Said Business School MBA Scholarship is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Saïd Business School.

About the Scholarship

(Oxford Saïd) is the business school of the University of Oxford, named after Syrian-Saudi billionaire Wafic Saïd.

It is part of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division. Oxford Saïd is the University of Oxford’s centre of learning for undergraduate and graduate students in business, management and finance.

The Skoll Scholarship is a competitive scholarship for incoming MBA students who pursue entrepreneurial solutions for urgent social and environmental challenges.

The Scholarship provides funding and exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought-leaders and investors. Once selected, these students are known as Skoll Skollars.

Benefits of Said Business School MBA Scholarship

The Skoll Scholarship covers the full costs of tuition and college fees for the MBA program at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. The Scholarship also covers partial living expenses.

Besides financial support, the Scholarship provides access to the Skoll Scholar community, a group of leaders who are positively impacting the world through innovation and systems change, as well as exclusive opportunities to meet with world-renowned entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and investors.


Requirements for Said Business School MBA Scholarship

1. All the candidates are required to take the GMAT test for entry to Oxford’s MBA program.

2. Candidates whose first language is not English or who have not studied at an English speaking University are required to take either the TOEFL or IELTS tests.

3. Demonstrate evidence of need for financial support.

To be considered, you need to meet the following criteria:

By the time the candidates apply for the MBA, they must have spent preferably at least 3 years either:

a). Starting and growing a social venture;

b). OR leading a major expansion of an existing social venture or program within an organization;

c). OR pursuing positive change as an impact career professional, i.e. someone who has used entrepreneurial approaches to address the same social/environmental issue, with a clear core thread that unites his/her work.

Application Deadline

January 4, 2022.

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