A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Social Media  Network on Public School and Missionary School.


Social media has brought to reality the Global Village as was predicted by Marshal McLuhan in 1964. People in this 21st Century increasingly get to know more about others who are far away from them.

Secondary school students are not left out in being part of the global village that was aided by the new media. Students in secondary schools are becoming engrossed with social networking sites as it is currently becoming the order of the day.

With modern technology in this jet age, it is no longer necessary to own a laptop or computer to have access to social media because such applications have been migrated to mobile phones which have access to the internet with a click and affordable plans to browse comfortably. These have made it easier for secondary school students to use social media.

Social media network has changed the information world with regard to sharing, speed, storage and retrieval of information in whatever form regardless of the person’s location.

Through the Internet, a number of web technologies emerged, and one technology that is making waves with regard to information sharing and communication are the social media networks. The evolution of social media has cut across all facets of society with its positive and negative impacts.

1.1 Background of the Study

Social media which is sometimes referred to as social networking and Web 2.0 refers to collaboratively produced and shared media content (Tapscott and Williams, 2008). Social media came into existence in the 1990s.

Boyd and Ellison,( 2007) documented that the first recognizable social network site was launched in 1997 called Six degrees on sixdegrees.com. It allowed users to create profiles, list their Friends and, beginning in 1998, surf friends lists.

While Six Degrees attracted millions of users, it failed to become a sustainable business and, in 2000, the service closed. In 2002, social media received a great boost with the launch of Friendster.

Within a year of its launch, Friendster boasted more than three million registered users and a ton of investment interest. In 2003, my space, LinkedIn, Last FM, Tribe net, Hi5 etc. sprang up.

In 2004, popular names like Facebook Harvard, Dogster, and Mixi evolved. From 2006 till now a lot of social media sites have been launched like twitter, 2go, Whatsapp, google plus, Badoo etc.

Facebook specifically, is among s one of the networking sites secondary school students tend to use a lot. It was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with the primary intent of connecting United States college students.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

, the advent of is quickly emerging before the eyes and undeniably, it takes a part in people’s today. One of the evidence of this is the of social networking.

Social networking provides instantaneous access to information at all times (Sum, 2008). With the evolution of social networking, it changes the way one communicates and how one finds and shares personal information, exchanges ideas, feelings, photos and videos at a very overwhelming rate.

Social networking brought many positive implications to human life such as making the connection of millions of people from all over the world possible.  Perhaps, this ubiquitous presence may appear innocent at the surface.

However, there may be some sinister or evil characteristics within this medium that required further study. One of the issues that exist may be the influence of social networking on secondary school students.

These increasing links and networks online are setting back the real values of life especially students who accept some adverse impacts from using these sites as they form the major group of social networking sites users.


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