Love is a merger of hearts and souls. Thus, making a special and important day in one’s life equally special to their genuine partners.

Birthdays are known to be highly celebrated days, whether in practicality or feelings that dwell within one’s heart. Being able to make your girlfriend feel loved and cherished on her birthday is one of the greatest gifts you can ever offer on this day.

The unique experience and happiness which well-written letters bring to one’s heart can rarely be comprehended, especially when it comes from someone you love and adore.

Here, you have satisfying, well written, and pleasant 2022 happy birthday love letters for her – girlfriend

It’s that time of the year to express your feelings of love and affection to your girlfriend. It’s a time you need to celebrate her too because it’s her birthday! With these long and short happy birthday letters to girlfriend, you’ll be sending her the warmest wishes ever.

1. Happy Birthday, Princess
Witnessing this lovely and special day of yours brings so much joy to the deepest part of my heart. That which we share has given me the opportunity to know that, you’re the best human one can ever have in life. Today you’re a day older, which means that you’re many steps closer to the fulfilment of your desires and the accomplishment of your set goals. You’re my Princess, one I adore above beyond human comprehension. So on this special day of yours, my honey wish is that all you desire, be fulfilled in your new age. Happy birthday to you, Princess. So much love from my heart.

2. It’s Your Birthday, My Ruby
You’re one among the few precious persons in my life. I know how well you’ve anticipated your birthday because it is a day worth celebrating. Today, it is a reality that you’re a year older, thus, there’s every need for everyone that wish you well to be happy. I know definitely, that this new age of yours shall further give us the opportunity to become better partners to each other, even as we go through our daily pursuits. This I want because you’re the ruby that keeps my heart together. Happy birthday, sweetest girlfriend.

3. My Heartthrob Turns A Year Older Today
I know one thing, that my heart has made its decision never to let you go. It’s about celebrating love and blessings today because all these you have also been to me. As you turn a year older, I wish to remind you that, there are goals which you have set in place, and your new age is the perfect and amazing opportunity to continue the pursuit of these well-crafted goals. I know that in the end, success awaits you. Your love is truly, the merger of our souls. Happy birthday, my heartthrob.

4. Best Wishes, Honey Bunch
You’re more than a girlfriend to me. Calling you my honeybunch still does not justify the expression of that which you mean to me. My whole night was filled with dreams about you, which is the reason I woke up smiling like I have been offered a realistic luxury of paradise. Baby, your love is what has elevated me to this point, and even what triggers me to go through each day with so much gusto and commitment. My best wishes for you on this day, as we hope for a better future ahead. Happy birthday, my honeybunch.

5. To My Cherry
Calling you my cherry only expresses half of what you really do mean to me. This day feels like it’s my birthday because my queen was born today. All through life’s journey to this point, you’re the only that has been able to bring my heart and soul together, to merge and love like it is the very essence of their existence. You have been the loveliest person I know, and trying to make a few wishes via this letter will not suffice in saying what are my true prayers for you. You know I love you, and I will always wish that you achieve the best there can ever be. Happy birthday, my Cherry.

6. It’s Your Special Day, Sugar Plum
So far, your love is the sweetest thing I have ever called mine. There are no mixed feelings about what I feel for you because my heart knows exactly where it belongs and what it wants. Your birthday is really one special day I have waited to celebrate because I have always known that it will bring to you a very huge amount of happiness and joy. Truly, all I desire is to see you go through each day with smiles like you’ve never known any pain. All I want it to look at you and I call you mine forever. On this special day, I wish you all the best in life. Happy birthday to you, sugar plum.

7. To My Almond Joy on Her Birthday
One thing I love about us is that we’ve never allowed anything to ruin the love we’ve built so far. You’re my joy, my almond, and everything amazing one can ever think of in life. Seeing you go through each day happily makes me feel blessed. On this day, I know the joy that dwells within the depth of your heart, which is the very thing that should be there. I hope this message I send to you on your birthday, reminds you about the promises we’ve made to each other, and the ones even unsaid. I feel really blessed to mark this day with you. Surely, we’ll celebrate it in the best way possible. Happy birthday, my Almond Joy.

8. My Fine Wine
Saying you’re a fine lady is an understatement of who you really are. You’re not only beautiful physically but also endowed with the things everyone in the World will be happy to call theirs. I know there are a whole lot of wishes and desires in your heart, even as you also put efforts to accomplish your set goals. On this beautiful day of yours, I send a message to you like the loveliest boyfriend ever, to wish that all that you desire for be fulfilled. All that been taken care of by God, here’s also a message from me, to let you know that I will continuously support you to be that great lady you desire to be. Happy birthday, my Fine Wine.

9. To The Cutest Lady I Know
There are things that are irreplaceable, and so are you to my heart. When I look at you, I see one who is cute in a million ways that words can suffice to say. We have come through every rough and tough moments together, because you’re not only cute physically, but also from the depth of your heart. That is why at every point, I remind myself that I have the most amazing lady in the world, and for this reason, she deserves the best I can ever offer. Baby, knowing this day to be your born day makes me overwhelmed with joy and happiness. I celebrate you as you turn a year older, and remind you that you’ll always own my heart. Happy birthday to you, my cutest lady.

10. To My Precious Jewel
Saying you’re precious does not do justice in telling how much I adore you. I have seen so many persons in the World, yet none can be compared to the one that owns my heart. It’s Your birthday, and among other beautiful wishes, I pray that things continue to fall in line for you. Sweetheart, I know there are amazing and lovely moments to celebrate together in the nearest future. Still, we have to pop on this day, as though it is the greatest we’ve ever seen because you deserve all the good there is in the World. Happy birthday to you, my precious Jewel.

11. We’ve achieved so much together that I can’t go through an hour without thinking about you. Like it is expected, your birthday is one day I have been anticipating, and I am so happy that finally, it is here. You’ve touched my life in ways words cannot tell. You’ve believed in me, even through times I never believed in myself. You’ve shown me love that is rare to find in this World. On this special day of yours, I wish you the best there is in heaven and assure you that my love for you will never cease to grow. Happy birthday to you, girlfriend.

12. A girlfriend like you is one who deserves the best things one can ever offer in life. You’re not just a girlfriend, but one who has touched my life more than anyone else has ever done. Words cannot express how happy I am to behold this very wonderful and special day of yours. You may not be where you’ve always dreamt to be, but I assure you that you’re a step closer to the accomplishment of your set goals. Happy birthday to the lady I love.

13. When I say I love you, I expect you to know that it is my heart and soul, and not just my physical self. If there’s an angel in the world, then you’re the one I know. Baby, this day has come with so much happiness to my heart, and I know you feel equally happy. Let’s go out, stay together, talk about us and the things we’d love to fix in a few years from now. It’s Your birthday, and you deserve to be spoilt like I am going to do today. Happy birthday, my very own.

14. One of the most wonderful thing in my life is having you as a girlfriend. You have always redefined so many things uniquely in my life, so much that I wonder if you’re a God sent angel to me. Today you’re a year older, and we know this to mean that you’re a step closer to your desires and your set goals. Be sure that right here with you, is one guy who is ready to give you all the necessary supports, and a hand to hold whenever you are in need of one. I love you really much baby, and I wish you a happy birthday.

15. One thing that is beyond my ability, is the explanation of how much you’d mean to me. It’s Your birthday, yet it feels like it’s mine. I have prepared for this day, so much that I wish it was also my birthday. I do not only wish you the best on this day but also share in the joy of the fact that my girlfriend is growing to be the best she has always been to the World. You’re indeed a great person, and it will be the happiest thing to watch you grow into the great person I know you to be. Happiest birthday to you, lovely girlfriend.

16. The joy that dwells in my heart this day is one that cannot be expressed by words. If one could dissect my hand, then would have the person been able to know that it has been overwhelmed by unspeakable joy. It is my pleasure to celebrate my girlfriend today as she turns a year older, that is why I am ready to spoil her today like I have never done before. Happy birthday to you, the lady with the key to my heart. I love you.

17. Now, I have come to understand that what my heart feels for you is very rare to find anywhere else in the World. We’ve come this far together, and I get to love you more as each day goes by. Now, if it were possible to see, you will realize that my heart is filled with so much love, which is just for one person – you. I may not be the best, but on this birthday of yours, I promise to always be there as much as I can. Happy birthday to you, loveliest baby.

18. Knowing that you’re a year older today triggers my happiness to increase. You have touched me in ways that no one else in the world can ever do. With you, I know for sure, that there is a whole lot we can achieve together. It’s Your birthday, and words will not do justice in expressing my deepest wishes for you. Happy birthday, my honey pie.

19. Love they say is not that which triggers division, but the merger of hearts and soul. With you, I have come to know how true this is. You’re not just a girlfriend, but one who captures my heart and soul in ways I do not wish you to ever leave. On this super birthday of yours, I promise to not only be yours but also to be the one that will continue to prove to you that truly, there’s a thing like unconditional love. Happy birthday to you, baby.

20. We have come this far together because of nothing else other than love, care, respect, and understanding. Suffice to say that you’re the best lady I have ever known in this World. One thing is certain, that my love for you will continue to grow on a per-second basis, even as we celebrate your new age. Happy birthday to you, by Queen.

21. The fact that you’ve come this far in life proves that truly, God has a super plan for you. Looking at you, it is very easy to know that you’re destined to be great because you’re one lady I know that possesses the best quality ever. Happy birthday, sweetest girlfriend.

22. Today, I send this message not to alert you, but to remind you of the things you know already. In the whole world, there’s no such girlfriend as loving and caring as you. Amongst every guy in the world, I’m the luckiest to call you mine. Know this, that I wish you the very best as you turn a year older. Happy birthday, baby.

23. There’s definitely nothing God cannot do to keep you going. You’ve been an amazing lover and girlfriend. On this very special day of yours, I hope and pray that God sees the reason to bless you abundantly. Happy birthday to you, sweetheart.

24. Today, I want you to know that calling you mine is one thing that has elevated me to this point. Finding someone like you who I can trust with every part of my being, is the best and loveliest thing ever. You’ll always remain the most amazing lady in the world. I celebrate you as you turn a year older, baby.

25. There’s really nothing in this world that is not achievable, as long as we work towards it. I know your heart desires and wishes are high, but God in his love and infinite mercy shall definitely grant even more than you ask for. Happy birthday to you, loveliest girlfriend.

26. Getting to meet you in life is one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me. You have not only been a girlfriend but one I have also learnt from. As you turn a year older today, I pray that you be a step closer to all that you wish to achieve. Continue to soar to greater heights, baby. I wish you a happy birthday.

27. Saying you’re an amazing person is an understatement of who you truly are. I know you’ve always made strides to achieve all that you wish for. Although not all has been fulfilled, I am sure you know that you’re definitely on your way to the top. I wish you a happy and lovely birthday, sweetheart. I love you.

28. I feel really strong and blessed to have a courageous and intelligent lady like you to call a girlfriend. There are so many things I wish for you on this day, but the most important is that the dearest of your heart desire be fulfilled. Happy birthday, my very own angel.

29. If in any way there’s such a thing as another life, I will pray that I meet you there. I know so many hardworking and dedicated ladies, but you stand head and shoulders above them all. Most importantly, is how you manage to humble yourself even when you have so much to be proud of. Happy super birthday to you, my Queen. I wish you all the best there is in the World.

30. So far, I know there is nothing you cannot achieve as a person. Apart from being my girlfriend, you have always been a constant blessing to me and those around you. Your place in my heart and that of others is special because your kind is rare to find. Happiest natal anniversary to you, the love of my life.

31. What keeps me going through each day happily, is the love and care you have always showered upon me. You make me know that truly, there’s such a thing and genuine love. On this day, as you turn a year older, I pray that all your prayers be granted. Happy birthday, my one and only baby.

32. If every guy in this World is as lucky to have a girlfriend as loving, caring, and dedicated like you, then I’m sure the world would have been the loveliest place ever. Today, I join in celebrating the birthday of my heartthrob, the very one whose love is all I have always desired to have. Happy birthday to you, sweetheart.

33. I know one thing, that you have not come this far together only to remain st this point. As you continue in life’s sojourn, I assure that my hands shall always be there for you whenever you need them. I assure you that as long as we live, there’s so much love my heart will continue to hold for you. Happy birthday, baby.

34. I have seen intelligent ladies, yet none have I seen that can stand a beautiful and well-adorned girl in year two. This day is worthy of celebration because it is a reminder of the day you were brought into the World. Let’s explore it as we’ve never done before. Happy birthday, my princess.

35. There’s nothing that can be sufficient enough to equate the love I hold for you from my heart. You’ve not only said he has said, but the most important thing is also that we never see the need to part ways. On this day, I promise that this day be properly handled. Happy birthday to you, sugar.

36. My life is a testimony of the kind of girlfriend you are. You’re encouraging, motivating, loving, understanding, and most importantly caring. I wish I could give the whole world to you, so at this point, I will now see how well you’ll treat each part of my being. Happy birthday to you, my love.

37. Only a few days have come with the depth of joy which this day brings to my heart. I’m happy because it is my baby girl’s birthday, and I desire that you soar to greater heights in life. Happy birthday, my loveliest baby.

38. One thing I know is that this day comes with a whole lot of blessings. You’re a year older today, and words cannot tell the depth of my happiness to be with you in this very important process of growth. Sweetheart, I wish you all the best there is to achieve as you turn a year older. I love you.

39. When I call you my own, I say so with agreement from my heart and soul. You’re one person whose voice alone is capable of serving as a medic to whatever pain I may be passing through at the moment. With you, I have come to understand what true love is. Happy birthday, sweetest girlfriend.

40. I write this to let you know, that there’s definitely nothing that can cause the limitation of my love for you. We’ve come together to this point, amidst all struggles and misunderstandings. On this very special day of yours, I wish you remind you of the unsaid promises we’ve made to each other. You’ll always be loved from the very depth of my heart, baby. Happy birthday.

41. My wish for you is that you never have to go through any moment doubting the existence of true and unconditional love and care. You’re not only the key to my heart but a merger of my heart and soul. Happiest birthday to you, sweetheart. Continue to achieve the very best.

42. Nothing gladdens my heart more than the fact that we are together. Indeed, I can attest that you’re the best person anyone can ever have in life. You’re not only a blessing to your family and me but also the entire human race. Happy birthday, my honey pie. I love you really much.

43. I go through each day with so much delight and happiness, because I trust the person I have in life. On this day, I know your wishes and desires are really many and enormous. I join in praying that the best of your desires be fulfilled, even as we continue to love each other more every day. Happy birthday, my queen.

44. A girlfriend like you deserves to be loved above all measures. You’ve touched my life in so many positive ways, and words are not enough to tell this. Sweetheart, be sure that you’ll always be loved from the very depth of my heart. I wish you a happy birthday and lots of blessings in time to come. Soar higher, baby.

45. I know the love that dwells within the depth of our hearts to be the most sincere there have ever been in the world. I know this because when I look into your eyes, I see a burning thing that words cannot describe. Your smiles sending the best medics done to my soul. If there’s a thing like two hearts being compatible, then such is the case with ours. I love you baby, and I wish you a happy birthday.

46. Going through each day with you brings so much love and blessings to my heart than anything else have ever done. I feel really happy and proud to see you grow into the person you’ve always wished to be. Sweetheart, I assure you that everything will definitely fall in line for you because you’re destined to be great. Happy birthday, sugar.

47. Here’s a letter from the depth of my heart, saying happy birthday to the most wonderful and amazing lady I have ever known. Best wishes as you turn a year older. I pray that this wonderful and lovely bond of ours leads us to a path where we shall have no reason to part ways. Happy birthday, my princess.

48. My hope for better days is further strengthened with a loving and promising person like you. Saying you’re a blessing to me is an understatement of who you really are. I may not have luxuries to offer on this day, but I know for sure, that I have the very best of heart desires for you. I wish you all the best there is in life. Happy birthday, baby.

49. I’m definitely one of the happiest persons on earth to see you turn a year older. If words could do justice in expressing what I feel, then it will come in different epistles. You’re the gift of God to humanity that I have ever seen, and I will always be here to support and watch you grow to be the best. Happy birthday, my queen.

50. We have gone through thick and thin times together, through rosy and tough times, just like we have equally gone through smooth and difficult times together. What I admire about us, is our ability to not allow these things cause us to part ways. I say this on your birthday, to let you know that there’s no hour of the day I don’t think about us, neither is there any night I do not dream about us. Best wishes on your birthday, my love.

51. Amongst everyone I have ever known, I know that you stand head and shoulder high to be the best. You make me think about how blessed I am to have someone as lucky and loving as you to call mine. You make me understand what true love is all about. You’re the best. Happy birthday, sweetie.

52. You’re not only a girlfriend but one whose love and care has contributed so much to the person I am today. If I had one wish to make for you on your birthday, it will be that we never part ways in life. Through you, I have come to understand the real meaning of true love and care, and these are things I never wish to let go of no matter what happens. Happy birthday to you, my emerald.

53. We’ve crossed so many paths together, yet you’ve never changed. If there’s any one person I know who has a pure, caring, and loving heart, then you must be the one. Your birthday is here, and it is one of the most amazing days of my life. I wish you a happy and super birthday, sweetheart.

54. That today is your birthday is one of the most amazing things to me. I have anticipated this day like never before and finally, it is here. As we continue to go through life’s journey together, I promise to always love and cherish you every day of my life. Happy birthday to you, baby.

55. There’s nothing exactly we can’t do for the sake of our love. I know this special day of yours has brought so much joy to your heart, and so is it with me. Baby, I assure you that I will always love and cherish you beyond what words can tell. You mean more than the whole world to me, honey. Happy birthday.

56. Writing this letter to you is one of the loveliest things I have ever done in a while. You know already, that you’re the only person my heart beats for. My love, on this very birthday of yours, we will celebrate like it’s ours. Be sure that you will always own my heart. Best wishes on your birthday, my love.

57. I know it has not been rosy all days, but never has there been a time we stopped caring about each other. The love we have always unfolded happens to be one of the most amazing and genuine I have ever been opportune to have in life. I wish you the very best, baby. Happy birthday.

58. Baby, I have anticipated this birthday of yours as though it’s mine. You’ve always loved me in ways no one else has ever done. You’ve always shown me the depth of care that is rare and unique. As you turn a year older, I give you my words that you will always be the most special person in my heart. You know I love you, and I will always do. Happy birthday, sugar.

59. Your birthday is one day I can’t let out of my heart, because it reminds me of the day the love of my heart was born. I can proceed to write a litany of praises, but words will do no justice in describing your kind. Baby, be sure that I will always love you. Happy birthday, my queen.

60. In writing about how my heart feels about you, I may actually cause you to shed unexpected tears today. What I find amazing is how we keep on loving each other more as each day passes through. Gradually, you have come to be the one I can’t ever go through an hour without thinking about. It’s Your birthday, and you deserve the best treatment ever. Happy birthday, my love, we will definitely rock it like it’s ours.

61. That we have come this far together proves that there’s so much love between us. We’ve gone through ups and downs. We’ve been through loving and happy moments, just like we’ve had moments of misunderstandings. Yet, there’s never a time we have allowed our love to stop glowing. On this day, I wish that your truest heart desires be fulfilled. Happy birthday to you, my queen.

62. You’ve been a blessing not just to me and your family, but the entire human race. The depth at which you have been caring cannot be compared to anything else. I know for sure, that I will always love you above what words can tell. You’re the best, honey. Happy birthday to you.

63. Each moment that passes through makes me love you even more. Amongst everyone I have ever been opportune to meet in life, you stand head and shoulder tall to be the best. As we continue in life’s journey, I pray you get to have more amazing experiences, success, and most importantly, joyful and peaceful moments. Happy birthday to the love of my life.

64. You’re one person that occupies the loveliest part of my heart. That we have come this far together shows that there are so much love and care that lies between us. Sweetheart, be sure that I will always love you like never before. You’re the best gift of life to me. Happy birthday, sweetest.

65. Your smiles make me behold what beauty truly is. Even though we get to have our differences to settle, you remain the best and loveliest person in the World. There’s nothing at all I can’t do to show you how much you’d mean to me. You’re the best, honey. Happy birthday to you.

66. You’re the love of my life and one person whose heart I will always call mine. You’re the lady that makes me know too well, that there’s such a thing as unconditional love. Sweetheart, it’s your birthday, and the joy that dwells in my heart knows no bound. I will always love and adore you, baby. Happy birthday to you.

67. My whole life is filled with so much happiness and love, because of an amazing and charming beauty queen like you. You have brought so much love, joy, and happiness to my heart, and I pray and wish that today, you receive equal love, joy, and happiness in threefold. Happy birthday to you, my queen.

68. Your birthday is a day that has come with so much love for me. The way you have always put efforts into place to achieve your dreams is so incredible that I wonder how many ladies in the world actually do this. Baby, I send my best wishes to you as you turn a year older. Happy birthday, my love.

69. My love for you grows in a pace where there’s nothing in the world that can stop it. You’ve shown me immense love and care that I have seen in this World. As you turn a year older, I assure you that even the sky shall not be the limit of your success. Happy birthday to you, my princess. So much love to you from the depth of my heart.

70. Life is really an amazing and exciting journey with you. There’s never I moment I feel unhappy around you because you give me the best vibes ever. Be sure that you own my heart, honey. Happy birthday to you.

71. That today is your birthday makes me feel really glad. It is a day I have anticipated over the months, and I know how happy you are to behold this very day. Congratulations to you as you turn a year older, sir. Best wishes.

72. I know for sure, that this day is one of the most special days of the year for you. The joy that comes with it, the juicy feelings and gifts it brings. Today, I pray and hope that this very wonderful relationship of ours grows better than it has ever been. Happy super birthday to you, my queen.

73. There’s nothing exactly that can be compared to the joy which this birthday of yours brings to my heart. You have touched my life in ways that words cannot express. As we continue in life’s sojourn, I hope and pray that you continue to be the best which we have always wished for. Happy super birthday to you, baby.

74. Life’s journey has become a better and wonderful one, because of how much effort you have invested in us. Truly, meeting you has been life-changing, and words are not enough to express how happy I am to have you as a part of my life. I wish you a happy and lovely birthday, sweetheart.

75. Calling you my girlfriend is what has further strengthened me to go to heights I never envisaged. You have not only been a lover but one who has so much concern about what happens in my life and how things are going to be better. I love you really much, and I will always do. Happy birthday, baby.

76. The joy of having you as my girlfriend knows no bound. You’re a blessing not only to me but everyone else that has been opportune to come across you in life. Sweetheart, I assure you that you shall attain greater heights in life. Happy birthday, most beautiful l lover.

77. My gratitude lies to God on this very special day of yours. We have been able to come this far, because of how much time and efforts you have also contributed. One thing is certain, that my love for you will always grow on a per-second basis. Happy birthday, my princess.

78. Saying I love you is an understatement of what I really do feel. You’re not just a girlfriend, but one I am ready to sacrifice everything just to be with. It is one of the loveliest moment to mark this wonderful birthday with you. Continue to soar to greater heights, baby. I wish you a happy birthday.

79. I call you mine because I know for sure that you’re the best lady anyone in the world can ever have. You have not only been a friend, but one whose love and care are the ultimate things that reign in our relationship. Best wishes on your birthday, baby.

80. The joy which lies within the depth of our heart is one of the loveliest feelings I have ever had. The fact that we have come this far together, proves that there’s so much in life which we share. I will always wish you the best as you turn a year older, sweet. Happy birthday.

81. Your birthday is one that has come with so much love and care. The fact that we’re together makes me feel the genuineness and sincerity of what we share. I hope we continue to grow together in the best way possible. Happy super birthday to you, my love.

82. When I call you the love of my life,  know that I mean it with every part of my being. The way you have come to love me, makes me wonder if there’s any guy in this world that is as blessed and lucky as I am. You will always own my heart, baby. Happy birthday to you.

83. Going through life’s journey with you each day proves to me that we share so many things in common that the opposite. The love which your heart bestows upon our relationship is one that is very rare to find. I will always love you within the depth of my heart because you’re the best. Happy super birthday to you, my very own. Best wishes.

84. I know for sure, that our hearts are compatible than any others in the world can ever be. The love we share, the trust we have in each other, and the uncommon parts of our hearts that can never let go of each other. Happy birthday to you, my queen.

85. Loving you is one thing I must always do. You have come to be one of the most amazing, charming, and most beautiful ladies I have ever known. There’s nothing in this world that I can’t do to show the depth of my love for you. Happy super birthday to you, baby.

86. There’s a whole lot we have come to share than mere words can ever tell. You have been one do the most caring and kindest person I have ever met in this life. Sweetheart, your birthday is a very special day do me, and that is why I have written this letter to wish you the very best. I will always love and respect you, baby.

87. The beauty of this day is comparable to nothing. It has not only brought happiness but also shows that you’re a step closer to the realization of your dreams. I am glad to be a part of this noble journey. As you continue to age, I pray that God also continues to shower more blessings and grace on you. Happy birthday, my angel.

88. Since we met, you have always been a loving and caring lady. Going into a relationship with you is really one of the most amazing decisions I have ever made. Here’s a message to let you know that you’re super awesome and that I will always appreciate your love and care. Best wishes on your birthday, sweetheart.

89. There’s exactly nothing in this life that can ever cause the depth of my love for you to drift. You have not only been a girlfriend but one who has on several occasions gone extra miles, just to make sure we are at the best state. Your love is more of a blessing to me, and I never want us to part ways. Happy birthday to you, sweetheart.

90. Your love has come to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever had to call mine. You have not only shown me so much love and care but one that cannot be compared to any other in the World. Sweetheart, I know surely that my love for you will always grow stronger than one can ever imagine. Happy birthday, my queen.

91. The fact that we have come to this point together, proves that we’re people who are determined to make something beautiful out of this relationship. The fact that we share equal goals and dreams gives me foresight into what the future holds for us. You’re the best lady I have ever met. Happy birthday, my love.

92. From the very depth of my heart, you have been the loveliest and most amazing lady in the world to me. Sweetheart, I want you to know that the achievement of your dreams and the accomplishment of your set goals are closer than you can ever think. I love you from the very depth of my heart, and I wish you the best as you turn a year older. Happy birthday, my cherry.

93. It’s a wonderful thing that you get closer to your set goals as each day passes through. You have been a great and loving girlfriend, and words will not do justice in telling how much you really do mean to me. As we continue in life’s journey, I know for sure that you shall get to unlimited heights, because you have distinguished yourself amongst equals. Happy birthday, my ruby.

94. You’re the most precious jewel I have ever had. The language of love which your heart speaks does not stammer, neither does it bring any pain. Your love is the merger of our souls, and the most effective medic I have ever known. Sweetheart, I hope we will mark this birthday of yours with lots of joyful moments and memories. Happy birthday, my queen.

95. The relationship we share has instilled so many positive things in me than mere words can tell. You’re not only a girlfriend but one whose love has really helped in elevating me to the point I am today. I appreciate all that we share, and I will always live to love you. Happy birthday to you, my heartthrob.

96. There can never be such a thing as a girlfriend whose love is more than yours. Amongst everyone I have ever known in this world, you happen to be the best. You have showered me with tons of love and care that is rare to find. You’re one person I will always love from the depth of my heart. Happy birthday to you, my dearest lover.

97. Having you as a lover has not only satisfied my love life but has also affected my whole being. You have contributed so much to the person I am growing to be, and I can’t love you less. On your birthday, I pray that this beautiful bond we share never knows an end. And may you achieve all that which you desire. Happy birthday to you, honey.

98. The love which your relationship has brought to me is the most amazing thing ever. You have touched my life in so many ways that words cannot tell. Baby, be sure that my love for you will always grow deeper, stronger, and healthier as each day passes through. Happy super birthday to you, sweetheart.

99. Right from the moment we met, you have always been the best human blessing to me. You have touched my life in every sphere of it, and my heart has come to be glued to yours. On your birthday, I make just one wish, that you keep growing to greater heights, even as our relationship gets better by the day. Happy super birthday to you, my cherry. Best wishes.

100. I’m so happy that we have come to the realization of the fact that our hearts are compatible. More happy to know that today marks your born day. I know you to be a determined person, and the strides you have always put in place to achieve your set goals are so amazing an inexpressible. Today, I pray you have good health and your dreams be fulfilled, even as I also wish that our love continues to keep us together. Happy birthday to you, my Almond Joy.

That you’re a part of your girlfriend’s happiness on her birthday is one thing that can count more than you will ever imagine.

By sending one of these lovely and beautiful birthday letters to her, you must have succeeded in making her smile, with full understanding that you love and cherish her from the depth of your heart.

Best wishes as she turns a year older.

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