April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It has 30 days. It is a month of change and new beginnings, as well as a time for spring cleaning, both mentally and physically. It’s a time to get back to nature and enjoy all that Mother Nature has to offer this month. The month of April can bring good or bad news to anyone. It depends on how people are going to handle the situation and how they will react to it.

April is a mixture of happy, sad and depressed feelings. This is because April is the first month after winter, which means there will be a lot of changes in people’s lives. After winter comes spring, which means that this month will be full of freshness and new beginnings. This month will also be full of surprises; some good and some bad ones.

The month of April has been known as April Fools’ Day for hundreds of years — and it’s not hard to see why. April 1st seems like the perfect day for people to play pranks on each other. It is also a good time to look back at what you accomplished in March and make plans for how you can improve in April.

Below is a collection of April quotes for calendars that contains quotes that you can use to achieve your plans for the month.

It is time to start fresh. The beginning of April is a time for new beginnings. A time for changes and a clean slate. Let’s take advantage of it! Let’s make the most out of this month and go out there and get what we want in life!

1. Welcome, April. With your sunny disposition and fresh spring breezes, we’re sure you’ll be a delight to spend time with today.

2. Welcome April. Welcome warmth, welcome warmer nights. You bring us fresh spring flowers, new life, and brighter days. We’re ready to soak you in and fill our lives with your radiance.

3. Happy April, and welcome to a month filled with fresh starts, new ideas and big dreams.

4. April, your time has come. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are in bloom. You’ve got a lot to look forward to this month: graduations, weddings and vacations. Make the most of it by setting goals, following through on your plans, and working hard each day. It’s all ahead of you – go out there and let it happen!

5. Welcome, April, in all your beautiful glory. There’s nothing like springtime to lift the spirits.

6. Welcome, April! We’re so excited to have your upbeat energy and sunny disposition. Let’s take some time to celebrate the first month of spring.

7. Happy April! We hope you’ll enjoy this month’s calendar of events and inspirational images, and we’re looking forward to celebrating all things April with you.

8. April, you are the birth month of inspiration. You’re a positive person who brings an uplifting attitude to everyone around you.

9. Welcome, April. We are thrilled to see you again and ready to celebrate with you!

10. Welcome, April. Your presence brings us so many things: birdsong and spring flowers, warm sandals and new romance.

11. Hello, April. Welcome to the warm and lovely month of April! It is a time to start anew. Full of possibility, love and motivation; brighten this upcoming month with your own sunny disposition. Happy April!

12. Welcome April, the month of rebirth, spring cleaning and more importantly getting a fresh start. New beginnings for us all with this month full of promise.

13. Welcome, April, we’re so excited to see all the new and exciting things this month has to offer!

14. Welcome April! This is a time for new beginnings and fresh ideas. Fresh starts and clean slates are ahead for us all, so let’s make the most of them. Let’s get inspired by this month’s messages and go out there and conquer!

15. April is a month of renewal, change, and transformation. It also brings with it our new product catalogue. It’s a time for spring cleaning of your closets and home, so it might as well be applied to digital closets too. Let’s make some noise!

16. April is here and it’s time to clean out our lives! Get rid of clutter, release unrealistic expectations, and make space for happiness. We’re always working hard to prepare for what’s ahead, so let’s get it done!

17. It’s been said that April showers bring May flowers. If that’s the case, then we’ve got an amazing month ahead of us. Now we just have to be willing to go out there and grab it by the horns!

18. This month is your time to make the most of each day. This is your time to think and dream big. This is your time to take action!

19. Each month is like a clean slate. It’s a time to focus on where you want to be, how far you’ll go, and what you can accomplish. This is your time to start anew!

20. This is your time to reach out and accomplish your dreams. This is your time, so do something amazing!

21. As the days lengthen and you make it your mission to squeeze each day for all it’s worth, remember: You don’t have to save up for a year of vacation on one particular day. You can take a long weekend every month if you want. Think about that.

22. If you work hard and keep at it, you can achieve whatever your heart desires.

23. Through persistence, dedication and hard work, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself. As long as you’re willing to put everything on the line and never give up, success is guaranteed.

24. No matter what you dream of, no matter how hard it may seem, anything is possible. It takes a lot of passion, hard work and dedication to make your dreams a reality. But there’s no limit to what you can do.

25. February is the season for hope, cheer and joy. The new you and the change that you want to see in the world require action. To make a change and enhance your life, you need to keep moving forward.

26. You only have one life to live. Don’t waste it. Make the most of it.

27. Live with no regrets. Make sure the boat is seaworthy and jumps into the ocean of opportunities.

28. We all dream. Make it a reality, take the leap and let your dreams come true.

29. You may not know it, but you’ve already got everything you need to succeed in February.

30. Welcome, April! Your sunny disposition is sure to bring warmth and hope to us all. Here’s to a month of celebration and happiness!

31. Welcome, April. In just a few days, you’ll be here — the subtlest harbinger of spring in all its glory. Flow through the world like an April breeze, and bring us back to life! We’re ready for you.

32. Welcome, April. The sun is shining and the new month is bringing possibilities, energy and light good vibes all around!

33. Welcome to April, where we are ready to bring in the spring sunshine. Remember to take care of your skin, go for a brisk walk, or just sit outside and add some colour to your cheeks!

34. Welcome April – the month of new beginnings, fresh starts, and those late winter days when you can finally feel a hint of a change in the weather.

35. Welcome, April! The days are getting longer and we’re infused with a sense of adventure. Let the sunshine in and discover what lies ahead today.

36. Hello, April! We’re excited to welcome you into the world. We think you’re going to have a blast as a new member of our family. May you be full of new discoveries and exciting adventures.

37. Welcome, April. Welcome to a new month. Welcome to the world of possibilities. Welcome to the sounds of birds chirping and flowers blooming. Welcome to the slight nip in the air that reminds you that spring is here. And most importantly, welcome to your dreams—as they are just within reach!

38. April, the month of rebirth and rejuvenation. A new season calls for a fresh start. Let the new you begin now!

39. Welcome, April! We’ve got a whole lot to look forward to this month. Let’s get started!

40. Welcome to April! We loved March and hope you did, too. Now it’s time to enjoy the springtime weather, new life and activities that come with warmer weather.

41. Welcome to April, the month of beginnings and endings and new beginnings. Meet your goals by breaking them down into smaller tasks and celebrating each small win.

42. The sun is shining, flowers are blooming and there’s a clear blue sky above. You might say it’s the perfect time to start something new. Welcome, April!

43. It’s time to welcome April, with all of its green grass, sunshine and the promise that warmer weather is coming. April helps us to live in the moment and embrace all that is new in life.

44. Welcome April! Enjoy the month with new beginnings, sunshine and all the warmth.

45. Welcome April! We are grateful for your arrival. The warmer weather is here, summer is just around the corner, and we are ready to embrace spring’s relaxation and festivities.

46. It’s April. That means it’s time to shake off those winter blues and embrace the spring.

47. Welcome, April! It’s the first of the month and starts a great month for you. Whether you are going outside or staying at home, it’s time to make some changes in your life for better days ahead!

48. We welcome April with open arms. The weather is warming and the days are getting longer. It’s time to start thinking about adventures and vacations!

49. Hello, April! We’re so excited to see spring colours and fresh air. Welcome to the world!

50. The month of April is the “Hello, world!” moment for new opportunities. It’s a time to step out and practice your craft, bring it to life and make it happen! (You can too!)

Hello there! I hope you enjoyed going through the collection of April quotes for calendars up there. If you did, please make sure you drop your comment and share the quotes with other people. Thanks.

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