.


This work was research; it was designed to the adolescent towards sex in the senior secondary schools in Awka South Local Government Area Anambra State.

In carrying out the research, five research questions were raised to study the adolescent attitude towards sex education.

A sample of one hundred (100) students was randomly selected.  Twenty (20) students each from the selected public senior secondary schools were used.

For effective data collection, questionnaires were designed using strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, disagree.  The data collected were critically analyzed and used to test the research questions propounded, simple percentages were the statistical method adopted in the analysis of data.

During the findings, it was discovered that adolescent faces sex-related problems because of lack of sex education.  Based on the findings, it is recommended that education about the dangers of sex should be provided by parents, teachers, and religious leaders.


Background of the Study

The Nigerian Society today has to grapple with many behavioral problems of its youth. Such problems include truancy, disobedience, drug, offenses, assault, insult, stealing, violence, demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, robbery, secret cult activities (Nnachi, 2003).

Apart from these widely publicized behavioral problems, heterosexual activities are also listed among the types of behavioral problems prevalent in Nigeria secondary schools.

These are variously named in the literature as sex abuse, sex offenses, sexual misconduct, sexual immorality, sexual promiscuity, and sexual maladjustment (Nnachi, 2003)

The end of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century represented an important in the invention of the concept we now call adolescence.

Adolescence can be described as the period between the later stage of childhood and the early stage of adulthood (Health Foundation of Ghana, 2004).

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested adolescence can be the period between the ages of 10 and 19 or the second decade of life. Adolescence, therefore, refers to boys and girls who fall within this stage or period.


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