Extent of Utilization of Information and Technology [ICT] In Small and Medium Enterprises in Ogun State.


The major purpose of this study was to determine the extent of utilization of Information and Communication Technology by the mangers of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ogun State.

Specifically, the study determined: the extent of utilization of word Processing Technology, Electronic Data Processing Technology, Electronic Office Communication Network, E-Commerce  Technology, and Small Office Machines by Managers of Small and Medium Enterprises .

Five research questions  and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature and some empirical [research] studies were reviewed.

The study employed a survey research design, and  it  was conducted  in the three Senatorial Zones of Ogun State.

The population for the study was 396 respondents, comprising 132 managers and 264 workers of registered Small and Medium Enterprises operating in Ogun State and listed in the Nigerian Business Directory.

Out of this population, a sample of 198 respondents, consisting 66managers and 132 workers, was randomly drawn from the three Senatorial Zones. 178 copies of the questionnaire [89.9] were filled and returned.

A four-point  scale,  made up of 44 structured questionnaire items was used for collecting data for the study, while the instrument was face validated by three experts.


Background of Study

During this information age, the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in business operations has become very essential for the realization of the organizational goals.

Considering the trends in technological advancement, Eruanga (2005) observed that technology has revolutionized communication during the past decades and access to  people  and  information  practically anywhere in the world has become quicker, cheaper and easier,

Ayeni (2005) also observed that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become  pervasive  within  contemporary organizations and they are indispensable tools in the day-to-day running of any establishment.

In view of this, information is seen as the tool for the  growth  of any  business  for without it a business cannot plan successfully or make better decisions.

Information, according to Brady (1992), is defined as data that has been processed in a form which is meaningful to the recipient and which is of real or perceived value in current or prospective decision and action.

He added that information is the basis of all decision making in  business  enterprises.

Similarly, Osuala (2004) stated that information is data that  has been processed  so  that  they can be used in making decisions. According to him data are unorganized facts such as numbers, names and quantities.

The term communication involves the interchange of facts, thought,  value  judgment  and opinion and may take many forms.


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