It has unforeseen circumstances, uncertainties, twists and turns, but if you survive the journey, it all works out in the end. Also, the future is the horizon of all possibilities and opportunities and if we have not been able to live, it is because we are afraid to leap and fall.

But it’s times like those when you should remember that life is like a parachute: if you want to live, you have to open it. Life is like a parachute, only the ones who are ready to jump are the ones enjoying it. Let’s check some inspirational quotes that might inspire you. Below are some of the best life is like a parachute quotes you’d ever come across.

Life is like a parachute. It has two sides—the open and the closed. You can always choose to lower your expectations or raise them. But in the end, you can only control one thing: how you fly through life.

1. Life is like a parachute. You never know when to use it. You never know when you’ll want to jump off, but don’t be afraid to open it if you do.

2. Life is like a parachute. You’ve got to know how to use it, or you’ll crash and burn.

3. Whether you are landing soft or rough, life is like a parachute. You must master the art of letting go, knowing that things will be okay.

4. Life is like a parachute; you never know how it will open up, but you have to jump anyway.

5. Life is like a parachute. You never know how strong it can be until you need it to be strong, and you never know how to use it until the moment comes.

6. Life is like a parachute. You never know how heavy it is until you jump.

7. Life is like a parachute. When falling through the air, you think it feels like forever, but it’s only a second or two. Get ready for a fun and exciting adventure.

8. Life is like a parachute. Life has two sides: a static side that never changes and a dynamic side that never rests.

9. Life is like a parachute. You never know how strong it is till you need it. What’s important is not the destination—it’s the journey.

10. Life is full of surprises. You never know what will happen each time you leap, but by being open and embracing new experiences, you’ll enjoy every second.

11. Life is like a parachute. It has problems, but everything is better when you open it up and jump.

12. Life is like a parachute. It works best when it’s open. Be open to new experiences, new people, and new things. Life is an adventure; enjoy every moment.

13. Life is like a parachute; it’s only through the toughest times that you discover your hidden strength.

14. Life is a series of big moments, small choices and lots of little things. Life is like a parachute. We have to do something to open the parachute!

15. Life is like a parachute—if you don’t open one, you will never know what could have happened.

16. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes—unless you fall on your face. Whatever you get wrong, you can always fix it. Life is like a parachute; you never know when it might work best.

17. Life is like a parachute. It has two parts: A quick learning phase and a slow losing phase.

18. Life is like a parachute: Make lemonade when life gives you lemons. And when life gives you lemon art, turn that shit into a solar-powered space shuttle to Jupiter.

19. Life is like a parachute. It has two handles; it’s either an open door or too late to jump out.

20. Life is like a parachute. You never know when you’ll jump, but the only way to enjoy the free fall is to open your wings and fly.

21. Life is like a parachute. It only works if you jump, and don’t forget to open it.

22. Life is like a parachute. You never know when you’ll need it – and it might not always look as pretty as you hoped. But don’t forget to open it up every once in a while.

23. Life is like a parachute, it has its ups and downs, and sometimes you just got to let go and enjoy the ride.

24. When you’re ready to take that jump, remember: Life is like a parachute. It has directions of descent, but it also has an invisible string attached to the centre, so you can always pull it back up if things go wrong.

25. Life is a journey of ups and downs. To enjoy the fall, you must be courageous to jump, spread your wings and fly.

26. Life is like a parachute. It has a few good days and a lot of bad days. But if you wait long enough, you will get the chance to open it.

27. Life is like a parachute. You never know when you will have to jump, but you can enjoy the breeze if you wait too long.

28. Life is like a parachute; it has two sides: the open and closed sides. You can only see one at a time, but they always connect.

29. Life is like a parachute. You don’t know how it’ll work out, but it’ll open up when you jump.

30. Life is like a parachute; it doesn’t work unless you use it. When you’re falling, and you know it, let it be. If you land, then that’s great. But if not, at least you tried, right?

31. Life is like a parachute: it has a thousand different uses, but it will not help you if you’re afraid of opening your eyes.

32. Life is like a parachute. You don’t know how strong it is until it’s too late. Fly through life and live the best you can. Make every second count!

33. Life is like a parachute: it has a ripcord, but only when you let go. If you dream of adventures, this parachute might be for you.

34. Life asks many things from us that sometimes seem out of our reach. It’s so easy to get caught up in its whirlwind and forget about the important things. Life is like a parachute; you got to jump sometimes.

35. Life is like a parachute. You never know how wide it can open up until you jump.

36. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. Life is beautiful, like a parachute. You need to open it now and then to see the sky.

37. Life is like a parachute—you have to jump if it doesn’t open.

38. Life is like a parachute—it only works if it’s open. And the best thing about life is that no matter how high you jump, the parachute will open.

39. Life is like a parachute. You have got to jump sometimes and spread your wings. Brood again today.

40. Life is full of moments that matter, but the choices you make in between that lead to your success. Life is like a parachute; it only works if you use it.

41. Life is like a parachute. It has a purpose, but you must open it and let go.

42. Life is like a parachute; it has a rip cord. It is important not to pull the rip cord too soon because you never know when it will open up.

43. Life is a parachute. When you open it, you have a choice: You can either drop or fly.

44. Life is a parachute. You’ve got to know how to use it because a little bit of the world’s weight lifts away every time you fly.

45. Life is like a parachute, and it’s easy to let life pass you by, but it’s not easy to stop and say, ‘I’m going to capture this moment.’

46. Life is like a parachute, and it gives you so many chances to say, “I like your new haircut” or “that’s a nice shirt”, but it could just as easily give you a moment where you will have to shout, “grab my hand”.

47. Life is a parachute; you’ve got to wear it sooner or later. And the grass is always greener on the other side.

48. You only get one parachute; you have to use it. And don’t be afraid to try. It’s better to fail to try than to succeed without trying.

49. Life is like a parachute; you can’t have one without the other. And it needs to be worn differently in different circumstances.

50. Life is best when you’re in it and not looking at it. Life is like a parachute: it works best when it’s open. And I’m ready, willing and able.

51. Life is a parachute; the best thing about life is that you can never stop it once you’ve started.

52. Life is like a parachute. You don’t know how strong it is until it’s open and you fall.

53. Life is like a parachute—it only works if it’s open. And how do you land? It’s more about when not if. Wake up and realize that you have the power to make your dreams a reality; the only thing stopping you is you.

54. Life is like a parachute. It’s only as good as the company you keep.

55. Life is like a parachute. It works best when you jump with it and not against it.

56. Life is like a parachute. It only works if you’re willing to jump out of the plane. And we don’t fall until we’re falling, but we can make that journey much safer with a parachute.

57. This is what I love about life: It’s a parachute, and you must put it on before jumping.

58. Life is like a parachute; you never know when it might open, and it only works if you laugh at it.

59. Life is like a parachute. You never know how much you need it until you have used it.

When one door closes, another one opens; be grateful for every moment of your life. So, kindly drop a comment using the comment box if you love this collection of life is like a parachute quotes and I look forward to hearing from you.

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