– The Role of Customer Service in the Service Delivery of Multinational Companies – 

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The business organization operates in an environment and through is the essence of business. The business organization is expected to continually to satisfy it customer hence this work gets to investigate the role of customer service in the operation of multinational fir with particular reference to Unilever Plc Aba.

The method applied in this study is a combination of content analysis and survey research, the data were sourced through both primary and secondary sources and the instrument used availed the researcher the opportunity to have a firsthand information.

The unit of analysis Unilever of Nigeria Plc  Aba branch social artifacts, and the data collected from the units are presented in tables and analyzed using chi-square (x2) method.

But owing to the limitations encountered, further studies should be carried out to service between two multinational company operating within the country.

Among the major finding of this research work, including that the dissatisfaction experience by customers is due to the inefficiency of the multinational company staff, there is a relationship between improved service delivery and multinational company efficiency and multinational company profitability.


Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE  Introduction

  • Background of the Study
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Study/Purpose
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Definition of Terms

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

  • Historical Framework/Background
  • The Relevant Theories/Models
  • The Concept of Marketing of Multinational Company Service
  • Types of Customer Service Standards
  • Factors Influencing Multinational Company’s Service
  • Management
  • Summary of Literature Review

CHAPTER THREE Research Design and Methodology

  • Introduction
  • Research Design and Methodology
  • Sources of Data
  • Method of Data Collection
  • Sampling Method/Techniques
  • Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument Validity
  • Method of Data Analysis

CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation and Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Presentation and Analysis of Data According to Questions


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

  • References Summa Conclusion
  • Recommendations


Services outcome, we all know the necessary prerequisites for any meaningful economic development of any nation.  This is so because the entire world economy today revolves round finance.  Therefore, the significance is the overall development of our economy.

It is on this premise that we appreciate the important role played by service delivery most especially the commercial multinational companies whose major functions is to organize, mobilize and making funds available for investment purposes by way of granting credit facilities to individual companies and government.

According to Ronald (2000), multinational companies can be defined as giant’s private business companies with global organizational characteristics flowing from parent countries to subsidiaries in host countries.

This multinational company marketing has been defined by a Media (1983) as the creation and delivery of service that will satisfy the need of customers at a profit  to the multinational companies.

From this point definition, it is seen that the customers who is the ultimate target of multinational company marketing must be satisfied.

Multinational companies must learn what satisfaction their customers seek.  The work creation and delivery recognizes that marketing is an active creation process involving all the multinational companies staff.


Abraham Maslow (1954).  Motivation and Personality.  New York.  Harper Brother.

Brown, C. V. (1996).  The Nigeria Multinational Company System.  London George Allen and Union.

Douglas McGregor (1960). The Human Side of Enterprises. New York.  McGraw Hill Book.

Edwin B. Flipo (1961).  Principles of Personnel Management.  New York McGraw Hill.

Ebufo, E. O. (1980).  Government Control and Services Operation.  Institution Bulletin. Vol. 5 No. 3 July-Dec

Frederick W. Taylor (1911).  The Principle Scientific Management.  New York Harpers and Brothers.

Garl G. and M. Gilbert (1967).  Why Multinational Firms are Unpopular.  The Jacobs Foundation.  June, 12 Reper Chairman’s Statement.

Median A. (1988).  The Role of Marketing in Multinational Company.  The Quarterly Review of Marketing Spring.

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