– Effect of Public Relations on the Consumer’s Perspective –

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This work is a study of the effect of public relations on the consumer. It users premier Breweries Plc as a case of study.

The research has employed oral interview for the collection of data this millennium. The work establishes the effect of public relations on the consumer.

The work also offers a useful suggestion on how to transform the effects of public relations on the consumer into contemporary use.

Finally, the are useful summary, recommendations and conclusion in the study which will be of help to scholars who could undertake studies relating to the topic.


Title page

Approval page



Table contents


Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Theoretical Orientation

1.4 Significance of the study

1.5 Limitation of the study

1.6 Delimitation of the study

1.7 Definition of Terms

Chapter Two

Review of related literature

Chapter Three


Chapter Four

Data analysis and discussion

Chapter Five

Summary and conclusion






Today, in the estimation of those who claim to be experts in the areas of communication management, nearly 500 companies worldwide have created executive post for communication managers. These positions usually, if not always, are part of the public relations efforts.

The task of these managers basically is to assist their organizations to define and deal with that effect them.

Business, have had to increase their public policy roles in recent years, they have come to realize that it is crucial to scan, monitor, track and analyze the many external forces surrounding the business world, consumers and the environment.

In Nigeria, the public relations (PR) manager or any manager in charge of public relation will have to work very hard to meet the challenges of public relation communication in modern complex business, and also meet the challenges of public relation communication in rural areas where the business are increasing as a result of the current government policy on rural development.

The brewery industry, for instance, is one areas that cannot be neglected. The capacity to mobilize, coordinate, and direct all strategic policy planning skills, towards achievement of objective are meaningful participation.


DANALD K. WRIGHT: “Issues management and Public Relation” PR Digst, 1993, P.3 

IKECHUKWU NWOSU: Mass Communication and National Development, Enugu, Frontier publishers Ltd, 1990.

DANALD K. WRIGHT: “Issues management and Public Relation” PR Digst, 1993, P.6-8

BASE E. OGUNDEYI, “Events Marketing”. PR Digst, 1993 P-52.  

ROGER HYAWOOD: All About Public Relations, New York,MC-Grand Hill Books, 1988, P-68

BERTSAND CONFIELD, Public Relations: Principles cases and problems, illinious, Richard D. Trans Inc. 1960, P.19-20      

PAUL PROTER Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, London, longman Group Ltd, 1978, P.350

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