Press Coverage of 2012 Flood in Nigeria.


22 of The 1999 of Federal Republic Nigeria as Amended provides that the mass should be responsible and accountable to the people. Their surveillance role in our implies keeping a close watch or guard over something or .

The 2012 flood which did not only stands to breach the economic, social, academic and religious functions but also threatened peace  of  the nation, became a challenge to the mass media.

Hence, the mass media were accused of over reporting and manipulating its reports on 2012 flood. It was in this understanding of the above statement that the study looked at how Nigerian print media covered the 2012 flood in Nigeria.

Three national newspapers were purposively selected for the study (The Guardian, The Nation and The Punch). The study was anchored on Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication Theory.

Content analysis was used to collect data for the study. The four research questions raised in the study received statistical  support  which  revealed that: Nigerian newspapers gave the 2012 flood prominence. Secondly,  the  owners  of these selected newspapers did not influence the 2012 flood reportage.

Also, death, destructions of properties and displacement of communities were the major  issues reported in 2012 flood.

Finally, the 2012 flood was  adequately covered by the press.  It was recommended that, the press should give timely, objectively and accurately sensitive information and communication before, during and after flood.

This will ensure effective means of saving lives, reducing property damaged, increase public understanding and empower the people to take proactive and practical steps to protect  themselves  from flood.

The environmental agencies and disaster organizations should create the opportunities of working with media organizations to provide necessary training for both the reporters and its personnel to encourage flood preparedness, mitigation, relief efforts and its vulnerability to the people.


Title Page                i

Certification – –   –          ii

Dedication                     iii

Acknowledgements——————– iv

Table of Contents       –           –         v

List of  Tables –             –           vii

Abstract-            viii


  • Background to the Study– –         1
  • Statement of the Problem- –          –           7
  • Objectives of the Study – –           –           8
  • Research Questions- – –            8
  • Significance of the Study– –        –           8
  • Definition of Terms- – –          –  –           9

REFERENCES-         –          10


  • Focus of Review- – – –  –          11
  • The Review Itself- – –         –          11
  • Theoretical Framework- – – –        25

REFERENCES-            –          28


  • Research Design- – – –           –          32
  • Population of the Study. – – –          33

3.3 Sample Size-         –           –          34

  • Sampling Technique – – –              35
  • Instrument for Data Collection- –    –          38
  • Unit of Analysis – –           –      38
  • Content Categories- – –               –          38
  • Inter-Coder Reliability –                    –         41
  • Method of Data Analysis– – –            –          42

REFERENCES –       –          43


  • Data Presentation———- 44
  • Placement of Content Data – –           –           –           –          –          50
  • Discussion of Findings –            –          –            –              –          –         53



5.1 Summary 56

5.2 Conclusions 56

5.3 Recommendations-




1.1 Background to the Study

Flood is the occurrence of excessive volume of water in areas not usually waterlogged. It is one of the major environmental crises in the 21st century which some researchers conclude have resulted in loss of lives, collapse of mud houses, destroyed livestock, farmlands, causing food shortage and starvation.

It has health implications and water-borne diseases like cholera to the victims, paralyzed business activities, damaged infrastructure, displaced people and their properties, caused over flow of dams.(Barweni, Tawari, and Abowei, 2012, pp.35). This has been a source of worry and challenge to the Nigerian press.

The press has been accused of not being accurate and objective in her reporting of 2012 flood disaster. Instead, is alleged that it gave the disaster unnecessary publicity and manipulates reports that bring more fear and insecurity to the people to get large audience.

B.B.C news of 3rdOctober, 2012 reports that dangerous animals, including crocodiles, snakes, have found their way into homes and communities in central Nigeria after 2012 devastating flooding.Iwena, (2013, p.125), maintains that the 2012 flood disaster made human and vehicle movements difficult.

It caused pollution of the environment due to deposition of debris, it washes away roads and rail lines.


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