Wine Production from Pineapple (Ananas Comsus)


wine was produced using saccharomyces cerevisiae gotten from palm . “Primary and secondary” of the pineapple juice lasted for 21 days during which of pH,

temperature, specific , titrable acidity, alcohol content, and reducing sugar was carried out under standard procedures. Specific gravity was observed to be reduced as the fermentation progresses. The pH of the pineapple must also reduce from 4.9-3.64.

In the process of fermentation, a consistent increase in alcohol content was observed with time. At the end of the fermentation, the alcohol content was observed with time. At the end of the fermentation, the alcohol content was observed to be 6%.

The titrable acidity of observed to be steady during fermentation. This study shows that acceptable wine can be made from pineapple using saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine.


Cover page                                                                                         i

Title page                                                                                           ii

Certification                                                                                      iii

Dedication                                                                                          iv

Acknowledgment v

Abstract                                                                                               vi

Table of content                                                                                 vii

Introduction                                                                                        1

Literature review                                                                                3

Material and methods                                                                     18

Results                                                                                               22

Discussion                                                                                         23

Conclusion                                                                                        25

References                                                                                         26


Wine is a fermented juice. Wine can be made from all sorts of common and not-so-common foods like fruits, herbs, and flowers. Most wines are made from grapes, and no matter what the wine s made from, there must be fermentation.

That is the sugar is transformed into alcohol. If the alcoholic content is low then it is wine but if it is high, it is “distilled liquor” like gin and vodka (). There are red, pink, and white wines; the major types of wines based on their color are red and white wines. Red wine is produced with the skins seeds and juice all fermented together.

In white wine production, the juice is separated from the skins in order to avoid pigmentation. The alcoholic strength of wines is usually from 6 to 23 percent by volume. Thus, wines are also further classified based on their alcohol content.

These include table wine with 7 to 15% alcohol by volume; fortified wines 914 to 23% by volume; Spanish wines and wine coolers (about 6% alcohol content by volume) ().

method of preparation of wine include: harvesting of grape or the fruits, crushing, juice separation, treatment of the juice with sulfur (iv) oxide, fermentation, post-fermentation treatment, clarification, aging, and bottling ()

Pineapple wine is a wine made from the juice of pineapple (). it is produced and fermented in a similar manner as grape wines. Its fermentation took place in a temperature-controlled vat. Fermentation is stopped at near dryness.

The result is a soft, dry, and fruity wine with an unmistakable pineapple bouquet. It has an alcoholic content of 11-12% by volume.

The quality of wine produced from pineapple depends on the variety of pineapples used. There are many cultivars: Hilo, Kono sugar-loaf, Red Spanish, and smooth cayenne. Each cultivar has a definite amount of sugar.

The aim of the work is to produce wine using locally soured pineapple variety as the starting raw materials. Winemaking is the process of wine production, from the process of fruit selection to bottling. It is also called “enology” ( and ).

All wines are made in a similar way with variations depending on the type of wine to be produced. The process generally involved, include: Harvesting; Destemming; Crushing; Juice separation; Fermentation (primary and secondary); Clarification; Aging; Blending; and Bottling (


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