For to be well is to be healthy, and to be healthy is to be whole. Wellness is a whole package of healthiness. Wellness is an unavoidable state that every creature enjoys.

Naturally, we humans can be down with some ailment or another but being able to get well back and become hale and healthy is the real deal. Of course, everyone wants to get well and enjoy wholeness. Isn’t it? Exactly!

Our dads are special personalities in the families, they are groomers and installers of virtues and courage. They are also the source of strength and courage for the whole family.

Traditionally, he is the one who works hard and ensures that the family is in good shape. He makes a lot of sacrifices for his wife and children to have a good life, he ensures that good virtues are instilled in the family. Decisions are borne by him as well as consequences of every decision are first and mainly endured by him.

Hmmm, you sure know this right?

It is actually normal that our dads go down with one sickness or another but coupled with the necessary drugs and therapies required for recovery, one important key to the quick recovery from illness is the conveyance of a heart warmth get well soon messages dad from his loved ones.

Sure it is!

Then, get ready and dive into these awesome collections of get well soon messages wishes and quotes for your father.

Let’s dive in!

A man with love and care for people and things around him. May your health be restored and your body be made sound again. Do have a speedy recovery, dad. Get well soon, my lovely dad.

1. Daddy, it is a blessing to have you as my father. I am a proud child to have a father like you. May your health always be healthy and your body be rejuvenated. May you enjoy peace and soundness.

2. Yes you are a strong man, an active one at that, dad. Rise, dad and beat that ailment trying to weigh you down. The Lord is your strength. May you be healed and that on time. May your body experience freshness and rejuvenation all over. Get well soon, dad.

3. Hey dad, I missed hearing your sweet voice calling out all your children’s names, your words of encouragement each time any one of us are down with one situation or the other, we really appreciate you, dad. That sick bed you are in is making us sad. May you gain strength to combat every weakness, and be revitalized afresh. Daddy, I wish you a very speedy recovery. Get well soon, dad.

4. Fathers are mirrors through which every child looks through and tries to shape to fit. Daddy, you are such an awesome man. I bless God for sending me to the world through you and mum. May your health be restored and every part of your body that is weak be strengthened. Get well soon, dad.

5. Dad, we’ve all missed you being very active and being over everyone in the house. Dad, I know the sickness is only meant to reset all your bones back and bring them back rejuvenated and refreshed. Get well soon, dad. Missing you!

6. A man that sees to the happiness of everyone around him, a father that has the interest of all his family and everyone around at hand. Daddy, I pray for a speedy recovery for you. And perfect soundness in your body. Get well soon, dad.

7. A father that is not just a strengthens and gives good courage to every of his own not considering their weaknesses. A special person and a great icon is who you are, daddy. I am blessed to have you as my father. And I pray that all your medications work perfectly well for you. May you experience a quick and sound recovery. Get well soon, dad.

8. Dad, we miss you so much here at home. We are praying earnestly for your quick and smooth recovery. Always remember that we love you so much. Get well soon, dad.

9. To our sweet loving father, we pray for a quick, sound and healthy recovery for you. We need you so dearly dad. Get well soon.

10. Though you are with us, but we are not feeling your presence, we know this sickness is but for a while. We pray that much earlier than the expected time for your recovery, all your medications and your rest shall command a divine and quick recovery for you. We’ve missed you so much, dad. Get well soon.

11. Who’s there to occupy us with both daylight and moonlight stories, it’s you, dad, we’ve not just missed the stories but we’ve missed our dearest father. Do get well sooner than later. May you feel more refreshed and may your health be restored quickly. Get well soon dad.

12. It is unbearable for us to see you on that sick bed dad, so with faith and hope we say that your bones shall receive strength and your whole body system shall respond to life more effectively. Get well soon, dad.

13. With faith unwavering and hope unending, we pray that your health be restored and your body be refreshed. We’ve missed you so much, dad. Get well soon.

14. Having you as our father is a great thing that the whole family is blessed with. You are truly a father whose heart is after the good of all around you. It’s our prayer that the sickbed you are on will be made a bed of sofa at the beach where you are having a time out enjoying yourself. May your recovery be made quick and your health be fully restored. Get well soon, dad.

15. May you be strengthened and your health sound. With faith and trust in God, we pray that you shall be made whole and that on time. We’ve really missed you dad. Get well soon.

16. Healing is continuous and being healthy is crucial to our being alive. We can’t afford to make you spend more days on that sickbed, dad. We humbly pray that the mercy of God will grant you a speedy recovery, dad. Get well soon.

17. Healing of the body and soundness of the mind and heart shall be your lot from now henceforth, lovely dad. We pray for a gracious and speedy recovery for you, dad. Get well soon.

18. We can’t afford to see you in pains and anguish, dad. We love and hope for your quick and sound recovery. Get well soon, dad.

19. A father that cares about the well-being of his family, your words of courage and good life are always behind us following us like the cord around our necks. We really appreciate you dad. And we pray with so much faith in our hearts that your sickness shall be dissolved and your health shall be restored with the fullness of agility and strength. Get well soon, my sweet dad.

20. May your heart be made strong, your bones be rejuvenated and all your body system be made whole. Get well soon, dad.

To a sweet loving dad, a very agile and sound man, we pray for your speed and healthy recovery. Get well soon, lovely dad. We hope to have you back with us!

21. A father with so much vigour and respect. You are so loved, dad. It’s our prayer that you shall be made whole and sound back. And your health shall be indeed healthy. Get well soon, dad.

22. Remain calm, dad. Rest well, eat all the fruits at your disposal and take all of your medications. We pray for your quick and sound recovery. Get well soon, dad.

23. To a special man, an awesome father and a great dad. We love you so dearly and we’ve missed you a lot. We pray that the root of your ailment shall dry off and your health shall be restored and refreshed. Get well soon, dad. We’re dying to have you back home!

24. As you lay on that sickbed, dear father, we beseech the mercies of God to give His angels charge over you and that by His grace you shall take up your bed and come home for you shall be restored and raised from your sickbed. We love you so dearly dad. Quick recovery!

25. Hello dad, I know you are either sleeping now or possibly receiving treatment at the receiving of this card. With faith and trust in the living God, may you receive your healing immediately and your body be rejuvenated back with the full force of life. Amen. We love you, dad, get well soon.

26. By faith in God, we say that in the next few days, you are going to be wining and dining with the whole family. Get well soon, dad.

27. To God the great healer we say this prayer on your behalf. May that very part of your body that is weak be made strong and everything dead be brought back to life. Healthiness and soundness is your portion from now henceforth, dad. We can’t afford to go another week without you being around. Get well soon, dad.

28. May your body respond to every treatment being administered on you, may all the medications given to you fully diffuse and perform their respective works in your body system and may the grace of God bring your health into perfect peace and soundness. Get well soon, dad. We love you!

29. Nothing shall in no wise take you away from us now, you are so loved and needed here with us. We can’t afford to lose you, dad. We pray, with faith overwhelming in our hearts that your health shall be fully restored and that the root of every sickness and malfunctions in your body be dried off. We love you so much, father, we wish you a quick recovery.

30. May you enjoy peace like a river, may your body be rejuvenated and refreshed to fight against every virus, bacteria, fungi, nematodes or any kind of disease they are called. The strength of the Lord shall be supplied to you more and more. Stay calm dad, the Lord shall heal you and that right early. Get well soon, dad.

31. To my dearest father, I wish you long life in good health and soundness. With faith and confidence, I know you are healed already. I’m expecting you at home. I love you, dad.

32. Not all that are confronted with this kind of accident survived it, but with assurance and confidence in my heart, I know that you shall be completely healed. Keep the faith, dad and all shall be well. I love you so much, dad.

33. May your bones receive life and your reins made to respond soundly to life. We wish you a quick recovery, dad. We love you!

34. You are a good man, a father of worth and a loving sweet dad. We pray that your health shall be restored sooner than later. We need you back with us. Get well soon, dad.

35. May healing come and that right early. May the mighty power of God wrought healing and soundness in your body. Get well soon, dad.

36. Dad, we can’t bear your pain with you anymore, by faith in Jesus Christ we declare that you take up your sickbed and rise. For your healing is come. We love you, dad.

37. To God our heavenly Father, we pray that no power of sickness shall hold you down anymore. You are made free and that right early. We are expecting you at home dad. Get well soon.

38. May your body be strengthened to war against every force of diseases and pain. May your health be perfectly restored. We love you, dad. Get well soon.

39. To a loving and lively father, we missed being around a lively and active man like you. Strength and agility are made available for you this time dad, get up and come up from the be a very strong man. This is our prayer for you by faith. Quick recovery!

40. We wish you not just a quick recovery but a healthy one. We love you, dad.

My sweet loving dad, knowing you are on that sick bed is weighing me down seriously. Keep your heart strong for I know you are a fighter, dad, fight for your life. I’ve really missed your eating your meals dad, mum is not really getting that unique taste your food has, as your daughter I enjoy staying with you in the kitchen
Dad, get well soon!

41. Hello sweet dad, your early morning words of wisdom and knowledge has always been my guide in life. My friends question my kind of approach to situations being unique, but I know I have a source, it’s you, Dad, I love you so much, dad. Please do get well, I wish you a very quick recovery.

42. I only enjoying companying with you in the kitchen dad, not in the hospital. Pls, do get well soon. I’ve missed you so much, my lovely cute dad. Get well soon!

43. As your daughter, you are not just my dad, but a father indeed, a mentor and an icon. I appreciate your effort in my life, dad. And I want you to know that I love you so much. It’s my prayer that you are relieved of every form of pain, disease or sickness in your body. May your body be refreshed and rejuvenated. Get well soon, dad.

44. I’m a blessed daughter to have a sweet loving father like you. You are such a rare personality, dad. I am so proud and blessed to be a daughter to you. May your health be fully restored and completely made healthy. Get well soon, dad. I’ve missed you so much.

45. You are not just mummy’s husband, neither are you just a father but a father with a difference, a special, caring, disciplined and loving father. I am so blessed to be your daughter. With faith, I declare that today marks the last day on that sickbed. Get up dad, I pray you are strengthened against every disease, pain and sickness that has weighed you down. Quick recovery for you dad!

46. We’ve all try to act as if we can manage to play your role in the family, even my brothers have tried all their best but they’ve come to realise the uniqueness of having you in the family, dad. We pray for a quick recovery from your ailment that, we’ve not just missed your roles in the family but it’s you we’ve missed dad, may your health be completely restored in Jesus name. We love you, dad. Get well soon!

47. With faith and confidence in God Almighty, we strongly hope for your recovery dad. Your daughter is missing you! Daddy, may God help you out from that sick bed and that right early. I love you, dad. Get well soon.

48. May your body receive strength and your veins lighted to respond to all your treatments. I wish for a lively and graceful recovery for you dad. From me your daughter to my sweet loving father, I say get well soon!

49. As a daughter, you hold a very dear part of my heart dad, you are my mentor, my teacher and my friend. I can’t stand another moment without my friend and my teacher. Get well soon, my dearest dad. I’ve missed you!

50. A strong body system, a resilient immune system and a responsive one shall your body be made to fight against every kind of disease. To my loving dad, I pray for a quick recovery. I love you, dad.

My icon, my disciplinarian and my man. Daddy, I have missed you so much. I pray that every disease, pain or ailment in your body be expired and detoxified. I need my superman back. Get well soon, dad.

51. To my strong, resilient, agile, and honourable father, I wish you a quick and sound recovery. I love you, dad.

52. Although, you’ve taught and raised me to be able to stand the situation holding forth with the right attitude. Yes, I have been holding forth but I know I still need you very much with me here, dad. Please do get well soon, your dear son needs you. I love you, dad!

53. May every pain and sickness be expired, every hidden ailment in your body shall be exposed and perfectly dealt with. With love and hope from you son, get well soon, dad.

54. Happy is a son that has his father as his mentor, his guide and a gist partner. Daddy, I’ve missed you more. Please do get well soon. I love you!

55. I have greatly missed my sidekick, my life coach and a great teacher. I have so much missed you, dad, I pray you get well sooner than later.

56. Mum and I have been on a serious prayer for your quick recovery, daddy. And we know for sure that our prayers are answered. I love you, dad. I’m expecting you home sooner than expected.

57. You are a real man, dad. A man of great strength and agility. Rise with great resilience and overcome that ailment. Get well soon, dad.

58. I so much miss you, daddy. I hope you get well soon so that we can hang out and see our favourite movies again. I love you!

59. Get well soon for I can’t wait to see you, dad. I love you so much!

60. Daddy, your absence at home makes everyone unhappy. Please get better soon because we need you here back home. We love you, dad.

Father, a father is one who even when he is down, still thinks of every other person’s welfare. You are a father indeed! May you recover fast and fully. Get well soon, sir.

61. You are a father of worth, a father that looks out for his children with all that he has. You being on that sick bed has weighed us all down. We need your presence with us more

62. Don’t ever allow any situation to weigh you down, try to think well and think through! These are your words, father. And they are like chords around my neck. Thank you, daddy. Please do get well soon and better. I’ve missed you so much!

63. People do say, like son like father. I admire your great strength and passion for righteousness, father. You are a father everyone would love to have as theirs, for me, I am so blessed to be one of your offsprings. Daddy, may you get better and that on time. I love you, so much.

64. You are not just a father but also a great mentor, an amiable icon and a great life coach. I really appreciate your efforts over me, father. May you find strength and grace for healing and soundness in your whole body. Get better soon.

65. Gather your strength together dad, I know you are not an easy man. Let that sickness know who it has come in contact with. May you come out of that ailment strong and better. Get well soon, father.

66. I wish you a very sound, fast and full recovery, my dearest father.

67. Get well soon father. Take all your medications on time. I will come and see you soon.

68. Seeing you on the sick bed makes us all sad and worried. May our sadness be turned to happiness and our worry be turned to excitement by your speedy and full recovery, dad. Amen. Love you dad!

69. Father, I want you to know that these trying times shall become history sooner than later. And your health shall be sound and your body be revitalized. Get better soon, dad.

70. I wish you soundness and agility in your body system and prosperity in your health, my dear father.

To the strong, every weakness is another chance to get stronger. Papa, my amiable papa. Be strong and overcome these weakening times. Get well better faster, fully and so very soon.

71. Wellness is a function of general healthiness. Papa, I don’t just wish for your recovery but much more perfect wellness for you. Get well soon, father.

72. Fathers are like mirrors that their children look through. You are a good man and I know every one of your children will be better. Do get better on time, father.

73. Give hear to the instructions of your father and forget not his virtues. My dear father, I am indeed blessed to be a child of yours. I pray that you shall be made free from this ailment and made stronger than you were before. Get well soon, dad.

74. Ensure to take all of your medications and rest very well. Get well soon, dad.

75. May your body respond to all treatment that you are given father. I wish you a full and fast recovery.

76. Put yourself together dad, I know you are a very strong man. May you get well better and soonest.

77. It’s may not be easy and sometimes you feel dizzy. But I know you will get over it soon, dad. I wish you a very fast and full recovery!

78. The world is more beautiful and amazing because of fathers like you. You’ve helped a lot around to become successful. You’re such a wonderful man. Please ensure to use all your medications and take enough rest. Get well soon, father.

79. Get better soon, father. Lots of love!

80. Some don’t believe in heroes and men of worth, but actually, I say, they’ve not met my father. You’re such a great man, dad. May you get well fast and fully.

You are a real man, a father, a wonderful dad. I appreciate your person and I’m so happy to be one of your children. May you be revitalized and all your body system be rejuvenated. Speedy recovery, dad.

81. Hello dad, I know you might still be asleep by now. I pray that your health shall be restored and you shall enjoy soundness all together. Get better soon, dad.

82. May the Almighty God protect and shield you from any other further sickness and pain. This one you are in is already healed. Happy recovery, dad.

83. You are truly the king of the house, dad. Your absence has made the palace so dull and inactive. We pray for your quick recovery, dad. The palace needs back her king.

84. Hello father, I hope you are getting better because I can’t wait to have you back. Your presence with us completes the family. Get well soonest, dad.

85. Everything feels different without you around dad, mum’s place is irreplaceable just as your part in our lives and home is inevitable. My dear father do get better soonest, we’ve all missed you dearly. We can’t wait to have you back.

86. Life doesn’t come with a manual of instructions but we’ve got fathers like you with depths of wisdom to guide and lead. Daddy, you are a good man. I can’t wait to have you back home, do get better soon.

87. May you know peace, good health and soundness in your spirit, soul and body. I love you, dad. God bless and keep you for us. Get better soon!

88. I declare with faith and confidence in God that every fo of illness, pain and discomfort you are experiencing is detoxified. May you enjoy soundness and prosperity in health.

89. Hello dad, I pray that this sickness is made powerless on you. You are already a victor over this illness and every other hidden one. We’re expecting you at home already, dad. Happy recovery.

90. May your heart be made strong, may your muscles be strengthened, may your veins respond to treatment and generally may your body experience freshness and soundness. Get well soon, dad.

I know you are sick, father but I also you are going to be fine even much more healthier and stronger. This I know by faith and so much confidence in God. Quick recovery, dad.

91. You are sick bodily but your lifestyle is very much healthy and is richly blessing many. Dad, may your health condition be restored and your body revitalised and refreshed.

92. Your words of wisdom and instructions to me are like marrows in the bone that the bone can’t do without. I bless God for making me an offspring of yours. And it is my heartfelt prayer for you father, that you get better and that right early. I love you, father.

93. May your bones not fail, may your reins and veins not lose their strength, amen. May your body respond to all the treatment that will be administered to you. Get better soon, dad.

94. Our trust is in the Lord and Him do we commit you to, father. We believe He has healed you, we so much have faith that you have been made whole. We love you, father.

95. We’ve prayed and we are convincingly certain that your healing is here and now. Relax father, the Lord has healed you.

No condition is made permanent here on earth. So also we are certain of this condition you are in now, dad that it is not permanent, actually your recovery is nearer than before. You are getting better, dad. Happy and quick recovery for you!

96. We wish you not just a quick recovery, dad but a full and happy one at that. Lots of love!

97. All the disease, pains and discomfort you are having are drowned and you are made free, dad. Happy recovery, dear father.

98. May you recover quickly, may all your medications work effectively and accurately. Daddy, we’ve missed you a lot. Happy recovery!

99. May your strength be renewed, may your body be refreshed and rejuvenated. Do have a sound recovery, dad.

100. You are surrounded with love and care father because you deserve it and more. And with all these, I can see you are recovering faster. I can’t wait to have you at home, dad. Happy recovery!

Of course, your dad is sick but you can rescue him from the jaws and grip of that sickness with your prayers, words of encouragement, love and care as much as your visitation and gifts need to be conveyed.

I believe the above collections of get well soon, father messages, prayers, quotes and many more will hasten your father’s recovery and help him to his feet back again fitted and happy. You’d bet!

Do well to collect from these collections and send them to your dad, your friend’s dad, and every father figure you have in your life.

You can also share them with your friends and loved ones as well as share your comments on this amazing post of mine. Your comment will be highly appreciated and looked into keenly.

May your father get healed with ease and may he be immune from any further sickness or pain. Fast and full recovery for your dear father. Amen.

Thanks, love you!

By admin

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