Our world is full of addictions. Many of them seem harmless, but they can be just as destructive as any other addiction. Being consumed by things like love, relationships, money, and power, will leave you feeling empty and unfulfilled in the end. For instance, money is a strong addiction. There is no doubt about it. But there are so many other addictions too.

Food, marriage, and drugs are some of them. Food and money are so closely tied together in our society that it’s difficult to separate them. They are part of the basic and universal desires of humans. They are addictive. They become obsessions. You keep tasting them, the less satisfied you feel, and the more you want more. Then you become desperate, so you go on looking for more – and keep getting less of them. People spend years trying to satisfy their cravings, and sometimes they die trying.

The desire for money is so powerful and obsessive that it often becomes a means of overriding all other human needs including hunger, sleep, and even the drive to survive at times. It is what makes us human beings different from animals on this planet. Food is probably the most important element in our lives since, without it, we cannot survive for long.

We all have our vices. Is it money, food, or even marriage? There’s a quote for every scenario in this addictive and inspiring collection of once tasted always wanted quotes below.

Marriage is once tasted always wanted because marriage means companionship, affection, sharing of joy and sorrow, togetherness, and coming together as one. It means growing old together with your partner. Marriage should be considered an opportunity to bring out the best in you, and give you a chance to grow further by walking together through life.

1. There’s a certain addictive quality to having your favourite foods. It’s the reason why you like to try new things, because once tasted, always wanted.

2. Once you’ve had the amazing taste of some ice cream, you’ll want to keep coming back for more.

3. There’s a reason you keep reaching for this buttery, creamy, smooth, and dreamy flavour again and again—because it’s just that good.

4. It’s hard to believe how good the taste of some things is. Once you’ve had it, you can’t stop wanting it again and again.

5. When something tastes so amazing you can’t believe it, craving it is unavoidable. This kind of craving is what makes things so tasty.

6. You’ll quickly see how much you’ll love the taste of something. After one bite, your taste buds won’t want anything else.

7. People can’t believe how good their food tastes. There’s so much flavour, you just want to keep eating, once you’ve tasted it!

8. The taste is so good, you’ll never want to stop eating it. It’s all-natural, easy to make, and tastes just like the real thing.

9. You know what they say life is like a box of chocolate, once you’ve tasted it you want more.

10. Love is once tasted and always wanted. It is an indescribable feeling of warmth, fondness, and care that every man craves to have in his life. You just cannot keep your love for yourself and share it with others.

11. Love is once tasted; always wanted. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, rich or poor. It goes with everything, and it makes every moment worth living.

12. True love exists in the domain of needs and wants. It is unconditional, and it does not change as time passes. Love is once tasted and always wanted, so don’t stop believing in love.

13. Love is once tasted and always wanted. If you give love, it will make you feel happy, confident, and peaceful. Love is happiness whereas sadness was before.

14. Love is once tasted and always wanted. If you love someone who is not free then you can’t let go but if he/she also loves you very much and has feelings for you, then there’s no stopping that love.

15. Love is once tasted and always wanted. If given and received, it doesn’t matter how long it lasts. We’re all seekers in love, ready to taste the sweet fruit of love’s joys, unable to grow tired of what we’ve already tasted.

16. Love is once tasted, always wanted. Love itself is not sudden, but the decision to love is.

17. Love is once tasted and always wanted. If you have experienced love in your life, it will be important to share it with the rest of the world.

18. Love is one of the most precious and sought-after emotions in the world. When you fall in love, it can feel like a dream come true, but once you’ve been through it, you never want to stop feeling that way.

19. When it comes to love, there is no such thing as faking it. The moment you taste it, your whole life changes. And once you’ve experienced it, you can’t help but want more.

20. You will always find your way back to love because when you do, you realize that there is no place you would rather be than with them.

21. Love is once tasted and always wanted. It’s your heart, mind, and soul that you give to that special person that makes love so magical and beautiful.

22. The love of a good woman is once tasted and always wanted, but the love of a bad woman never returns.

23. Once you experience the magic and romance of love, you’ll never want to find your way back. Simply put, it’s an indescribable feeling that once you have it, you will never let go.

24. Food is once tasted and always wanted. It’s a way of life and the best part of our day, we eat to live and live to eat. All you need is love and food, while all you need is food.

26. Food is once tasted and always wanted. Food is something that we all need and want to consume for our lives to survive. Our whole generation is dependent on eating the right kind of food to survive and be strong.

27. Food is once tasted and always wanted. You won’t just eat your food, you will taste and experience it.

28. Food is one of those things that you want to eat, but once you taste it, you keep on wanting it.

29. Friendship is once tasted always wanted. Friends are those people who fill our lives with joy and close our eyes with tears. They are a precious gift from God.

30. Friendship is once tasted always wanted. True friends are like a bunch of grapes: sweet and colourful, hard to pick, and even harder to let go of.

31. Friendship is a unique bond between two souls who care for each other and always want to be there for their friends.

32. Friendship is once tasted always wanted. Friendship strengthens with distance and grows sweeter with time. True friendship lasts forever like a favourite song.

33. A friendship is once tasted, always wanted. Friendship is a key ingredient in that feeling of satisfaction and security which dissipates the feeling of loneliness. Friendship is an important element of life. Without a friend, your life might be full of sorrows and disappointments.

34. Friendship is a precious gift that can fill our lives with the joy or sadness colours of life as it contains both happiness and sorrow, but when we are in the good company of a friend, then we always want to be there.

35. Money is once tasted always wanted. Money from the top drawer draws a crowd. The one who has money succeeds in his career. He can get anything by paying for it.

36. Money is once tasted, always wanted. Money is the root of all evil. Money can’t buy happiness. These sayings might not be true, but they’re pretty close to reality. People want money; they want it, and they want it badly.

37. You can’t stop wanting more money no matter how much you get. A little change in your hand means a lot of change in your life. You can never get enough money, and never want anything

38. Money is a very powerful motivator, but it’s also something you can never have enough of. If a person gets rich, it’s even harder for them to relax and accept the fact that their bank balance is large enough.

39. Money is once tasted always wanted. Money has no interest in objects, but it is interested in being exchanged for something else.

40. Money is once tasted, always wanted, because you get satisfaction from it. You feel relaxed and happy with your earnings.

41. Money is once tasted, always wanted, because it changes the lifestyle like money can’t buy happiness.

42. Money is the single thing that every person craves in this world. It is like an addiction; once tasted, it is always wanted by everyone.

43. Money is a reward you get in exchange for working and producing something of value. All money is backed by some commodity or other, and it all has intrinsic value. So after the first bite, there is no way back.

44. Money is once tasted always wanted. It makes you look good, it makes you feel good, and it makes you smart and sexy. Money is desirable by all and sundry. The human being lives only to have more and more of it.

45. Love is the pursuit of one’s own and one’s partner’s happiness within the framework of an ongoing relationship. It should be approached with humour and a sense of adventure.

46. Love is once tasted, always wanted. Delightfully soft, amazingly strong, and long-lasting.

47. Love is once tasted, always wanted. It is the best way to express your love for someone, and that is why you need to make it special for the one you want to fall for sure.

48. Being intimate with your partner is once tasted, always wanted. It is the craving for such sweetness that compels us to climb mountains, cross deserts, endure pain, and hear tales of danger.

49. Love is as natural for you as breathing and like breathing, it is best when shared with someone you love. Love is what nourishes your soul and strengthens your relationship, making it more fulfilling, happy, and full of meaning.

50. Intimacy is once tasted, always wanted. being intimate can bring two people together, bond them, and make them closer. It plays an important role in the development of a relationship.

Hello there. I hope you enjoyed going through the collection of once tasted always wanted quotes up there. Kindly do well to drop your comment, and share the post with others. Thank you.

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