– Microbial Species Associated With Human Hands And Their Antibiotics Sensitivity Pattern – 

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In 1938, Prince established that bacteria recovered from the hands could be divided into two categories namely resident and transient flora.

The (resident microbiota) consists of microorganisms residing under the superficial cells of the stratum corneum and can  also be found on the surface of the skin staphylococcus epidermis is the dorminant species.

is extraordinary high particularly among HCINS and other resident bacteria include S.hominis and other coagulase negative staphylococci followed by coryneform bacteria (propioni bacteria, corynebacteria, dermobacteria and micrococci).

Among fungi the most common genus of the skin flora has two main protective functions; Microbial antagonism and competition for nutrient in the ecosystem.

In general resident flora is less likely to be associated with infections in , the eyes or non intact skin. Transient flora (transient micro biota) which colonizes the superficial layers of the skin is more amenable to removal by routine hand hygiene.

do not usually multiply on the skin but they survive sporadically multiply on the . They are often acquired by HCWs during direct contact with patients or contaminated environmental surfaces adjacent to the patient and the organism is frequently associated with HCAIS.


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