– Bacteriological Quality Of Smoked Fish Would Cover The Bacteria That Affect Smoked Fish And Its Public Health Implications – 

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Fish are classified as any of the of the super class Pisces typically showing gills, fins and streamline body. In addition Fish also refers to any other form of marine or fresh water animal that can be used for human consumption.

Fish is also an important part of a healthy diet since it contains high quality protein but typically presents a low fat percent when compared to other meat.

The production and consumption of fish in Nigeria has been a major source of animal protein which has competed favorably with meat.

Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) has been reported to be a very important fresh water fish in Nigeria. It has enjoyed wide acceptability in most parts of the country because of its unique taste, flavor and texture. It is widely distributed, extensively cultivated in ponds.

Fish is one of the best sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals and are essential nutrients required for supplementing both infant and adult diets (Abdullahi et al., 2009).

In Nigeria, Fish can be eaten, preserved, or processed (smoked) and form a much cherished delicacy that cuts across socio-economic, age, religious and educational barriers (Adebayo-Tayo et al 2012).

As earlier reported, the associated with freshly harvested fish is principally a function of the environment in which the fish are caught and not of the fish are caught and not of the fish species, hence the indigenous microbial population of fish can vary significantly (Shewan 2014).

A similar report on fish confirmed that fish because of their soft tissues and are extremely susceptible to microbial contamination.

Millions of bacteria, many of them are present in the surface slime,on the gills and in the intestines of live fish although the flesh itself is normally sterile.

on the fish are prevented by the body’s natural defense system during life but after death the defense system breaks down and the bacteria multiply and invade the flesh (Abolagba and Uwagbai 2011).


Abdullahi, Abarca, Erkan, N. and O. Ozden, (2009 Abdullahiet al., 2009)). Gutted and un-gutted sea bass (Dicentrarchuslabrax) stored in ice: Influence on fish quality and shelf-life. Int. J. Food Properties, 9: 331-345.

Abe, Efluvwevwere and Ajiboye, (2010). Fisheries Technical Papers-T142.The production of fish meal and oil. Fisheries Industries Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/X6899E/X6899 E00.HTM

Abolagba and Melle, (2012). Chemical Composition and Keeping Qualities of a Scaly Fish Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) Smoked with Two Energy Sources. African J. Gen. Agric., 4(2): 113-117.

Abolagba and Uwagbai, (2011).Microflora of low-salt herring ii.The influence of sodium benzoate on microflora of low-salt herring.Elect. J. Polish Agric. Univ., 5: 14. http://www.ejpau.media.pl/volume5/issue2/food/art-14.html

Adebayo-Tayo, Abe, Efluvwevwere, B.J.O. and M.O. Ajiboye, (2012). Control of microbiological quality and shelf-life of catfish (Clariasgariepinus) by chemical preservatives and smoking.J.AppliedBacteriol., 80: 465-470.

Akande, (2013).  District Laboratory Practical in Tropical Countries.Part 2. Cambridge University Press,United Kingdom.

Ali, A., Karunasagar and Karunasagar, (2011). Effect of frozen period on the chemical, microbiological and sensory quality of frozen tilapia fish (Sarotherodungaliaenus).Afr. J. Biotechnol., 4: 852-855.

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