CEBHA+Doctoral Scholarship for Research in Low and Middle Income Countries 2020.

CEBHA+Doctoral Scholarship: Application are currently invited from suitably qualify candidate for CEBHA+Doctoral Scholarship for Research in Low and Middle Income Countries 2020. See more details below;

The Collaboration for Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health in Africa (CEBHA+) is awarding doctoral students to apply for a 3-year scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to international as well as Malawian citizens.

The Network aims to build long-term capacity and infrastructure for evidence-based healthcare and public health in sub-Saharan Africa, by focusing on both prevention of disease and delivery of care for NCDs.

Cochrane South Africa (SA) is part of the global, independent Cochrane network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people interested in health.

Cochrane is a non-profit organisation that prepares and disseminates information (in the form of reviews) on what works and what doesn’t in health care. These reviews enable policy makers, health service providers and the public to make informed decisions about health care.

Scholarship Description

  • Applications Deadline: Application Closed.
  • Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue doctoral degree programs.
  • Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded in the fields related to Public Health.
  • Scholarship Award: The total scholarship is valued at € 24,000 and will be paid out over 3 years. The scholarship will be administered through the successful candidate’s university; and it will cover tuition fees and research costs, and contribute towards living expenses. Payment of the scholarship will be as per the university policy; and continued payment of the scholarship will depend upon the candidate’s satisfactory progress against agreed goals. The successful candidate will be mentored by experienced researchers within the CEBHA+ Network.
  • Nationality: Scholarships are awarded to international as well as Malawian citizens.
  • Number of Scholarships: Numbers not given
  • Scholarship can be taken in Each of the doctoral candidates will be hosted at one of three institutions:
  1. South African Medical Research Council (students may be registered at any university in sub-Saharan Africa)
  2. Stellenbosch University
  3. University of Malawi

Scholarship Eligibility:

Eligible Countries: Scholarships are awarded to international as well as Malawian citizens.

Entrance Requirements: Eligibility criteria for applicants per institution:

South African Medical
Research Council
Stellenbosch University
(South Africa)
University of Malawi
Citizenship Not a criteria Not a criteria Malawian citizen
Qualifications Master’s degree Master’s degree in Public Health or Epidemiology
PhD registration at University Students already registered or accepted and intend to register at any university in sub-Saharan Africa Students already registered or accepted and intend to register at these institutions
Research background Public health, global health, clinical epidemiology, or nutrition or related field Public health and epidemiology
Research interest NCDs-related research and evidence synthesis methods Evidence-based health care, epidemiology, public health
PhD proposal topic Policy relevant NCDs-related research within the LMIC public health context Policy relevant NCDs-related research within the LMIC public health context or evidence-based health care
Employment Not more than 20hrs/week
Contact person Bey-Marrie Schmidt Traci Naidoo Suzgika Lakudzala
Email address of contact person

How to Apply: 

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria should please submit the following documents by 26 November 2018.

  1. Completed 
  2. Copy of Passport/ID
  3. Full CV
  4. Motivational letter outlining relevant research experience
  5. Proof of registration from doctoral candidate’s university (if applicable)
  6. Summary of intended doctoral research

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