– Credibility of Online Shopping: An Assessment of  Citizens Perception of Pay on Delivery Assurance – 

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The Internet is a global communication medium that is increasingly being used as an innovative tool for marketing goods and services. More importantly the Internet has added a new dimension to the traditional method of retail shopping (Fragale & Heath, 2014).

Subsequently, consumers are rapidly adopting Internet shopping and shopping malls are becoming popular than ever before (Kiousis, 2011). This study is therefore based on the premise that if online marketers and retailers know and understand the factor affecting consumers’ buying behaviour, then they can further develop marketing strategies to attract and retain consumers.

Background of the Study

Online shopping started in the year 1979 by Michael Aldrich  was the first entrepreneur  to invent online shopping. This entrepreneur connected his system to a modified domestic TV for transaction processing computer via a domestic telephone line. He believed this process will help in the online shopping process.

This online shopping communication medium enabled ‘closed’ corporate information systems to be opened to ‘outside. Correspondents are not just for transaction processing but also for e-messaging and information retrieval and dissemination, later known as e-business.

In March 1980, he went on to launch  online  shopping Redifon’s Office Revolution, which allowed consumers, customers, agents, distributors, suppliers and service companies to be connected on-line to the corporate systems and allow business transactions to be completed electronically in real-time as compared to what it used to be before.

Statement of the Problem

In modern day society, online shopping otherwise called E- marketing have become the order of the day (Kiousis, 2011). Most people are now shopping online and this kind of buying and selling makes purchase more easy as it affords the users the opportunity to engage in buying and selling.

In online shopping, goods are ordered then delivered to the buyer at his or her convenient place. But often times, the problem of online shopping credibility makes it so difficult for most people to engage in online shopping since the next buyer or seller may not know who he or she is transacting


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