It shouldn’t be a crime for someone to say things like, ‘I am tired of being treated badly’. It’s a humane reaction and people should be allowed to voice their frustrations in the way that they see fit – no matter how outlandish or negative it may sound. When you don’t feel like people are giving you respect, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that you deserve it.

It can be tempting to blame yourself or think that no one else will ever show you any appreciation or kindness. Being tired of being treated badly is a natural response. It’s human nature to want to be treated well, but when you’re constantly hurt by someone you love, it can take a toll on your emotional health and well-being. It’s important to understand that if you are tired of being treated badly, then it’s not your fault.

The person who is treating you badly needs to take responsibility for their actions and stop hurting you. If you have tried everything in your power to make things work with this person and it doesn’t seem possible, then it’s time for some tough love. And, it’s important to remember that there are good people out there and that you deserve to be treated with respect.

Are you tired of being treated badly? With these I am tired of being treated badly quotes, you can learn more about standing up for yourself and setting the boundaries you deserve.

I am tired of being treated badly. I am a human being and I deserve to be respected just like everyone else! It is not right that people are so easily offended, but they also don’t think twice about treating others badly.

1. I am tired of being treated badly and abused by people who I have respected and trusted. Being ditched, cheated on, told lies and mistreated is never what I want in a relationship. I deserve better than that.

2. I am tired of being treated badly. It shouldn’t be this way but it is. If you treat me badly, I won’t let it affect you. I’m an adult and deserve a decent relationship.

3. I have to admit, I’m tired of being treated badly. Tired of managers who constantly criticize my work without giving me any real feedback. Tired of being ignored when I know my solution is right. Tired of feeling bad about myself when all I want to do is help the company succeed.

4. Being treated badly can have a lasting negative effect on your self-image. You may begin to feel worthless, hopeless, and lonely. There is no need to sit back and allow anyone to treat you in such a demeaning manner. Instead, take a stand and refuse to be mistreated.

5. I am tired of being treated badly. You don’t know who I am or what goes on in my life, but I am just like you. I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. I will not tolerate abuse, disrespect or hostility.

6. I am tired of being treated badly I am just as human and hurt as everyone else. When people say bad things about me or make fun of me, I feel like such a loser.

7. I am tired of being treated badly by my friends and family. I want to get away from them, but I’m scared to leave.

8. I have decided to stop accepting mistreatment from my family. I am tired of being treated badly and I will not tolerate it any longer. Children should be respected, but the mothers and fathers are continuously disrespecting them by yelling at them, slapping them and hurting them.

9. Tired of being treated badly. I have tried to find a way to communicate with you but that is not working. So here it is the cold hard truth; if you want me to continue to be in your life then treat me with the respect and dignity that I deserve. If not, then go on and leave me alone, I will find other ways to make my dreams come true.

10. I am tired of being treated badly. People use me, then leave me behind. I get no respect from my friends. They always ask for money and never buy me dinner. But who needs them? I’m worth more than that!

11. I am tired of being treated badly by people who do not even know me. I am tired of being made fun of, having my feelings hurt, and being pushed around by everyone. I was a nice person before this happened, but now I have to find a way to make them stop.

12. I am tired of being treated badly. I also want to be heard, but I don’t know how. I feel like everything is out of my control and I can’t seem to get a grip on real life.

13. I have always been treated badly by people. They find pleasure in torturing and mocking me, but I will not let this happen anymore.

14. I am tired of being treated badly. I believe people should be treated fairly, with respect and dignity, regardless of their status or circumstances.

15. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of being misunderstood and misjudged by other people. I am tired of being talked about, laughed at, and ignored when I should be accepted and included. I want respect! I want to be valued, an equal human being deserving of our world’s love, care and compassion.

16. I am tired of being treated badly. Because I deserve better and I can have it. I have the right to be happy, not just in my work but in my life.

17. I am tired of being treated badly. I have been mistreated and made to feel like my feelings and thoughts don’t matter because I am female. As a woman, I experience this every day by not getting the respect I deserve and by feeling like my ideas are not good enough. This needs to change now!

18. My friends and I are tired of being treated badly. It happens every time we go out to eat, shop or gamble. We will no longer tolerate this behaviour.

19. I am tired of being treated badly by my own kind. It is time to do something about this problem. I wonder how long it will take for people to realize that we all want the same things.

20. I am tired of being treated like I am average because I’m not average. I have passion, character and drive to do great things in life.

21. I’m frustrated with the way I am being treated by my friends and colleagues. It’s not even worth trying to explain because everyone repeats the same thing: “You’re the problem! You have no one to blame but yourself!”

22. I am tired of being treated badly and being put down, by rude people. I deserve to be treated with respect. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, without exception.

23. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of being told what to do, and how to act. If you treat me like a servant, I will act like one. You will not respect me, nor should you feel the need to apologize to me because I am only human with feelings just like you!

24. I am tired of being treated badly. I feel like I was nothing but a tool and not a person. I never felt like the things he did, even if he didn’t mean to do them, were enough to make me feel better and make me see him differently.

25. I am tired of being treated badly and bullied in socials. I am also tired of being made fun of, laughed at and called names. This is not okay. The fact that someone can get away with treating others like this makes me very sad. People are not perfect, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to bully people for their faults.

26. I am so tired of being treated badly by people. People think they can talk to me any way they want, belittle my physical appearance, and tell me I am stupid.

27. I am tired of being treated badly. There are a ton of people who are going through similar situations, but no one talks openly because they fear judgment and ostracization. It’s time to end this cycle; it’s time to talk openly and honestly.

28. I am tired of being treated badly by my husband. I know this is not normal behaviour and that the problem lies with him and not me. I need help in getting him to change his attitude towards me.

29. So I am tired of being treated badly, I have been treated like garbage my whole life and now I am getting sick. I have worked hard in this world and never got the respect that I deserved. Maybe it is time to stop the insanity, heal and start to live again.

30. I have been tired of being treated badly for a long time, but I didn’t realize until recently that I can stay in my comfort zone. It’s time to stand up for myself and my needs.

31. I am tired of being treated badly. I reject the idea that people should be judged solely on their gender, race, sexuality, or ability. It is time for all of us to stand up and call out discrimination when we see it.

32. I feel like I am being treated like a child, left alone and not cared for when in reality I am not that type of person. I want to be able to trust the ones around me, but there is no one to trust anymore.

33. I am tired of being treated badly and made to feel small because I have a mental illness. It should not matter what our problems are or whom we are fighting against, we all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

34. I am tired of being treated badly by the people in my life. I hate feeling like I never get a break. I would rather be by myself than have to put up with all the pain and suffering that comes with staying in a relationship that is constantly hurting me.

35. I am tired of being treated badly. I’ve been treated this way so many times, but I still don’t think it’s okay. Things have just gotten worse over time, and it’s adding more fuel to the fire every time these things happen.

36. Being treated badly is one of the most frustrating things you can experience. You know you deserve respect, consideration and kindness. But that’s not what you’re getting from your job, your partner or even your family member. At some point, this pattern becomes unfixable unless you are willing to fix it. It’s not just that they don’t care about you, they don’t even realize how badly they treat you.

37. I am tired of how you treat me. I never understood why people are so mean in the world, but now I understand why. You make others feel like they don’t matter, and that no one cares about them, and sometimes it makes them not want to live anymore. But I am here to tell you, we all deserve to be treated with respect no matter what. If you don’t treat others with respect or love then it causes pain for everyone around you and yourself.

38. I am tired of being treated badly, I have tried to be nicer and more helpful but it has not worked. So now I am going to try doing everything they ask me to do, I will change completely and see what happens.

39. I am tired of being treated badly by people who are not nice. As an adult and as a professional, I demand (or at least request) that people treat me like I deserve to be treated.

40. I am tired of being treated badly by big companies, who are only interested in taking my money and giving me as little as possible in return. I do not want to spend another second on their website or speaking with their customer service representatives.

41. I am tired of being treated badly and taken advantage of by those that have wronged me. I’m ready to stand up for myself and surround myself with people who truly care about me.

42. I am tired of being treated badly and would like to have a good relationship with my children so that they can have a happy and fun time. I will try to be a better father, without being harsh or tough.

43. I am tired of being treated badly. I am sick of being your punch-bag doll, your punching bag. Wake up and see what you are doing to me. If you don’t like how things are, go ahead and change them!

44. I am tired of being treated badly, I want to be happy and feel appreciated and respected. I want to be happy and feel appreciated and respected.

45. I am tired of being treated badly just because I have a different culture. It is not my fault that I look different or that I speak a different language, it might be yours but not mine. It is time for you to see that we all have the right to live in peace and harmony.

46. I am tired of being treated badly by the people who claim to love me. I am tired of being ignored, demeaned and devalued. I love myself and my life so much that in order for things to change, I need to remove myself from this toxic environment.

47. I am tired of being treated badly. It is not acceptable to treat others in ways that are painful and hurtful. We must do this (or not do that) because we have an obligation to ourselves and others, and to our shared world.

48. I am tired of being treated badly by those who do not value me, I have decided to move out of this community and start a new life for myself. I will work hard, but I will be happy working hard in my new home where people genuinely care about me and want the best for me.

49. I am tired of being treated badly by men. I am a single mother and I have to be both parents because the men in my life were never there, someone needs to hear me.

50. I am tired of being treated badly. I have been working hard and no matter how much I do, I am still getting the same amount of attention that I always did for doing less.

51. Every day I have to bear the pain of being treated poorly. All I want is a little respect and dignity in life, but this has become impossible for me. I am tired of being treated badly.

52. I am tired of being treated badly by my husband. I have tried to do everything I can to make our marriage work, but his words and actions just keep getting worse. He stays out late, drinks too much, and even gambles as though we don’t really need the money in this economy.

53. I am tired of being treated poorly, I have done everything to get a promotion or a raise but it never works. I have been doing my job well and am being told by my coworkers that my company has got a problem with me. I have applied for different jobs but no one is calling me back. It’s like everyone is against me!

54. I am tired of being treated unfairly, I know that I work hard but I still get no respect from my peers. I just want to be accepted and respected like everyone else.

55. I am tired of being treated badly by people in my life. I deserve better than that, and I have decided to take action and make my life better than it is right now.

56. I am tired of being treated badly. I have put up with it for too long – this is the end. It is time for me to fight back, time for me to no longer be a victim and time for me to set a boundary with whatever it is that keeps treating me poorly. We all deserve better than this!

57. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of being called a different name because I do not conform to the norms. I’m tired of being told that my feelings are too much and that I am too emotional. I am tired of being treated like a child and punished unfairly.

58. I am tired of being treated badly by my partner. I want to feel safe and loved, but instead, I just feel scared and alone if we are together. I hope someday you learn to be a better person than you are now.

59. I am tired of being treated badly and it has come to the point that I am going to get what I deserve. If they are not going to give it to me in a nice way then they will be forced to give it to me in a bad way.

60. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of being made fun of and treated differently than others. I am tired of being stared at as if I were a strange outcast, who did some horrible thing in the past.

61. I wish that people would stop treating me poorly, but they just don’t. I am not happy and it is hard to be positive when you are being treated so badly by everyone around you.

62. I am tired of being treated badly, I want respect and they can’t give it to me. I want peace with my coworkers so we can work together sharing ideas and cooperating on projects. I have given up hope in the future of my job at this moment because everyone talks behind my back and says rude things about me when I’m not around.

63. I am tired of being treated badly by the people who matter to me. I need to learn how to stand up for myself and stop feeling sorry for myself. It will take practice and patience but once I do it, I’ll be able to see what is truly important.

64. I am tired of being treated badly by people. They take advantage of my kindness and good nature. No one should be forced to be nice to others.

65. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of feeling like I need to apologize for the way I was born and the things that other people do.

66. I am tired of being treated badly. In fact, I don’t think I have ever been treated so poorly in my life. I worked hard and this is the thanks that I get? I just want to be treated like a human being and not like some kind of machine or slave.

67. I have been tired of being treated badly for a long time now and I have tried to change it but changed nothing. So today I am feeling the same as all days before: tired of being treated badly. No matter what I do it does not seem like you are happy with me, and that just makes me feel worse and worse every single day.

68. I am tired of being treated like I am not a good enough person. I am tired of being dismissed from my dreams because it is too late for me to realize them.

69. I am so tired of being treated badly, of getting the worst jobs, or of low pay as a reward for past mistakes. I am sick of this world where people seem to be rewarded for being mean and making others suffer. It is time for a change, Let’s do it together!

70. I’m tired of being treated like I don’t matter. I am tired of providing the best that I can but still not feeling appreciated. Being treated like a child and having no say in your life, life is too short for that. At this point, all I want to do is run far away from both of you and start over somewhere else where people appreciate me.

71. I am tired of being treated badly. I want to be treated with respect and dignity. I want someone who can comfortably take over the role of my spouse and bring joy into my life.

72. I am tired of being treated badly. I have been mistreated and disrespected by my coworkers, and it’s got to stop. My boss needs to understand that his employees are not objects; we are humans deserving of respect.

73. I am tired of being treated badly. I really don’t think that I deserve it and wish people would stop treating me as if I am not worthy of respect or friendship. If you just give me a chance, then maybe you will see that there’s more to me than meets the eye.

74. I am tired of being treated badly!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be treated like a human being, not as a piece of trash. I am tired of being used by other people and not getting any respect in return.

75. I have been treated badly and it is time to turn the tables on my persecutors. I am going to take back my power and stand up for myself, even if I am afraid.

76. I am tired of being treated badly in my job. It is time that I started looking for something new, but I don’t have the money to do so. I’m hoping for a new beginning and a fresh start this time around.

77. I am tired of being treated badly and not doing anything about it. I want to walk away and never think of them again, but somehow they always find a way back into my life.

78. This is a moment where we can all do something to make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of others. I don’t want to be treated badly anymore, and neither do you.

79. I am tired of being treated badly. When someone treats me badly, it does not make me think that person is a good person; I just think this person is a jerk. Therefore, I would like my friends to stop treating me badly.

80. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of people wanting to know what is wrong with me and me not knowing how to answer those questions. I am tired of being judged when people don’t know me or what I have been through. I am tired of life being hard for me because of these issues.

81. Tired of being treated like a second-class citizen, a waste of society’s energy and resources, an idiot. Tired of being thoughtless. Tired of believing that life is about nothing more than survival and profit for some. That minorities shouldn’t be heard, or even cared about. This isn’t okay with me.

82. Every time I try to make a difference, someone comes along and ruins it. I am tired of being treated badly and I am going to change this way of thinking.

83. I am tired of being treated badly. I want to be respected for my opinions and for being able to voice them. If you treat me like a child then you should expect that reaction from me.

84. I am tired of being treated badly by those who are supposed to love me. By my family and friends who are supposed to be there for me and support me. I am tired of the bullying and name calling and feeling left out or like I’m not good enough just because of the things I say, do or wear.

85. I have had enough. I am tired of being treated poorly, not getting what I deserve and being taken for granted by people who don’t even know me. I have had enough of people taking my kindness for granted, using me for whatever gains they can get, and then abandoning me when it’s no longer convenient. It is time to stand up for myself and demand better treatment.

86. I am tired of being treated badly. This is a very serious matter, and I believe all parties involved will eventually be shown the importance of taking a stand against this injustice.

87. I am tired of being treated badly by people who are supposed to be my friends and family. I have been disrespected, mistreated and lied to over and over again. Enough is enough. When will we stop standing back and just taking it?

88. I am tired of dealing with people who treat me poorly. Often I have opened myself up to others and haven’t gotten the same in return. It’s time I stop giving people opportunities to hurt me.

89. I am tired of being treated badly and your attitude is unjustified. You are being very rude. I want to talk about this treatment with someone who can offer me some good advice.

90. I am tired of being treated badly, but that does not mean that I don’t trust you anymore. I just want to show you who I really am and what makes me happy.

91. I am tired of being treated badly. I suppose it is true to say that we all want to be loved, accepted and respected for who we are. But when you are constantly berated and criticised for things which are beyond your control, it gets to the point where you start to question everything about yourself.

92. I find myself getting angry or sad when I am treated badly. I think it contributes to my health problems. I have tried to find ways to stay calm when I am treated badly, but that doesn’t always work. In fact, some of the difficulties I have had are because I have been treated badly.

93. I am tired of being treated badly by my boss. My manager is a disrespectful, demeaning and degrading bully. I work hard but he creates an atmosphere at work that is hostile, unfriendly and unsafe. I realize that the only way out of this is to quit my job but I do not want to give in to his bullying.

94. I am tired of being treated badly. I’ve had enough of this boss, who is more concerned about his own success than mine. I have enough skill and talent to be successful anywhere else.

95. Being treated badly can leave you feeling drained and defeated. We’ve all been there, but it only makes it worse to let those feelings linger. When you’re treated badly, the best thing to do is not just brush it off—this will eventually lead to resentment.

96. Tired of being treated badly and feeling like you’re not worth it? You are worthy! You are amazing! You are strong and beautiful. Life isn’t easy but it’s worth it when you have the right people in your corner to help you get through it.

97. I am tired of being treated badly. I have tried everything I can think of to improve my situation, but it’s not working. It’s time that I did something more radical.

98. I am tired of being treated badly. What good is it to call someone names and tell them they are wrong? We all make mistakes and we all learn from our mistakes. But, at this stage of life, I am past learning. Let me be who I am, accept me and love me for who I am!

99. I am tired of being treated badly. It’s time for me to stand up for myself, demand the respect I deserve, and let people know when they’ve crossed the line.

100. I am tired of being treated badly, I try to make people happy, but what do I get in return? I will be ignored, treated like crap and have no friends. I just really need someone to let me vent and get this out of my head so I can focus on something else.

101. I am tired of being treated badly. I have tried my best to make things work but I can’t do it anymore. It’s not fair on you and it’s not fair on me.

102. I am tired of the way I am being treated. I have been mistreated, pushed to the limit and sometimes even physically harmed by other people. I have openly asked time and time again for these people to respect me and be kinder but nothing has changed.

103. I am tired of being treated badly. Tired of feeling as if my breath is being knocked out every time I do something, or say something. Tired of getting no respect from anyone and everyone. Tired of waiting for justice that is never coming. I just can’t anymore. The tears are burning in my eyes but no man will see me cry.

104. I am tired of being treated badly, mistreated and objectified by men. I have been lied to, cheated on and made to feel like nothing but an object. No one woman is a push but if you try me you better be ready for a fight.

105. I am tired of being treated badly. I am tired of being afraid, tired of feeling and being insignificant. So tired of it that you can’t even imagine. I am tired of hearing my voice crack as I try to speak, so scared I’m going to lose everything that is important to me.

106. I am tired of being treated badly. I have tried to be nice, but it does not matter. I wish that people would consider other people when they are making decisions.

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