Work-Skill Needs of Secondary School Graduates in Plantain Production in Anambra State.


The study was conducted to identify work-skill needs of secondary school graduates in plantain production in Anambra State. Five research questions were developed in consonance with what the study sought to find out.

Five null hypotheses were also formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05 level of significance and 168 degree of freedom (df). A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 170 respondents, made up of 138 graduate teachers of agricultural science and 32 extension agents in Anambra state.

The questionnaire was face validated by three experts and also tested for reliability using Conbach’s Alpha which yielded the reliability coefficient of 0.79.

The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions and t-test statistic was used for testing the null hypotheses.

The findings revealed that secondary school graduates in Anambra State needed 7 work skills in site selection and land preparation for plantain production, 9 work-skills in planting of plantain.

11 work-skills in field management of plantain, 4 work-skills in harvesting of plantain, 9 work-skills in processing of plantain fruit into flour, 8 work-skill in processing of plantain into chips, 6 work-skills in processing of ripped plantain fruit into fried plantain, 6 work-skills in marketing of plantain products.

Findings on the hypotheses tested revealed that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of the responses of Agricultural science teachers and Extension Agents in relation to the work-skill needs of secondary school graduates in plantain production.

Based on the findings, it was recommended that the work-skills identified should be packaged into training manuals for use in skill-acquisition centers and for integration into secondary school agricultural science curriculum.


Title page….. i
Approval page …… ii
Certification …. iii
Dedication …….. iv
Acknowledgement …. v
Table of contents…. vi
List of tables ….. ix
Abstract …………… x


Background of the study ………. 1
Statement of the problem ……….. 6
Purpose of the study………… 7
Significance of the study ………….. 8
Research questions ………. 8
Hypotheses ……………. 9
Scope of the study…………. 9
Assumption of the study ………… 10


Theoretical frame work ….. 11
Approaches to development of occupation in plantain production ….. 13
Conceptual frame work …….. 22
Work-skills for site selection and land preparation for plantain production …. 23
Work-skills in planting plantain …………. 27
Work-skills in field management of plantain …… 31
Work-skills in harvesting of plantain fruit………. 40
Work-skills in processing of plantain … 42
Work-skills for marketing plantain products ……. 49
Related empirical studies on job skills …….. 51
Summary of related literature reviewed ……. 54


Design of the study ………. 56
Area of the study……… 56
Population of the study …. 57
Sample of the study……….. 57
Instrument for Data Collection ……….. 58
Validation of the Instrument ……… 59
Reliability of the Instrument ……. 59
Method of Data Collection…….. 59
Method of Data Analysis …… 60


Research Question 1 and Hypothesis 1……. 61
Research Question 2 and Hypothesis 2……… 65
Research Question 3 and Hypothesis 3……. 68
Research Question 4 and Hypothesis 4…… 71
Research Question 5 and Hypothesis 5. 73
Findings of the study…….. 76
Discussion of the findings…… 81


Restatement of the Problem . 91
Purpose of the study….. 92
Description of Procedure used … 92
Major findings of the Study ………. 93
Conclusion …… 94
Implications of the Study……. 94
Limitations of the study …. 95
Recommendations ………. 95
Suggestions for further Research…….. 96
References……………. 97
Appendices…. 102


1.1 Background of the Study

Plantain belongs to the family of Musaceae genus of Musa and Specie of Musa paradisiaca . It is an important staple food crop in many communities in Anambra State. Plantain is grown by many farmers for consumption and as a source of income.

According to Baiyeri and Ajayi (2000), plantain is a starchy food consumed by about 70 million people in different parts of the world in different ways. It can be fried, baked, boiled, roasted; eaten alone or with other food like rice, beans, pap and so on.

Plantain is considered a delicacy which is well accepted and enjoyed by many at meal time, including children and adults.

According to Rasheed (2003), plantains are not only most economic source of dietary energy in terms of cost per area cultivated or weight harvested but also a useful source of carotene, vitamin A, Potassium and Iron which are essential for healthy living.

Plantain flour is used excellently in bakery industries following the ban on wheat importation by Federal Government of Nigeria (Madu, 1999).

Plantain is an excellent food for young children and elderly people due to its easy digestibility and nutrient content. Madu pointed out that plantain has a lot of medicinal values. It is used in treatment of ulcer, diarrhea, throat infection, asthma, low libido in men.

Pectin (Fibre in plantain) has been found effective in treatment of colon cancer (Ogazi, 1996). Plantain floor is a medically recommended diet for diabetic patients.


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