Effect of Good Filing System on Productivity of a Secretary 


The of good filing systems and is one that has got to do with a classification in use in the department of federal Nekede, Owerri. In an where there is no good filing system and classification, it is bound to fail in its dealings within and outside the organization.  The survey of the filing systems is very significant and cannot be over-emphasized in terms of records filing.

It is easier to refer to a particular document at any point in time especially when documents are properly filed.  A faulty filing classification will make the record-keeping of an organization to be a very tedious job just because the information is no readily handled and also available.


Title page-      –      –      –      –      –      –      –         i

Approval page –      –      –      –      –      –      –       ii

Dedication–    –      –      –      –      –      –      –      iii

Acknowledgment-   –      –      –      –      –      –      iv

Table of content –   –      –      –      –      –      –      v


1.0  Introduction – –      –      –      –      –      –      1

  • Background of the study-    –      –      –      –      1

1.2  Statement  of the problem –  –      –      –      –      6

1.3  Objectives   of the study –     –      –      –      –        7

1.4  Significance of the study –     –      –      –      –      8

1.5  Research questions-       –      –      –      –      –      9

1.6  Scope  of the study –     –      –      –      –      –      11


2.0  Review  of related  literature –       –      –      –      12

  • Introduction- –      –      –      –      –      –      12
  • General Principles  of filing – –      –      –      –      12
  • Determining good filing system – –      –      –      15
  • Benefits derivable from a good filing system– –  16

2.5  Filing classification system     –      –      –      –      19

2.6  Indexing–      –      –      –      –      –      –      –      29


3.0  Research methodology – –      –      –      –      33

3.1  Research design     –      –      –      –      –      33

3.2  Area   of the study- –      –      –      –      –      34

3.3  Population –    –      –      –      –      –      –      34

3.4  Sample size-   –      –      –      –      –      –      35

3.5  Instrument  for data collection-     –      –      –      35

3.6    Validation of the instrument-      –        –        –      36

3.7 Method  of data analysis –  –        –        –        –        36


4.0  Data presentation   and analysis – –      –      –      37

4.1  Research questions 1 and findings-       –      –      37

Research questions  2 and findings –     –      –      39

Research questions 3 and findings-       –      –      41

Research questions 4 and findings-       –      –      44

Research questions 5 and findings-       –      –      44

Discussion of  findings – –      –      –      –      45


Summary of  findings,  Conclusion and Recommendations 48

5.0  Summary of findings      –      –      –      –      –      48

5.2  Conclusion –    –      –      –      –      –      –      50

5.3  Recommendations- –      –      –      –      –      51

References-  –     –     –     –     –     –     53

Questionnaire-     –     –     –     –     –     –     55


In spite of the much talk of the paperless office, a considerable amount of information is stored in hard copy (i.e paper) form.  This is because people still prefer to see information on paper.   In our offices today, the large number of information being received daily is stored in a safe place rather than being thrown away. This, however, is because the information coming into our offices will also be needed in the future. Furthermore, a large number of papers and documents cannot be received and handled without proper arrangement(s).

In an organization where documents are not filed,  the average office worker spends more time than is necessary for searching for documents, which he/she cannot even locate. Meanwhile, since the emergence of the filing documents is now always handy and readily available in our office today and time which have been wasted in looking for such documents, therefore,  does not only save time but makes the retrieval of information in the offices very easy and less demanding.

Moreover, modern organizations do not rely on the memory of their functionaries. According to Ahukannah (2002).  A record of all the activities of the business must be kept. Personnel matters, sales figures, balance sheets, the progress of work, cash flow, bank accounts,  incoming and outgoing mails must be documented. All information received by the office on behalf of the organization must be properly recorded. It is the function of a filing staff to record,  keep and retrieve all useful information, which the organization may need from time to time.

Documents are filled in order to retain them in good condition,   for record purposes, and to survey them for effective, detailed investigation of information management for easy retrieval.   Effect of good Filing enables the organization to handle correspondence properly and with minimum delay.  The filing also provides materials, which are tendered as evidence in law courts. It ensures adequate protection of documents against theft,  and damages.


Ahukannah, L.T. (2002): Office Practice today Lagos Polytechnic Publishers Ltd.

Ahukanna, L. I. (2006)  Applied Secretarial Procedures and Crayforth C. (1997):  Administrative Procedures for Advance Secretarial Studies. London McDonald and Evans Ltd.

Elendu, O.E. (2001): The Perfect  Secretary: An Exposition of the Secretarial Duties of the Professional Secretary. Owerri: Lemmy Graphic Press.

Elendu, O.E. (1985): Office Practice for colleges Owerri. New African Publishing Co.Ltd.

Njoku C.U., Ohiri, A.B, Nwosu, A.N. Iwuoha C.C (2000): Prospective and Practicing Secretaries I. Owerri: Opus Business Concern

Ohakwe S.N., Idih E.I.N, Chukwumezie F.U, (2000): Contemporary Secretarial Duties. For Colleges, Polytechnics, and Universities.  (Publisher) Centre for Research and Manpower Development (CREMD). 67 Douglas Road, Owerri.

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