After God, our parents are secondary to be thanked and appreciated for they are the vehicle through which God used to drive us into this world, to raise us up and always there to protect us, cater for us and guide us through our path in life. So directly, they are to be shown our profound gratitude during our celebration of birthdays because by God through them we are being made to have a beautiful day like this.

Therefore, let’s ride on into these awesome wishes for thanking mom and dad on my birthday to convey gratitude to our parents and make their heart beat with pride of having you as their child. On your track!!!

Thank You Mom and Dad on My Birthday for Everything.

1. I’m so grateful to God for bringing me into a family with such wonderful parents like you. You are truly the best parents ever. Thank you so much for making my birthday this year again a memorable one. I love so much. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you especially for me. Amen.

2. Each time I ruminate on all your love and parental care you’ve shown to me, I can’t but say a big thank you to God for blessing me with such a beautiful mum and an awesome dad like you. Thank you so much for all you did on my birthday, you guys are such a blessing. God shall increase you more in all ramifications.

3. Honestly speaking, I can’t really measure the extent at which I am so happy and grateful to God and to you my lovely mum and dad especially for all you’ve done today being my birthday. May the good Lord bless you with bountiful blessings and more wisdom. Amen.

4. Mum and Dad, you are the vehicle that God used to transport me to this world and you are by God’s grace fulfilling the reason why God gave me to you, thank you so much especially during my birthdays and uniquely on this current birthday I celebrated. I love you very much. More favour and strength shall be given to you to become more of a true parent, amen.

5. Of all the things in the world, mum and dad, you guys are the best I ever have. You’ve made my day a blessing and I am so grateful to God and to you guys. God bless you.

6. Dear dad and mom, I’m very appreciative to you for all you have done for me on my birthday. As you grow each day may you also grow in more grace and wisdom.

7. Both of you have sacrificed a lot for me and undoubtedly through God, you guys are the reason why I am here today celebrating my birthday. Thanks so much, my lovely parents.

8. My birthday wouldn’t have been a reality if not for God through you, daddy and even more with you mummy. Thanks so much. God shall continue to enrich you and make you more of lovely parents to me.

9. My gratitude to you cannot be fully expressed to both you, mom and dad. You both have been such wonderful parents throughout these years. For my birthdays and specially for this present birthday. God bless you both so much.

10. You are a dad rare to have and a mom like no other, your love for me is so tender. You both are indeed a parent. Am very thankful for all your support on my birthday. May you never die before time. Amen.

11. I give thanks to God for making me an egg in which He hatched through the both you. You are such an awesome dad and a lovely mum. Thank you for all you’ve done on my birthday. God shall bless you both with bountiful showers of blessings.

12. Thank you so much dad, thank you so much mum for always being there for me. You both are truly an extraordinary parent. May the goodness and mercy of God be with you always. Long life for you both.

13. Regardless of what it might look like, u know I owe a lot to you, mum and dad. You both have been so so good to me. I’m happy God made me one of your offspring. Thanks so much for your undying love and care more so on my birthday. I love you both so much.

14. Truly parent’s impacts are really undoubted and cannot be pushed aside. That’s what both you, mum and dad are to me. I can never replace your place in my life. I thank God for making me a child giving birth by you. Thanks so much for all your gifts, love and support for my birthday. May you be kept and protected by God all through. Amen.

15. Mum, dad, you guys are the best parent in the world. You’ve made my day so beautiful and memorable. I will ever continue to bless the name of God for bringing me into a family with you as my parents.

16. Thank you, thank you and thank you so so much. I can’t thank you both enough mum and dad, you’ve been so much a lovely people I will ever live to be grateful to God for. My birthday was a very fantastic one, hmm it’s really off the hook. Thank you, dad, thank you, mum.

17. Aside from the good virtues you taught me, the love and care you show to me is immeasurable, you’ve also extended your love to me today being my birthday. May the good Lord bless and keep you both. Thanks to my wonderful parents. I love you.

18. The thought of you being alive and being my parents constantly overflows my heart with so much joy and undiluted gratitude to God. Daddy, Mummy am left speechless to really express my profound thankfulness to you both always and for my birthday. God bless you both. Amen.

19. You, my Fathers, is a rare gem and my mother a priceless diamond. I’m so bold to say to the world that I have the most amazing parents in the whole universe. Thanks so much for your love on my birthday. I love you both very much.

20. As I grow, my stature changes, my friend changes but your love, care and tutoring of me has never changed, you have again shown it to me today being my birthday. Am so grateful to you sir and ma and I saying it loud enough, I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH. Kisses!!!

21. Of a truth, I didn’t have a good primary and college education, a better university tutoring BUT I am rest assured because I have the best parents one could ever wish for. Thanks, dad, thanks mom, you’ve made my day a beautiful day. Lots of love!!!!

22. May your union be blessed and your lives be filled with more joy. Thank you so much, daddy and mummy, for my birthday, the Lord will bless you abundantly. Amen.

23. I’ll shout it so loud for the world to hear that my parents are most lovely parents ever. Am so grateful for all inevitable support and love for me most especially on my birthday. May you both live long in good health and wealth. Thanks so much.

24. Dear Dad and lovely mom, I want you to know that you both are doubtlessly the sweetest parents ever on earth. I thank you for all you’ve done for me on my birthday. Remain blessed, sir and ma.

25. Mummy, I stayed in your womb for nine months and the Daddy you’re actually the reason for my coming to this world. You both have nurtured me up in the right way and I know that a million thank you cannot be enough to express my gratitude but this little one I bring on this special day of my life, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH. God shall continue to keep and safeguard you. Amen.

26. Your way of bringing up a child is distinctly awesome, you chastise me, you watch each of my steps and many other countless things you’ve done for me. You know what? Daddy and Mummy, I am highly grateful to God for giving me to such a parent like you both. Thank you so much for my birthday. I love you!

27. My friends kept on asking that what kind of lovely parents do I have, especially for your support, undying love and care that you both gave me and also for my birthday. And I told them I’ll forever be grateful to God for making a child of you both. Thanks, Dad, thanks, mom.

28. All praise to God and Him alone, for He is the giver of all good things. He has given me very beautiful parents like you. Am also very appreciative to you dad and mom, you’ve been so loving, caring and kind to me. Thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave me on my birthday. I love you guys so much.

29. Actually, my first birthday was done when I was still that young little babe on your lovely arms, showering me with so much love and laughter. And now I am a year older today and also old enough to say a very big THANK YOU TO BOTH OF YOU for this love is still very strong and intact. God shall continually be with and guide through the days of your lives. Thanks so much.

30. Unknowingly to you daddy, I knew when you bought so many lovely things for me, without your knowledge mom, I saw when you restlessly made sure everything was always in place for me. Even more, when you both show your relentless support for other people outside and all this have I seen and learn from you. You guys are so kind and amazing. Thank God for you both and am so grateful for my birthday gifts and celebration. God bless you abundantly.

31. I learnt how to be so grateful to God from you both, even as you always perform your duties and responsibilities in times not good enough. This has made me strong and also always highly appreciative to God especially for bringing me to this family. I am saying a big thank you to you, dad and mom for this special treat on my birthday. I will not lose you untimely. I love you!!!.

32. The journey of this life is not possible to sojourn without the words and guidance of God through our parents. Daddy, both you and mummy have led and are still leading me, I know for sure that by the grace of God I will end being what God wants me to be through you both. Am so thankful for all your parental love and care even more of it on my birthday. God bless you.

33. Your inspirations, lifestyle and love through the grace of God have made me who I am today, I can’t be thankful enough. Thank you for my birthday surprises, you really made my day. I love you, dad, I cherish you, mom.

34. Thank you, dad and mom, you’ve truly been a blessing to me. My birthday was such a wonderful one. May you never be reduced in love, wisdom and riches. Amen.

35. Life’s manual is given by God to parents for guidance of the children He has given to them. You know what mom and dad? You both are successful in using this manual on all of your children. Thank you for the amazing celebration of my birthday. May I not lose you to sickness or death. Amen

36. Am so grateful to the only beautiful parents God has giving me for without you both, I wouldn’t have been what I am today. Oh, my birthday was truly the gist amongst my friends. I love you guys so much.

37. Dear father and mother, your kind of parenting is something I know every child would wish for, you both are so so amazing. Thanks for my birthday. I love you! May you live long in good health.

38. Life without a tender-hearted, caring, supportive and loving parents like you is really a blow in the face. Thanks so much, daddy and mummy, you’ve made my birthday a reality. May your love for each other grow stronger.

39. Dear Dad and Mom, asking for more gifts is not worth it because your gifts of love and care, especially on my birthday, is more than enough for me. I thank God wholeheartedly for you both. Love you!!!!!

40. Each time I think of the kind of parents I am blessed to have, I really wished that my marriage will be like yours and even more. You really made my day. Thank you, dad, thank you, mum.

41. The commitment, the sacrifice of love you both have shown to me is really a blessing everyone will desire from God. Thank you, daddy and mummy, even for my awesome birthday. More grease to your elbows. I love you!.

42. I’ll go to the mountaintop and shout it aloud for the world to here that I have the best and most lovely parents ever. I thank you both for this surprise birthday celebration.

43. No one can understand the kind of love I have for my father and mother because I myself can’t explain the type of love and care you show to me. Wow! My birthday was so blissful. Thanks, Dad and Mom. I love you so much.

44. I am conveying this message just to let you know how special you both are to me and to say a very big THANK YOU to you both uniquely for my birthday gifts and show of love. May you be blessed by God beyond that which you expect.

45. Your love for me is so unconditional and your care for me is unrelenting, indeed God gave me to a parent after His heart. Thank you mum, thank you, dad, that birthday of mine was really the talk of the town. May God strengthen and keep you especially for me.

46. Mum that cake was seriously surprising even your tireless efforts towards my birthday celebration and Dad I the resources you gave is unforgettable. I am so grateful to you both. God shall continue to strengthen and enrich your pockets. Amen.

47. My birthday was truly a memorable one and thanks to you dad and mom. I love you so much.

48. Flashing back to those years of knowing how you sacrifice a lot for me is truly a time I’ll never forget and even now I the continuation of this sacrifice and love is on. Thank you, daddy and mummy. Wishing you more blissful years ahead.

49. Last year’s memory of my birthday celebration is still very fresh and now another awesome one to add to it!. Oh, what a great measure of love. Thanks to you both, mom and dad. I love you guys so much.

50. If not for God through the both of you, the celebration of my birthday would have been so clumsy and boring. Thanks to God. Thank you as well, daddy and mummy.

51. Parents are the backbone of the success of every child. Mummy, Daddy, you guys have proven that esp today being my birthday. Thanks so much. I love you!

52. I’m always proud of you both wherever I go to because I know you’ve raised me up to become a pride for you. Am so grateful for your love and support on my birthday. God bless you both.

53. Dear father, sweet mother, I love you so much. Thank you for all your parental love and care. Wow! My birthday celebration is truly a show of more of your love.

54. I really appreciate you and am so grateful to you sir and ma for my birthday. You both are truly a blessing.

55. It’s always your desire to see me happy and joyous. Your desire has become a reality once again on this special day of mine. Thank you, dad, thank you, mom.

56. Most time when I’m down God has used you to bring me up back. Once again you have been so caring to me. I thank and love you so much.

57. Daddy, Mummy do you know am so graced by God to have you both as my parent. You’ve made this special day of my life a really special one. Thank you sir, thank you ma. I love and cherish you.

58. My parents are my true friends and very graceful personalities that I have. You both are so lovely, kind-hearted and cheerful. Am so grateful to you for my birthday celebration.

59. Nothing else am a left to say than to say thank you. My birthday was only possible by God through the both of you. I love daddy, I cherish you, mummy.

60. Of a truth, I fail to understand you love for me due to you chastisement but I’ve come to realise his graceful it is to me. And am truly appreciative to God for making me a child of you both. Thanks for your surprises on my birthday. May you live long and grow in grace. I love you!

61. I am very happy I have one of the sweetest and amazing parents on earth. Thanks to you dad and mom for the special treat on my birthday. Kisses to the both of you.

62. It’s an understatement for me to say you both love because indeed your love and care for me is very rare to find. Am highly thankful to God for giving me the lifetime opportunity of being your child. Thank you, sir, thank you ma for the gifts and party you hosted for my birthday. I love you.

63. It is always being said that behind every successful man is a gracious wife. Well, that’s true, so am also dying this behind every successful child is a loving and God- fearing parent. That’s what you both are to me, am so grateful to God. Thanks, mom and dad again for my wonderful birthday surprises. It is well with you.

64. I have a longing in my heart that I should be raised by God like you both even more to be more of a blessing to my own children. You guys are truly God-sent. I love you so much. Thanks for my birthday presents, you really made my day. May your lives be elongated the more.

65. I pray to God Almighty always that I will not lose you both untimely. I faithfully pray that your presence with me will not be cut off by sickness or death. Parents like you are so scarce to find. You’ve really made my birthday celebration off the hook. Thanks so much. Lots of love to you.

66. By the abundant grace of God, I bless the day He made you guys meet each, I honour the hour He formed me in your womb and brought me to life through the both of you. I am such a blessed child for having both of you as my parent. Thanks so much for your love and care especially on my birthday. God shall keep you gracefully.

67. If there is anybody I look up to, it’s the both of you, daddy and mummy. You are so wonderful and caring. I am saying thank you to the best parent ever. You’ve made me so happy on my birthday. I love you and cannot love you any less.

68. It’s a rare opportunity and a very awesome privilege to be the child of such a parent like the both of you, Mr and Mrs…. I love you so much and I am grateful for the regale you gave me on my birthday.

69. Thank you, dad, I’m grateful mom for all your commitment and love towards me. You made my birthday an enjoyable one.

70. I love you, daddy, I love you, mummy. My birthday wouldn’t have been a wonderful one without God through the both of you. Thanks. May you never depreciate in strength and wisdom.

71. I’m so glad to say that I have you as my parent. Thanks for your love, kindness and care especially on my birthday.

72. My heavenly Father gave me a wonderful father and mother to cater for me here on earth. And truly you both have obeyed the commandment of God over me. Thank you so much, dad and mom, uniquely for my birthday. I love and cherish you

73. Thanks for the awesome gifts and beautiful surprises you gave to me. I love dad, I love mom. I really love you both.

74. Am so grateful to you for making my birthday a fantastic one. Both of you are important people in my life. God will constantly shower His blessings upon you. Amen.

75. Your gifts are impossible to forget, it was really a bag full of love and care. Thank you, daddy and mummy. I love you so much!!!.

76. Dear Mom and Dad thanks for all you did not just on my birthday but all through my lifetime.

77. My love for you daddy and mummy is immeasurable, God specially wrought the both of you for me. I so much love and bless the day I was brought forth through your relationship. My birthday was actually one to remember. Thanks so much.

78. Deeply from the base part of my heart, I say thank you, daddy, thank you , mummy. May God bless your union the more with light and good health.

79. Taking a mere look at all your gifts and surprises has made me come to a more stronger realisation that you guys are the best thing ever to be given to me and also how much blessedness I have. Thank dad, thank you, mom.

80. Each time I think of how God carefully wrought His marvellous work of bringing to such a parent like you two, I just ceaselessly give Him all the glory. Thank daddy and mummy, you guys are such a wonder to me. Thanks for my birthday celebration.

81. Ruminating on my previous birthdays, I can’t just calculate how much I have been blessed by God. In this present birthday, you both have added to the blessedness. Thanks so much. Kisses!!!

82. God cannot come down Himself to come and take care of His children but has chosen to do that by giving parents the mandate to do so and both of you have not proven this rare opportunity wrong. Am also grateful for your support and love for me. May you never die before your time.

83. Most times I do think you hate me or love me less due to the chastity but I’ve come to realise that you truly love because this chastity has made me strong to weather the storm. Thank you for all you’ve done for me on my birthday.

84. Going through the birthday wishes, messages and gifts, I noticed that your love and care for me are more tangible than these gifts. Thank you so much dad and mom. God will cause more of His favour and mercy to follow you through out your lives. Lots of love.

85. Knowing that your love for me is so strong is what make me happy and always thankful to God for. All these years of your unreserved care and support and now on the occasion of another birthday. Thanks, mum, am grateful dad. I love you so much.

86. Mummy, Daddy, you guys made my birthday a fabulous, fantastic and flavoured one for me. You are the best!. Thanks so much.

87. Its really meant a lot to me knowing more of your care and love for me and my siblings. Each celebration of birthdays is just always what we don’t want to have without the both of you. A big heartily THANK YOU TO BOTH OF YOU. We love you!!!

88. Your kind of tutoring us so hard to come by and your words are seasoned with grace, your care and kind of love is truly from God. My birthday was really a bang! Thank Dad and Mom.

89. Some of the best things in this world are Godly upbringing, good friends, good success and all these are not achievable without parents like you. Thank for your gifts on my birthday. I really appreciate it.

90. Thank you for all you’ve done. Special and heartily thanks am I conveying to the two of you. I love daddy and I love you, mummy.

91. I am still wondering how you always know the right things to put in place for my birthday. Well, it makes me so proud of having you as my parent. Thank you, sir and ma. God will bring you into more supply of His grace.

92. I had an awesome and remarkable birthday and the thought of not having you around almost cause me to fall sick. I love you so much daddy and mummy. May the good Lord continue to bless and keep you gracefully. Amen.

93. I am one year plus today, all thanks to God Almighty, thanks to you my God-sent parent. I am so happy I have you as my parent.

94. Every year, this special day usually comes with a special treat all because of you, my handsome dad and my beautiful mom. I thank God for making me a child from both of you and I am grateful to you.

95. I was actually looking for the beautiful set of words to write in order to tell you how grateful I am…. Here they are mummy and daddy, THANK YOU SO MUCH…. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH…

96. Right from my childhood up to this very moment, I have never felt loved less but more and more. Its another birthday of mine, thank you very much, my dear parent.

97. All the glory to You the only wise God for your love in making me a child of this lovely parent. Am so grateful to the both of you for such a wonderful birthday.

98. I have never been so happy and joyful. It’s your undying love for me that does this. Thank you, sir and ma for such a fantastic surprise for my birthday. I love you so much.

99. The knowledge of having you around is truly a blessing from God. Thank you for all your love and care especially on my birthday.

100. Mummy, Daddy you guys really made me feel special in this special day of mine. Thanks so much.

101. I am always looking forward to each year’s birthday because of the showering of gifts and prayers from you to me. I know it has always been even before now. Thank you so much, daddy, am so grateful mummy.

102. As the birthday celebrant, it’s my responsibility to say THANK YOU specially to the both of you. I love daddy and mummy. Kisses! to the both of you.

103. Receiving a million dollar from you cannot be compared to the love you’ve shown and you are still showing to me. Thank you, daddy, thank you, mummy. I love you so much. May the Almighty God be with you always.

104. I say thank you to you dad and mom for my birthday. You’ve been so loving and caring. I’m so grateful for having you as my parent. All my gratefulness is to God forever.

105. Thank you, my cute father, am so grateful my only beautiful mom. You both are like a wonder from God to me. I truly appreciate God for this. I can’t love you less. May God continue to elevate you and assist you more to be a better parent. Amen.

I sincerely believe that our parents are worth more than just giving or sending them gifts but also conveying a beautifully composed message would wow them and also cause them to heartily rain their prayers on us. Thanks so much. Your parent will be so proud of having you as their child. Have a wonderful day.

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