You know that beauty has always been a major factor in determining a person’s worth. This is quite true, as long as you’ve checked out the cosmetics section at your local supermarket. But what if I told you there’s another factor, which is much more important than how you look? Well, there is, actually! And it’s called your brain!

Now, just because your brain is beautiful doesn’t mean you’ll be prettier yet. What it means is that wit and knowledge will win over good looks any day of the week! That’s why it’s not just your physical appearance that should matter to you — your intelligence too.

While there’s nothing wrong with being beautiful, as having a pretty face or attractive body can bring you many opportunities in your life, focusing so much on beauty, you can lose sight of the other important things in life.

The human brain is a fascinating organ. In fact, the brain is home to more neurons than there are stars in the Milky Way.

By using your brain, you can get ahead in life; get a scholarship, read your dream course, climb the highest ladder of your career and lead a more fulfilling life.

So if you need to tell the world how better the brain is compared to beauty, these brain is better than beauty quotes are all you need. They’ll help you to develop their brains and make the world a better place.

The brain is better than beauty. Beauty is only skin deep. The brain is deeper than that. What you see, what you feel, how you think, and how you act are the most important things in life, not just because they’re beautiful or because they’re good-looking, but because they make a difference to who you are and to the world.

1. How long do you think it took for the brain to be designed? I would argue that it’s longer than any beauty product. So the brain is better than beauty.

2. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but brains are in the mind—and they’re more powerful.

3. The brain is the most powerful computer, and it’s in your head. It judges everything you say, do and buy, but mostly what you don’t do. And so it makes important decisions on how you feel, how you look, and how successful you will be in life. The brain is better than beauty.

4. The brain is the most important organ in the body. It is responsible for all our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The brain is better than beauty.

5. If you want to be beautiful, be a good person. If you want to be smart, study hard. If you want to be rich, work hard. If you want to be successful, achieve a vision and make sure it’s your dream.

6. The brain is better than beauty because it understands the meaning of life and death, love and hate.

7. Beauty is only on the surface. What really matters is what’s inside of you. Your brain is better than your beauty, and it will outshine you at work and in life.

8. The brain is better than beauty. Beauty always comes from brains.

9. When you have a beautiful brain, no one remembers you are facially plain. Brain is better than beauty.

10. Beauty is only skin deep. But ugly is everywhere beneath the surface. Brain is better than beauty.

11. You’re smart, and you have the brains of a genius. You’re an inspiration, and I hope that you continue to be successful in life. Brain is better than beauty.

12. We live in a society that’s obsessed with beauty. But, the more important thing is brain health.

13. The mind is the ultimate judge of beauty. All it takes is a brain to make your best self beautiful. Brain is better than beauty.

14. Beauty is only skin deep. What matters is who you are on the inside, and no one can change that. Be patient and kind, work hard, and be honest with yourself.

15. Brain is better than beauty. Beauty alone is the goddess of a heartless world.

16. The brain is a much more powerful beauty accessory than we give it credit for. Brain is better than beauty.

17. Are you more smart or beautiful? Are you more of a brain than a beauty? Brain is better than beauty in this world.

18. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and brain power is a beautiful thing.

19. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes right to the bone. Brain is better than beauty.

20. Good things come to those who wait, good things come to those who work hard, and good things come to those who are smart. Brain is better than beauty.

21. Beauty is only skin deep. It doesn’t matter how pretty you look on the outside, as long as your brain is working right. Brain is more important than beauty.

22. Brain over beauty. We believe it’s not about being a pretty face or having a great body; it’s about being able to clearly express what you are feeling and communicating your thoughts in such a way that the world finds meaningful.

23. Your brain is better than anything you can get in a store. It’s like having a library of yourself, an infinite number of thoughts and memories, and perceptions. And that’s pretty cool.

24. You don’t need to be beautiful to be smart, but you do need to be smart to be beautiful. Brain is better than beauty.

25. Your brain is the most beautiful organ in your body. Keep it healthy and active because we are what we think, and we are what we do. Brain is better than beauty.

26. Everyone’s beauty is different, and nobody is perfect. But if you put in the work, it will reveal your inner beauty the way it was meant to be shown. Brain is better than beauty.

27. Beauty is only skin deep, and ugly lies underneath. That which can be seen without emphasis is not worth knowing. Brain is better than beauty.

28. It’s not what you say but how you say it that counts. Brain is better than beauty, and it’s much more valuable.

29. The only beauty is inner beauty. Beauty is what you see when your heart is pure and true. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not the beholder’s eyes. Brain is better than beauty; a beautiful personality is best than natural beauty.

30. Beauty is pain. It may be self-inflicted, but it’s no less real for that. But brains are a lot more useful than beauty—and they come in all shapes and sizes.

31. Beauty is only skin deep. But if you have a strong and beautiful brain, that’s where it’s at.

32. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But brain power is in the brain, and that’s where it counts.

33. You can’t buy beauty—but you can gain it. You can’t buy brains—but you can develop them. But the brain is better than beauty.

34. We live in a society where we are taught that looks are the most important factor. We are told that our brains are less important than beauty. That’s why we’re here to remind you that brains matter too, and that beauty is a choice.

35. You are more than just beautiful. You are smarter than every book you’ve ever read and wiser than every person who has ever lived. You don’t need to be defined by your looks because beauty is a state of mind.

36. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But none of us gets to see things from their perspective, so we think we are unattractive. Beauty comes from within; it’s a reflection of who you are and how you view the world. Let’s get back to thinking about people for once instead of focusing on looks. We all have brains that look fine. And brain is better than beauty.

37. Beauty is only skin deep. But, beauty lies in the heart and a gentle manner that others recognize you as more beautiful than they initially thought. Beauty is not physically attractive, it is more about personality, attitude, and intelligence.

38. Beauty is like a flower; it blooms only in the sunshine of life. If you live your life so people will admire you, you will be more beautiful than they are. No matter how gorgeous your face may be, if your soul is ugly and mean, no one will want to see it. So brain is better than beauty.

39. Beauty is only skin deep. It can’t protect you from your true self. Beauty is for the eyes of those who think, not for the ears of those who listen. Brain is better than beauty.

40. Brain is better than beauty. It is more powerful than beauty, but the arms race of beauty will never truly be over. Don’t give up because you don’t believe in yourself.

41. What matters most is how your brain works, not how you look. Brain is better than beauty.

42. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But a brawny brain and a sparkly personality, that’s one thing we can all agree on. Brain is better than beauty.

43. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but brains are better. The brain is always more beautiful than the face. Let’s celebrate our brains – because they are always worth it!

44. We all have the power to improve our brains and build a better future for ourselves. Let’s be more concerned about that than our faces. Brain is better than beauty.

45. Brain is better than beauty, but don’t tell anyone. Your brain is like a muscle, and it needs exercise.

46. It’s not about the look; it’s about the brain. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The brain is better than beauty.

47. Brain beats the beauty, if only because we all know what it feels like to be pretty.

48. Beauty products, diet plans, and gym memberships are all distractions that don’t make us feel better. The only thing that will change the way you look is your brain, not a bunch of pills. Brain is better than beauty.

49. If you want your brain to look better, you need to feed it with the right foods. Brain is better than beauty.

50. You can not judge a book by its cover. But you can judge a brain by its ability to solve problems and learn new things. Brain is better than beauty.

I believe you have enjoyed these brain is better than beauty quotes. Kindly share these quotes on your social media pages, and kindly comment below if you were convinced. Thanks.

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