– Communication for the Effective Management of oil Spillage Conflicts in Bayelsa State –

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Oil spillages and occurring as a result of excessive by multinational corporations in hosting communities in Bayelsa and other Niger Delta States have led to which have affected both the health and means to livelihood of members of hosting communities.

These spillages have resulted into several conflicts between the indigenes of Bayelsa State and multinationals as most of the efforts which have been put have not been able to address successfully the totality of the problems because of the communication model adapted to tackling these issues.

Against this backdrop, the imperative is to interrogate the communication approaches adopted in addressing conflict resolution and management in Bayelsa State in particular and Niger Delta in general.

The was used as the theoretical framework for this research.

The study made use of the quantitative survey research by purposively using a population of one hundred and fourteen (114) respondents systematically administered copies of the questionnaire as the instrument for data collection.


Title page————— i
Declaration———— ii
Certification———- iii
Dedication———— iv
Acknowledgements—– v
Abstract————— vii
Table of Contents—– viii

1.0 Introduction—————– 1
1.1 Background of the Study———— 3
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem———-12
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study———13
1.4 Research Questions———–13
1.5 Significance of the Study——- 14
1.6 Scope of the Study———- 14

2.0 Introduction ………. 16
2.1 Shannon‘s Model for Communication Process…………… 17
2.2 Derivative Model for Communication Process……22
2.3 A New Model for Communication Process…… 27
2.4 Conceptualizing Conflict……….41
2.5 Conceptualizing Development ………..45
2.6 Development Communication………..48
2.7 The Nigerian Oil Industry………….50
2.8 The Niger Delta……….52
2.9 The Niger Delta and the Nigerian Economy……….55
2.10 The Conflict in the Niger Delta………….59
2.11 Communication for Conflict Resolution…………67
2.12 Theatre for Development………..74
2.13 Theoretical Framework…………79

3.0 Research Design——– 82
3.1 Population of the Study——- 82
3.2 Sample Size and Sampling Procedure—— 83
3.3 Instruments for Data Collection——-83
3.4 Pilot Study——83
3.5 Reliability of Instruments——83
3.6 Procedure for Data Analysis—–84

4.0 Introduction———85
4.1 Data Presentation——-85
4.2 Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results——-85
4.3 Discussion of Findings——-92

5.0 Introduction———97
5.2 Summary———97
5.2 Conclusion———98
5.3 Recommendations———–100
5.4 Contribution to knowledge……103
5.5 Suggestion for further research…….103


The , henceforth to be referred to as NDR, is one of the most talked about regions in the world next to the Middle East‖ (Bassey 2011:5).

The region is believed to be one of the most blessed regions in the world both in human and natural resources.

Suffice to say that the unfavourable manner in which these resources have been harnessed over time has been the bane of the region’s predicament.

This has exposed the people of the region to divergent numbers of which for a long time has made the region volatile and slippery.

Youth restiveness, kidnapping, oil bunkering and between youths and community leaders, youths and government agencies, youths and multinational companies are the major areas of conflict and stakeholders in the region in general.


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