– The Role of an Accountant In Curbing Corruption in Nigeria – 

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This study aims at exploring the role of an accountant in curbing corruption in Nigeria. The objective of the research work seeks to explore the role an accountant can play in the fight against corruption by applying his investigative skills, providing litigation support service and documentation and reporting.

The population used in the research was the University College Hospital (UCH). The research design employed was the survey research. Data were majorly collected from primary sources.

The hypothesis testing in this research work was done using Chi-Square. The results of the empirical findings show that accountants are relevant in investigating crime and corruption in Nigeria.

Accountants play a role in litigation support services in Nigeria, and accountants are relevant in documentation and reporting.

It was observed that accountants play a significant role in curbing crime and corrupt practices in any public sector since they provide a mechanism to hold people accountable, such that those who manage resources in a fiduciary capacity do not easily abuse that trust without detection.

Amongst other proffered solutions, it was recommended that should always act proactively such that the members of the profession in Nigeria are kept abreast of emerging technologies, especially in the area of accounting.

The legislature should also see to it that the executive grants full autonomy to the agents of government that are charged with enforcing accountability.

of the Federation, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, and Code of Conduct Bureau, should be fully independent entities free to do their jobs without undue meddling and interference.


Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background to the study 1
1.3 Statement of the problem 4
1.4 Objectives of the study 5
1.5 Research questions 5
1.6 Statement of the hypotheses 6
1.7 Significance of the study 6
1.8 Justification of the study 7
1.9 Scope of the study 8
1.10 Definitions of terms 8


2.0 Introduction 10
2.1 Conceptual frame work 11
2.2 Theoretical frame work 19
2.3 Literature on the subject matter 26


3.0 Area of study 35
3.1 Research design and sources of data 36
3.2 Study population and determination of sample size 38
3.3 Instrumentation 38
3.4 Procedure for data collection and data analysis 39
3.7 Limitations of the study 40


4.0 Introduction 41
4.1 Findings of the study 41
4.2 Test of hypothesis 53
4.3 Discussion of the findings 58


5.1 Summary of findings 60
5.2 Conclusion 60
5.3 Recommendations 61
5.4 Proposal for further studies 62
References 63
Appendix 67


Nigeria became an independent nation on the 1st October 1960 a country richly endowed with monumental geographical and diverse natural resources ranging from Nigeria possesses potential market ability for rapid economic development.

However, in spite of these obvious resources and its advantage, Nigeria remains a poor and underdeveloped country. Scholars have achieved and advanced several reasons to explain this parlous and depleting state. One of the major and prominent factors advanced is corruption.

Corruption has been a major problem in Nigeria since independence, numerous state institutions have become dysfunctional because of , Projects are routinely abandoned, and no one is brought to book, public goods and resources are diverted to private ends.

Corruption endangers the and the democracy we see today, Corruption was cited as one of the more prominent reasons for Nigeria’s first military coup by the coups of January 15th, 1966 military putsch, Massive corruption and resources brigandage also were cited as reasons for the military takes over by the regime of Buhari and Tunde Idiagbon on December 31st, 1983.


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