– Community Involvement in the Control and Management of Hiv/Aids in the Implementation of National Reproductive Health Plan in Plateau State –

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The study examined the community involvement in the control and management of HIV/AIDS in the implementation of national reproductive health plan in Plateau State.

Community involvement, control and management constitute the dependent variables. While the demographic characteristics of age, gender, religion, marital status, location, ethnicity, educational qualification and income level constitutes the independent variables.

As the information required to achieve this study was already available, ex-post facto research design (nonexperimental) was used.

In this design a questionnaire was developed and administered on a selected sample. The information thus collected was statistically analyzed to test the hypotheses of the study.

Purposive sampling technique was used in each of the 3 voluntary counseling and testing centres of each senatorial district in the state.


Title page .. .. .. .. .. .. .. i
Declaration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ii
Certification.. .. .. .. .. .. .. iii
Dedication .. .. .. .. .. .. .. iv
Acknowledgement .. .. .. .. .. .. v
Abstract .. .. .. .. .. .. .. vii
Table of Contents .. .. .. .. .. .. ix
List of Tables .. .. .. .. .. .. xiii
List of Abbreviations .. .. .. .. .. xiv
Operational Definition of Terms .. .. … xvii

1.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.. .. .. .. 9
1.3 Significance of the Study .. .. .. .. 13
1.4 Purpose of the Study .. .. .. .. 16
1.5 Major Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. 17
1.5.1 Sub-Hypothesis I .. .. .. .. .. 18
1.5.2 Sub-Hypothesis II .. .. .. .. .. 18
1.5.3 Sub-Hypothesis III.. .. .. .. .. 18
1.5.4 Sub-Hypothesis IV: .. .. .. .. 18
1.6 Basic Assumption .. .. .. .. .. 18
1.7 Research Questions .. .. .. .. 19
1.8 Delimitations of the Study .. .. .. 20
1.9 Limitation of the Study .. .. .. .. 20

2.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 25
2.2 The Promotion, Political Commitment and
Support of the Communities in the Control
And Management of HIV/AIDS .. … 26
2.3 Community Participation and the Promotion
of Health Seeking Behaviour in the Control
and Management of HIV/AIDS .. .. .. 33
2.4 The Involvement of Communities in the
Expansion of Access to HIV/AIDS Control
Services and the Quality .. .. .. .. 44
2.5 Community Participation and the Strengthening
of Capacity for Management of HIV/AIDS .. 49
2.5.1 Strengthening Sustainability of Reproductive
Service .. .. .. .. .. .. 55
2.5.2 Strengthening the Referred System .. .. 58
2.5.3 Management Information System by the
Community in the Promotion of Reproductive
Health .. .. .. .. .. .. 59
2.5.4 Improving Logistics and supply .. .. 61
2.6 The Influence of Community Participation
on the Promotion of Research on HIV/AIDS 63

3.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 65
3.2 The Research Design .. .. .. .. 65
3.3 The Population .. .. .. .. .. 66
3.4 The Sample .. .. .. .. .. .. 67
3.4.1 Sampling Techniques (Procedures) .. .. 69
3.5 The Instrument .. .. .. .. .. 69
3.5.1 Development of the Instrument .. .. .. 69
3.5.2 Validation of the Instrument .. .. .. 69
3.6 Administration of questionnaire.. .. .. 70
3.7 Statistical Techniques .. .. .. .. 71

4.1 Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. 73
4.2 Results .. .. .. .. .. .. 73
4.3 Major Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. 77
4.3.1 Sub- Hypothesis.. .. .. .. .. .. 77
4.3.2 Sub-Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. 78
4.3.3 Sub- Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. 79
4.3.4 Sub-Hypothesis .. .. .. .. .. 81
4.4 Discussions .. .. .. .. .. .. 84

5.1 Summary .. .. .. .. .. .. 95
5.2 Conclusions .. .. .. .. .. .. 98
5.3 Recommendations .. .. .. .. .. 99
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100
Appendix .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 103


Community involvement is a degree of collaboration required to ensure success on a particular method of implementation (Adetokunbo and Herbert, 2003).

It has been observed in Plateau State that wide gaps exist in the knowledge base, awareness and motivational support for reproductive health (RH) issues, and services in the communities as well as between the served (community members, including policy makers, opinion leaders, and so on) and the servers (programme managers, health workers).

This has led to weak political commitment, poor budgetary allocation and, community participation in RH programmes and services.

Advocacy and social mobilization will enlist the support of policy and decision makers, community members and organizations on RH (reproductive health) issues and services.

In addition, it will enhance male participation in RH (reproductive health) programmes (National Reproductive Health strategic framework and plan, 2002-2006). Advocacy will significantly contribute to achieving the following:  

  •  Political commitment, policy makers’ and opinion leaders’ support for RH programmes 
  • Mobilization of the community as stakeholders xviii – Allocation and mobilization of adequate resources for RH activities.  
  • Commitment of regulatory agencies, such as National Universities Commission (NUC) Nigeria Medical and Dental council (NMDC) and Nurses and Midwifery council of Nigeria, and the legislative arm of government to support RH issues within their purview.  


Adetokunbo, O.L. & Herbert, M.G., (2003) Short textbook of public Health Medicine for the Tropics. 4th Edition httpi/www Arnold publishers com. London, P. 293; 354; 358.

Anthony, M. (1988) AIDS Prevention through health promotion. Health promotion, Global Programmes on AIDS. WHO Geneva, P. 23.Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group

(AHRTAG) (1994) AIDS Action. Young people first. Issue 25 P. 1 – 4.Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group

(AHRTAG) (1995) AIDS Action. Home and Hospital. Issue 28 March –May P.2 – 7.

Awotunde, P.O. & Ugolduluwa, C.A. & Ozoji, E.D (1997). Practical steps to Research in education printed and Printed and Published in Nigeria by Fab Anieh (Nig) Ltd. Jos. P 86-109.

Caldwell, J. Caldwell, P. and Quiggins, P., 1989. The social context of AIDS in sub-saharan Africa. Population and Development Review, Vol.15, No. 2. P 189 in CODESRIA Bulletin Special issue 2, 3 & 4 1973-2003. P. 44-48.

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