Christ Apostolic Church: The Causes, Effects, and Solutions To The Internal Conflict


The problem that C.A.C as a religious organization faces today is Division, schisms, and dissensions. A Greek philosopher once said, let no one when the young delay to study philosophy nor when he is old grow weary of this study for no one can come too early or too late to secure the health of his soul.

This statement was made during the social and political upheaval in Greece. The situation is true of C.A.C today when social change is equally rapid and life is no more bearable for most C.A.C families.

It is important to think for oneself, examine one’s beliefs, traditions and habits to deal with new problems and draw new solutions. Today, if one fails to think for oneself, someone else will think for one. This write-up is out to aid the thinking of C.A.C as touching the issue of the causes and effects of the conflicts within the organization.

More so, this write-up is divided into five chapters that recognize orderly, regular research. To start with the first chapter is based on the introduction, statement of problems, objective of the study, clarification of terms, scope and limitation, and methodology.

The second chapter examines the advent of Christianity in Nigeria, the founding of Christ Apostolic Church, and the organization of the church. The third chapter deals with the causes of the conflicts within C.A.C: explained and unexplained reasons.

Research method, this chapter deals with the method and procedure used in carrying out this study. The fourth chapter involved the effects of the conflict; positive and negative effects, result presentation, and analysis.

The last chapter suggests the solution and conclusion. Analysis, the researched intend to use simple percentage to analyze the data. This will be used to test the hypotheses. Primarily this research is carried out for the change and betterment of C.A.C. and as a reference point to the coming generations.

Conclusively, it is hoped that it will be of great gesture for members and workers, and leaders of C.A.C who have the patriotism for Christ Apostolic Church.


Divisions, schisms, and dissensions have been a characteristic feature of the church right from its infancy. But the fact still remains that Christianity divided is an abnormality.

This division contradicts the will of Jesus Christ who prayed as follows; “I do not pray for these only, but for those who believe in me through their words, that they might all be one” (Jn. 17:20 RSV.). The earliest indication of divisive tendency in Christianity dates back to the Apostolic Age.

The contention between Paul and Barnabas over the acceptance of John Mark for the second missionary journey was the first. This was a sequel to John Mark’s abandonment of the Apostles during the first journey through the parted ways, it was short-lived.

The second sign of division took place in Corinth, Paul was not happy with the divisive tendency in the Corinthians church, hence he wrote to Condemn the stance of some who claimed that they belong to Paul, Apollos, and Cephas or Christ’s party. He ended by declaring “surely Christ had not been divided among you”.

Thereafter no more was heard of the quarrel. The above illustration show unmistakably that the apostles did not encourage division among the Christians. Of great significance to us is the division that lasted to this day as a result of the conflict within Christ Apostolic Church.

The Christ Apostolic Church is reputed to be of one Lord, in collaboration with the motto “one fold one shepherd” any other cause other than for which it was intended is an aberration.

It was an attempt to satisfy mordinate ambition of some leaders. The shaltering of the unity of Christ Apostolic Church is a big scandal. Any good member should hide his face in shame for the unfortunate development.

Our interest is not that of apportioning blame or pointing accusing finger to any group, but that of putting it clearly and unmistakably terms that division in Christ Apostolic Church was not originally intended. They claim that the conflict has been very useful to the cause of Christianity is to beg the issue.

Division was not originally ordained by Christ otherwise he could not have prayed the highly priestly prayer. “I do not pray for these only but also for those who believe in me through their words, that they may all be one”.

It is unfortunate that inspite of the prayer the church still broken into ministries such as WORD SOUL WINNING EVANGELICAL MINISTRY (WOSEM) e.t.c. It is pertinent to mention here that evangelical revival of late 1970s by Prophet T.O. Obadare resulted into a ministry called WOSEM.


(1914), The name C.A.C was adopted after many names.
(1931), in Ghana Prophets, Evangelists were raised up from far and near places like Daniel Orekoya in Lagos and Stephen Owiredu.
27th September, (1990), The Conference held in Ilesha in order to create a peaceful atmosphere in C.A.C.
Ademakinwa, J.A History of C.A.C. C.A.C publicity department Agage.
C.A.C Publicity Department, Atunse to nsele ninu C.A.C
Charles Philips (1875) of the C.M.S established the Ondo mission.
Christ Apostolic Church Almanac (1930)


(1484) when a request for missionaries came from the king of Benin.
(1665) Spanish friars visited Benin for evangelization purposes.
1842 & 1846, Christianity was successfully introduced into Nigeria through Badagry and Calabar.
Apostles Joseph Ayo Babalola July (1930) the great revival emerged at Oke Ooye, Ilesa.
Henry Townsend (1843), who visited Abeokuta in January and was impressed by the prospect of the Gospel work he found there.
Holy Bible (R.S.V) New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Hope Waddel (1860), who was retired and left calabar.
Hornby, A.S, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Third Edition.
Jaiyeola A.A.E, Proliferation of Churches in Nigeria. Causes and Effects, October 1995.
James Ferguson, (1841) on 2nd March is one of the emigrants in Badagry.
Nelson, National, Dictionary of the Bible USA 1964.
Odunuga and E.O.W. Olukoya (1918), who met Odubanjo at Ijebu-Ode on his return from Warri.
Rev. Hope Waddel (1846), who was sent by united Presbyterian Church of Scotland Mission.
Rev. Thomas J. Bowen, (1850), who was sent by a Missionary and he had plan of setting up his mission at Igboho, Ketu, Iseyin e.t.c. but failing to reached these places

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