There are so many reasons life can get tiring; a dull routine, problematic relationships, financial hardship, health problems and ongoing failure. All these might make us feel so defeated that we want to hands off, stop forcing or fighting for things to fall in place and rather choose to be at peace with ourselves, our decisions and life in general.

This point of resignation, where we choose to stop fighting, is difficult. Still, when we get to that point, we must embrace it for our peace and mental stability and understand that we are not alone in our struggles as millions of people, including myself, have had to stop fighting for and over certain things.

In this post, I have written a series of I am tired of fighting quotes, so we understand we are not alone in our struggles and that it is human and okay to get tired of fighting at one point or the other in our lives over certain issues.

I’ve been through a lot in my life. I’ve had a lot of struggles. I’ve endured hardships and know what it’s like to be emotionally drained. But I’m tired of the fighting. Life, for me, is about enjoying every chance I have to be happy now.

1. I am tired of fighting and ready to settle all the grievances I am holding against people around me.

2. I am tired of fighting with myself and with others. I am tired of being angry. So I am letting go and making peace with myself and everyone.

3. I am tired of fighting the same old battles. I am sick and tired of living in fear and anxiety. And I am done making excuses for why life is hard.

4. I am going to let go of the things that are holding me back. I’m tired of fighting, and I want to be free.

5. I’m tired of fighting. I am tired of having to fight for everything I want. I want life to be easy so I can live it to the fullest.

6. I am tired of fighting for everything I want in life. Life is hard. It’s time to let go and let God work in my life.

7. I am tired of fighting! I want to take risks, take chances, and move forward. I am tired of living in fear of what life may hold.

8. I am tired of fighting to be seen and heard. I am tired of pushing and shoving to have my opinions heard. The world will notice my talents and gifts when the time is right.

9. I will stop fighting the pain and live in the now.

10. I’m tired of fighting. I’m sick of the stress and strife on my mind, body, and soul. It’s time to take things slow and enjoy life.

11. I have lost my will to fight. It is time to slow down and live my best life.

12. I am tired of fighting. I’m going to take control now and relax. No more obligations. Only peaceful, serene, and slow living.

13. Everyone deserves a little relief. It’s time for me to stop fighting and find the peace I deserve.

14. I’m overly stressed, so I have chosen to stop fighting. I don’t want to live like this anymore.

15. I am tired of fighting in life. I’m tired of being tired. So many things in my life have been hard to deal with, and I’ve chosen peace over struggle.

16. I’m tired of fighting in life. I’m ready for peace and contentment, finding opportunities to love and serve others instead of trying to beat them down.

17. I’m tired of fighting. I’m done with the struggles, and I’m ready for peace.

18. I’ve been fighting in life, and it’s gotten me nowhere. So, I’m taking a break. I’m choosing peace.

19. No more fighting. No more struggling. I’m done with that. I’ve got too much going on, and I’m ready to slow down and live a bit more normally.

20. I’m tired of the fighting and the struggles. I’ve had enough. Life is too short to be wasted on a bunch of petty arguments, and life is too short for me not to enjoy it now.

21. I’ve decided to listen to what my heart is telling me. I’m tired of fighting. I’m done being angry with the past, afraid of the future and resentful of what life has dealt me.

22. I am tired of fighting. I’m done with living a life that doesn’t fit me, trying to be someone I’m not, and hanging on when it seems like you might lose your grip on anything or anyone good in your life.

23. I am tired of fighting. I want to be a peacemaker and spread peace.

24. I am tired of fighting; I have visualized conflict for too long. It is time for me to help others see peace.

25. I have no patience. I’m exhausted from the daily fight. I’m ready to melt away into the void and be free.

26. I’m tired of fighting. I’m done being angry with the past, and I’m at peace with where life has taken me.

27. I’m tired of fighting. It’s time to heal my heart and move on.

28. I am tired of the bickering and the fights. I need a break from it to protect my mental and emotional state.

29. I am tired of all the needless stress. Whether it’s a heated debate or a silent treatment, I would rather not deal with it anymore.

30. I am tired of being stuck in the rut of a succession of trivial, insignificant arguments every day. I want to break free and live my life to
the fullest.

31. I’m tired of the fighting. I’m tired of the struggles. I am burned out, but there’s still time to enjoy and make the most out of life.

32. No more fighting. No more battles. I’m taking a break and embracing peace in this season of my life.

33. I’m ready to take it slow. I quit the fights; I don’t want to fight anymore.

34. I want to give up on fighting and quit the struggle. I want to embrace peace not just in my home but around the world. I want to smile more.

35. It’s time to take a break and take a breath. Step away from the drama and leave the fighting for another day. This season of my life is about peace, ironically.

36. This season of my life is a time to relax. No more stress. No more worries. I’m done with quarrels and conflict. I’m ready to make peace with those in my circle.

37. I am tired of fighting. It’s time to take a much-needed break, recharge my batteries, and enjoy the peace of being at home with family and friends.

38. I’m exhausted by all the fighting in life. I want to savour the peace that sets my soul at ease.

39. I’ve seen war, love, hate, murder and many other vicious crimes that weigh on my heart. I’m tired of fighting in this world. All I wish is to live in peace.

40. I am tired of fighting. The desire to live a tension-free life and set my own pace is stronger than ever. I’ve faced a lot of hard times, but I am no longer overcome by fear, worry and anxiety.

41. I’m tired of fighting. I’m done with being stressed and exhausted. I’m ready to take it slow, make small changes and enjoy life in this beautiful place.

42. I am tired of fighting, feeling stressed and exhausted. I will transform my work-obsessed life into a simpler, happier home-centred one.

43. I’m tired of fighting to keep a home, a job, and a marriage together. I’m tired of the struggle. I’m ready to take the time to make wellness a priority.

44. I’ve been fighting for too long. I want to take a break and enjoy peace for a bit.

45. I’m tired of fighting and quarrelling. I’m tired of being harassed, threatened, attacked and assaulted. I’m tired of my image being smeared and tarnished by lies. I want to live peacefully with my family, friends and loved ones.

46. I’m tired of fighting. I’m tired of the lies, the deception and the pain. I’m tired of spending so much time thinking about fighting back but not enough time considering how to start over.

47. I have chosen to take things slow and get rid of the fights in life. I am choosing peace over chaos.

48. I’m tired of fighting in life, and I want to be peaceful but strong. No
more excuses to hide behind. Let life unfold and bloom the way it was meant to.

49. It’s time to go slow, not fast. It’s time to stop fighting and embrace peace. I am going to take things easy moving forward.

50. I’m in a better place now and will stop fighting and enjoy peace.

Being too tired to fight can happen when anyone in a relationship gets to their breaking point and have no energy or mental strength left for conflicts and argument; this might be a good thing for the relationship and help stop the fights.

51. Peace is a choice, not an invention. It’s possible to live without strife and conflict, even in life’s most challenging moments, and couples tired of fighting must choose to do just that.

52. Anyone too tired to fight must quit fighting over trivial issues and embrace peace.

53. Too tired to fight; try to overcome problems by facing them head-on. Stop being a victim, stop fighting and take action.

54. Too tired to fight? Then stop. One must choose peace over chaos when there is no longer energy for fights and struggles.

55. Anyone too tired to keep fighting or struggling must choose peace, especially when it involves the lives of others.

56. When too tired to fight, take a break and exhale.

57. There comes the point in the life of a man or woman where he/she will drop the fighting spirit and choose to embrace the easy life. That point is one everybody must get to.

58. It is possible to get too tired to fight. When this happens, it is a sign it is time to take a break from life’s struggles and challenges.

59. When too tired to keep fighting, take a break from the hustle and strive for peace.

60. Whenever anyone gets too tired of fighting, they must choose peace, love over hate, and happiness over sadness.

61. It’s okay to get too tired of fighting and quarrelling; whenever this happens, choose to laugh and joke again.

62. People who get too tired of fights and quarrels must choose to enjoy life and make time for important things.

63. The world needs more people to get too tired to fight and embrace love, friendship and peace.

64. Everyone needs to get too tired of fighting and quarrelling. The world and the people in it need more love.

65. Getting too tired of fighting and quarrelling with loved ones is necessary. Choosing to hold and love those is all that matters in this life.

66. It’s okay to get so tired of fighting. Fighting breeds a lot of resentment, and a time must come when the fights must stop to give room for love.

67. When humanity gets to a point where it is tired of arguing, quarrelling and bickering, a better world will be formed.

68. There comes a time when one gets too tired of fighting and quarrelling because all that matters is having a safe and secure space free from strife.

69. Incessant fights make the mind troubled all the time; sometimes, the mind is bound to get too tired to keep up with the fights and snap; this is a dangerous thing that must not be allowed.

70. It is okay to become too tired to keep fighting for love and instead choose to fight for happiness.

71. When people get too tired to fight in wars, nations will be forced to embrace peace over chaos

72. One can get too tired to fight and instead choose to love and be loved. Love supersedes hatred and conflict.

73. Being too tired to fight is a good thing. It makes one pursue love and work on being good and peaceful.

74. Love and conflict cannot thrive together. Getting too tired to fight means it is time to embrace love and peace.

75. When the heart is weary and becomes too tired to fight, the fighting and quarrelling must stop and give room for meaningful conversations.

76. When a person gets too tired to fight, it shows they have grown.

77. Getting too tired to fight means striving to live in peace and pursue healthy friendships is time.

79. It is possible to become too tired to fight; this happens when the fight has been prolonged so much that the heart is weary.

80. As soon as a person gets too tired to fight, their demeanour becomes calm, and they become a positive person.

81. People need to get too tired to fight, put down their weapons, dismantle all the walls built around their hearts and make room for love.

82. When the body and mind become too tired to fight, it signifies it is time for peace! No more arguments!

83. It is possible for the heart to get too tired of fighting for what isn’t worth fighting over. Even the human heart craves peace most times.

84. Continuous fighting is a scary experience that wears out the mind. Once the mind gets too tired to continue the fights, it is time to stop.
85. That point where one gets too tired to keep fighting is the point when it is time to move on.

86. Only some have the strength for strife. Some people are too tired to fight and want peace, love and tolerance.

87. Being too tired to fight means it is time to move on from old memories and start a new chapter in life.

88. To be too tired to fight is to be ready to embrace peace and let go of all grievances.

89. Too tired to fight? Take a break, spend time alone and make peace with the world.

90. Sometimes, finding peace is hard, but getting too tired to fight means choosing to fight less and live more.

91. Fighting or arguing with people is exhausting; learn not to waste time on people when the mind gets too tired of the negative energy and vibe they bring.

92. It is better to stop fighting over what we cannot control, especially when we have given it our best and gotten too tired.

93. Anyone who gets too tired or fed up with the constant need to explain, justify and prove themselves to others must learn to live life authentically and not be sorry for it.

94. Too tired to fight? Come to terms with your limits and stop trying to force things along.

95. Some battles are unnecessary. Learn to avoid a battle that you will get easily tired of fighting.

96. Once too tired of fighting to secure a place in the world, let life take its course.

97. It can be mentally draining to keep fighting for something for so long, So the instant it gets too tiring, it is best to pull back and watch things unfold.

98. It can be tough to be strong and keep fighting for something that doesn’t seem to work out. When a breaking point is reached, and one gets too tired to fight, it might be time to embrace peace.

99. It is expedient to get to a point where one is too tired when fighting for a relationship. Getting to this point means it is time to move on and focus on individual goals.

100. Fighting for success is important, but the instant the brain and body get too tired to keep fighting and struggling, it is important to stop, relax and enjoy all the rewards that have been obtained.

It is okay to be tired of fighting, and it’s okay to want a break. We are humans, after all, and there is only so much we can take and endure.

If you went through this, I am tired of fighting quotes; I assume there is something you are currently struggling with and you are thinking of putting an end to. Tell me about these quotes in the comment section.

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