Many people take praying for granted in their everyday life, but there are some special prayers for those serving in the military. These prayers created for soldiers to use in warfare have great meaning. We should respect those who served the country by praying for them as well as thanking them.

Military men and women have always been one of the bedrock of our nation, so prayer is highly essential for them and the families they leave behind every time they go to face the enemy of our nation on our behalf. Prayer is the key to their victory, it is also one of the ways we can ensure that loved ones and things they left at home are safe and secured.

These quotes are not just meant to instil courage in men and women of the armed forces. They are also meant to support and encourage the loved ones of servicemen and women because they also play a vital role in the personal lives of those who fight for freedom. I believe you will love these military prayer quotes and find them useful for you and your loved ones in the military. These quotes were listed for you to use as freely as you please. Don’t feel hindered whatsoever from using any portion of these quotes.

Military service members are the most special people in our nation’s history. It is because of them that we’re able to live freely and safely today. None of us can make it through a single day without the protection they provide. So, let’s not forget to thank these men and women who have given so much for our freedom, and let’s pray for them. May God keep, protect and continually bless them.

1. My prayer today is to be grateful for all I have and all I’ve been given. My prayer today is to love my family with a passion. My prayer today is to forgive those who have wronged me and those who don’t understand me. My prayer today is for the strength to persevere through it all. I pray to be protected in all my duties, assignments, missions and wars.

2. A prayer for our troops. They are the pride of this great nation. A prayer for their families who wait so patiently and pray so fervently.

3. If God brings you to it, he will get you through it. I hope all soldiers find solace and comfort in these words and never forget them.

4. To all our military officers, be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for our God will be with you wherever you go.

5. As our military family members stand on the front lines of freedom, we pause to remember those who have already made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in prayer. We are thankful for those who continue to safeguard our freedom. We ask God to strengthen our military families and provide protection from harm as they faithfully execute their duties.

6. May God protect all the military men and women who have sworn to protect and serve our country, past, present, and future.

7. Every battle is won before it’s ever fought. Prepare yourself, and keep your eyes on the goal. May God grant you victory at all times.

8. Lead us when we go into battle, and deliver us from all evil. For we are yours, God, and we need you as we serve our nation.

9. Through the storm, always trust in God. Through the wars, always believe God is on your side, and may God go with you at all times as you defend our territories.

10. God, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.

11. Thank you for your service and all you do to protect our freedom. May God grant you success in all of your duties.

12. God is my armour, my shelter, and my strength. He’s my source of peace and joy during stressful times. May God help me always as a soldier.

13. There are angels among us. They walk among the chaos and danger of war, risk their lives to save strangers, and explore the darkness so that we might see the light. May God be with them at all times. May God protect our men and women in the military.

14. God grant you, our military officers, the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference.

15. We lift our eyes to the hills, where our help comes from. Our help comes from God, and with him, on our side, we will always be victorious. All hail our military.

16. May God bless you and keep you; may your wishes all come true; may you always do for others and let others do for you; may you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung; May you be victorious always, our dear military.

17. As I work to serve our community through the military, may God always be there providing love, support and strength.

18. I have learned that the greatest leaders are those who take the time to recognize & appreciate those who serve alongside them. Thank you for your service, our dear military. May you have God on your side at all times.

19. We in the military trust in a power greater than ourselves to protect and help us, destroy our enemies, and give us victory.

20. Living in this great nation is a privilege, and I am proud to defend her flag and serve her people. Thank you, God, for the freedom to love, laugh and proudly represent my country.

21. God bless our Troops, especially those away from their homes and families right now.

22. I want to thank God, who gave me the strength and the courage to serve my country.

23. I shall remain, to the last moment, ready to carry out all the tasks assigned to me. May God so help me.

24. As we go into every mission and war, may God be for us and against any troop which rises against us.

25. To our military officers, may your prayers be answered and all your dreams come true.

26. With faith in God, courage in our hearts, and strength in our arms, we will always be victorious.

27. Sometimes, we forget to take a moment and thank God for the amazing life he has given us. Today let’s take a moment and think of all the things we have been blessed with as military officers.

28. I’m just honoured to be able to pray for those who’ve sacrificed so much on behalf of our freedoms. God bless our country and the men and women who stand between us and harm us.

29. I couldn’t find the right words to thank the military for their prompt response and tremendous success, so instead, I’m praying for all of you that your paths shall be made straight by God.

30. Dear military officers, keep calm and carry on. May God be with you at all times.

31. With God on our side, my fellow military men and women, we have the power to conquer the insurgents. I believe in us.

32. However long the night may be at our missions, the dawn will break, and we will be conquerors by God’s grace.

33. We pray for our military that when difficulties come, they will be no more than what they can bear and conquer.

34. May you never give up and never quit. Quitters never win, and winners never quit. May you keep going no matter what the circumstances are. All hail our military.

35. When going through hell, may God go with you and give you victory. Keep on going.

36. These men and women have sacrificed so much for us. They deserve the best. We know they have only one mission, to do what is right. May God help them make all the right choices in life.

37. May God be the key to your mornings and the lock of your nights.

38. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for God will be with you wherever you go.

39. Our dear military men and women, may you never be alone. May God always be there to guide you and help you through every situation.

40. May God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Keep blazing, our dear military.

41. Some people wait a lifetime to discover how they can make a difference. We’ll never have that problem.

42. There is always a bright side to every dark situation. May you experience these bright sides a lot of times during times of war and peace.

43. I pray daily for the military. I thank God for the brave men and women in uniform who protect our country and her interests all over the world so that they may succeed in all of their endeavours.

44. Unending love for you, my fellow servicemen and women. Blessings for a safe return from deployment. We’re praying for you and your families.

45. Prayer can do a lot. But even more, faith can move mountains. God bless our military.

46. May the powerful and effective prayers of the righteous for our military be granted and made manifest.

47. No battle is too hard when God’s on your side.

48. Let us live to serve our country. And may God grant us victory at all times.

49. The more self-aware, patient and authentic our prayers are, the more likely we will receive an answer. God bless the military.

50. Strength, peace and blessings for our service members. You are not alone in your prayers for your safe return.

51. In the military, there is strength in numbers. So let us pray for our brothers and sisters in uniform, both near and far, today and every day.

52. We pray for peace and God’s protection in times of war. May God grant the military refuge in war zones.

53. We’ll never forget our true heroes, the brave men and women who serve and protect this great nation and the values for which they stand. May God preserve their lives.

54. Know that we are praying for you, our military men and women, supporting and honouring you. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

55. In times of trouble, turmoil, celebration, and joy, let us look pridefully to our armed forces. May God bless and fill their hearts with joy even at the points of duty.

56. God, bring men into our military who will fight for our nation and men who will follow you with their hearts.

57. The soldier fights for his life but does not seek death. He does not flee from death but faces it for the sake of honour. May the presence of God be with him.

58. When you’re in a war zone, you don’t realize how important something as simple as your family and friends is to you until you face the reality of never seeing them again. May God be with our troops and protect them always.

59. As a soldier never gives up, may the grace of God upon our military never cease.

60. I tell my children about these heroes and share with them the many sacrifices our military makes daily so that we may live as free people. You’re appreciated our dear military. Our prayers are with you.

61. Our troops in harm’s way are in our thoughts and prayers. We rely on them and salute their service and sacrifice.

62. Our darling military men and women, we always pray for your safety and protection. Keep safe, and come home to us soon.

63. In the military, we pray to stay safe while in harm’s way. Let our country continue to be protected by God’s hand.

64. Our dear military, never give in, never give up, and never lose hope. God has got you always.

65. Though we prepare for war, we pray for peace. We pray that our military may never be overwhelmed.

66. If God is for us, who can be against us? May this be the testimony of our military.

67. One day, recruits will join the corps to serve with purpose. May they be blessed with genuine camaraderie, a deep sense of pride and a true warrior’s heart.

68. May you find strength in your faith because together in the military, you can do anything with God on your side.

69. Let’s pray for our men and women in uniform, that they never lose faith and hope, and that they represent us in dignity, diligence and patriotism.

70. In military service, we pray not for easy lives but to be strong enough to endure hard ones.

71. We pray for those who defend our nation, their families and loved ones, and our veterans. May God’s face shine upon them, and may they never be forsaken.

72. We pray for the safety of our soldiers who protect our country and the families who sacrifice their loved ones for us. May God be with them always.

73. Our brave men & women, past and present. We think of you often & pray for your safety.

74. May God bless our men and women in uniform.

75. We are sending prayers for our troops and their families, wherever they are. May God keep them safe.

76. We pray for soldiers about to take on a dangerous mission for our country. May they be safe and return victorious.

77. We pray for our country’s military, to protect us here and abroad. May they grow in strength and courage, and never fall into despair.

78. My prayer for our military is that they serve with humility and compassion.

79. Praying for a safe and speedy homecoming for our returning soldiers. Stay strong, and thank you for your service.

80. O God, I praise you for our military’s brave and courageous men and women.

81. We are thankful for those who wear the uniform.

82. We pray for our military men and women. God bless them all.

83. When we pray for our military, we are praying for the future of our country. When we pray for our military, we are praying for peace.

84. We pray that our military finds the resolve and courage to protect our country even at the most difficult times.

85. Praying for the military so that they can be empowered to do what God called them to do, and return home safely.

86. The constant hum of prayers for those who wear the uniform is a sound of peace.

87. Praying for our Military families this weekend. Their sacrifices give us the freedom and peace we enjoy in our nation. Thank you for your service.

88. We pray for our military out in the field as they face uncertainty and fear daily.

89. We pray for safety, strength, and courage for men and women on the front lines. We pray with them and for them.

90. Our dear military, we pray that God is on your side. When you’ve got God on your side, any battle is winnable.

91. We pray for the safety and health of our soldiers as they serve our country overseas.

92. We pray for our military as they continue to fight for us. May God be with them and keep them safe in this time of danger.

93. We pray for our military, first responders and the families who support them. May God bless all those in harm’s way during this holiday season and always.

94. Praying for our troops to bring protection and comfort as they go into battle. May God be with them. Amen.

95. I’m praying for service members and their families around the world. Together, we’re stronger.

96. May God protect our troops, and bring them home safely as we acknowledge their sacrifices.

97. Our duty is clear. May God strengthen our nation and keep our military safe during these uncertain times.

98. We pray for our service members that they will have the strength to carry out their missions.

99. We pray for peace and safety for all those serving in harm’s way as they protect our freedom.

100. To our brave men and women of the armed forces, thank you for your service wherever you are on this globe. Thank you for fighting for freedom so that we can remain free. We pray for you and your families in all that you do.

I hope you have found quotes that resonate with you in the military prayers quotes listed above. Please, don’t hesitate to drop your comment and share them with your loved ones. Thanks.

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