Beach Tourism in Nigeria: Elegushi Beach Resort, Lagos State.


This research work is divided into five chapters. It highlighted on beach tourism in Nigeria, a case study of Elegushi Beach Resort, Ikate Kingdom in Lagos State as well as other parts of the world.

Chapter one discusses about beach/coastal  tourism generally all over the world with particular reference to Nigeria.

The challenges being faced for sustainable tourism, how beach tourism has a low recognition in Nigeria, the objectives of this research, the methods of data collection and analysis,

The scope of study as well as its significance and relevance to Lagos State in particular, the nation  as a whole and also to all lovers of tourism and beaches.

The limitation of study was experienced and discussed in the course of study and the explanations of  terms  relating to beach tourism. Chapter two laid emphasis on theories used for this research work and its relevance to the work.

Chapter three centers on the background information of Lagos State, Ikate town In Eti-Osa Local Government, its climate and vegetation, the socio-cultural, political and economic activities of people  of Lagos State and the genealogy of Elegushi royal family.


Background of Study

Tourism is an indispensable tool for development in the country if not the  whole world. Despite some of its negative effects on the environment, it is still the  devil people cannot do without.

A man should ever be ready booted  to  take  his journey whenever tourism is mentioned. Tourism industry is one of the  fastest  growing industry employing hundreds of millions of  people  worldwide  which explains the reasons why study of tourism and tourism research have become so important in not only the academic field but also for the economy on the whole.

Beach tourism also known as coastal tourism and recreation are important parts of the largest and most rapidly growing activity in the world (Houston, 1995).

This topic embraces the full range of tourism, leisure and  recreational oriented  activities that take place in the coastal zone and the off shore coastal waters across the world/globe.

They include coastal tourism development, for instance, the hotels, resorts, restaurants, food industry, vacation homes, second homes and so on, the infrastructural facilities supporting coastal development like  retail  businesses,

marinas, dive shops, fishing tackle stores, recreational boating harbors, beaches,  fishing facilities, boating, cruises, swimming, snorkeling and diving as well as public and private programmes affecting the aforementioned activities (Houston, 1995).

However, the relationship between coastal areas and tourism is as  old  as tourism itself. Early tourists favoured seaside locations and made journeys to fashionable resorts to bathe in sea water to take advantage of its alleged curative powers.

This was a major departure in the eighteenth century from a time when  the  sea and coast were revered as places and even feared (Lenček and Bosker, 1999).


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