– Effect of Conflict Resolution on Organizational Performance – 

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The in an organization cannot be overlooked, proper conflict management helps an organization to achieve its set objectives, while it adverse affects organization negatively.

Hence, this study therefore look at the on organizational performance using Nestle Nigeria Plc as a case study.

The main objectives of the study is to identify the causes of conflict in Nestle Nigeria Plc. And also was to examine the relationship between conflict management and organizational performance.

A sample size of one hundred(100) employee of Nestle Nigeria plc in Agbara were selected through stratified random sampling techniques.

Relevant data for the study was generated through the use of questionnaire constructed by the researcher to measure the effect of conflict resolution on organizational performance.

A of data was done using table and chart and the following hypothesis were formulated and tested at a given level of 0.05 alpha level using statistical package for social science(SPSS) version 20.0 to run chi square test of the data .

The hypotheses are thus; conflict cannot affect organizational performance positively; there is no significant  relationship between organizational objectives and conflict in an organization, the analysis result state.


Certification            i

Dedication           ii

Acknowledgement          iii

Abstract     iv

Table of Content        v


1.0          Background to the Study      1

1.1          Statement to the Study             1

1.2          Objective to the Study        2

1.3          Research Question     2

1.4          Research Hypothesis           2

1.5          Scope of the study          3

1.6          Significant to the Study   3

1.7          Limitation to the study       3

1.8          Operation Definition of the Terms        4

1.9          Historical Background to the Study    4

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                                      

2.0          Introduction          5

2.1          Conceptual Framework       5

2.2          Theoretical Framework      16

2.3          Empirical Review     16


3.0          Introduction      19

3.1          Research Design     19

3.2          Population of the Study      19

3.3          Sample and Sampling Techniques      20

3.4          Data Collection Instrument      20

3.5          Reliability and Validity of Test`           21

3.6          Model Specification    21

3.7          Method of Data Analysis       22


4.1          Introduction     23

4.2          Data Analysis   26

4.3          Testing of Hypothesis          28


5.0          Introduction       33

5.1          Discussion of Findings      33

5.2          Conclusion                   34

5.3          Recommendations      35

The Questionnaire         36

References       38


Organization is an identifiable social entity whose members pursue multiple goals collectively. The pursuance of these goals is done side by side with their personal goals and aspirations through their coordinated activities and relationships.

Hence, organization has people, materials and goals that are achieved through coordination. An organization exists to provide goods and services that people desire.

These goods and services are the products of the behaviours of workers who occupy different level of the organizational structure. These people have different cultures, skills and educational background as well as different perceptions, roles, expectations and values.

However, the establishment and continuous existence of organization through the and objectives requires the continuous and effective functioning of its material input with the human element being indispensable.

The required to facilitate goals attainment often engage in disagreement and variance over factors such as; interest, views, style of management among others.

The Nestle Nigeria Plc is an organization that is not excluded from conflict situation as long as the human element is part of its resources.

They may disagree over issues in the workplace which can trigger conflict that need to be managed for improve performance of the organization.


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