Every day is a gift but sometimes becomes more obvious than usual. When we remind ourselves of the blessings of living, we become grateful for every moment life has offered us in this vast world and also extend gratitude to all those who have made it so full.

Special days like birthdays are very significant in our lives because it was on this day that we came into this world. As we grow older, we learn to appreciate our lives more than when we were younger. Whether you came to terms with that before or after 50, you still have the same time left.

We can easily take our lives for granted, thinking of them as just another day. If today is the day you were born, and you take some time to think about the day, you will be grateful for your life and everything that led you to where you are at this very moment. It is a special day to recall joy, laughter and happiness moments and a day to be bold and make a difference.

This collection of today is the day I was born quotes contains profound statements and depths that reflect one’s life. 

Today is the day, the day of my birth. This is the beginning of a new chapter of my life. Today is the day that all of my dreams can come true. Today is a new day, a birthday, and a fresh start.

1. Today is the day I was born. This is the day of my birth, and I will not fail to celebrate it. Today I have become a young girl/boy who is determined to do anything to make my dreams come true. I will not forget who I am and where I come from.

2. Today is a great day, the day I was born. Today is the day I will make good decisions, become a better person and achieve my goals.

3. Today is the day I was born, and I am alive and well; happy birthday. I have accomplished something that most people only dream of; I am one of a kind, and I don’t need anyone to tell me that.

4. Today is the day I was born. I am going to celebrate and make it a wonderful day.

5. Today is the day I was born. I am a glorious being of light, power and divine love. Today is a day for celebration!

6. Today is the day I was born, and I will start living for myself and my family. Today is the day that I am free to make a difference. Today is the day to be grateful to my Creator, who gave me this gift of life and love.

7. Today is the day I was born. It is a special day because it has created a special person– me! And I am thankful to God for this gift of life.

8. Today is the day I was born. I have been given this one life, and I will make the most out of it.

9. Today is the day I was born; it is a day full of possibilities. Everything I need to make my dreams come true is already inside me. I am prepared to set goals and take action to make them happen.

10. Today is the day I was born; I will go forth and do my work, knowing that I may be no more tomorrow. Today I can choose to make a difference in the world around me.

11. Today is the day I was born. Today is also the first day of the rest of my life. Let me make it count, and make each passing day as full and meaningful as possible.

12. Today is the day of my birth; I am thankful that God chose to bring me into this world and made me a blessing to others.

13. Today is a special day, the day of my birth. Today I will have time to do what I’ve always wanted. Now is the time to change things and realize that there are no limits. Today I will work harder, dream bigger and fight harder than ever.

14. Today is the day I was born! It’s a new beginning, the start of something great.

15. Today is the beginning of who I will become. It all starts today with this one decision to love me and all that is within me.

16. Today is my birth anniversary. It is the first day of the rest of my life!

17. Today is the day I was born. Today, I will do something extraordinary with your life.

18. Today, I’ll be someone special. Tomorrow might be different, but today will always be mine.

19. Today is the day I was born, and you can bet that I intend to celebrate.

20. Today is the day of my birth. It marks the beginning of a journey that would change my life forever and make it worth living.

21. Today is the day I was born. This is my life, and I will live it to the fullest today.

22. Today is the day I was born. It’s the day I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Today is the day I will make choices and take action. Today is the day I take charge of my destiny, start making money and create my first million.

23. Today is my birthday. I have a new opportunity to do something marvellous and exciting.

24. Today, with gratitude, I remember all those who have contributed to my achievements. Today I celebrate myself and all those who have nurtured me along the way.

25. Today is the best of my life, the day I was born. Today, I will be happy and generous. Today, I will make progress on whatever my goals are. This day is special because anything is possible for me.

26. Today is the day I was born. Today is a gift, and on this day, I’m lucky to be alive.

27. Today is the day I was born. Today is also the first day of all my tomorrows.

28. This is a day to be born into. This is a day to celebrate. Today I was born to think and achieve the extraordinary. Today is my day.

29. Today is the day something new can begin. Today I will start a new good habit and quit a bad old one. I will stop rushing through life and start living. Today is my day of transformation!

30. Today is the day I was born. Today is what it says it is, the day I was born. I have one life to live and will make the most of it. Today is my day to be a hero; I will make it count!

31. Today is the day I was born, and I’m ready to conquer the world.

32. Today is my birthday. I am the special one who was born on this special day. Today, I will be celebrating.

33. Today is the day I was born, and it’s always a special day. And I know I am loved, remembered and blessed.

34. Today is my birthday, and I’ve never been happier. Life has given me a gift that I will take advantage of and make the most of. So go ahead and say “happy birthday” to me; it’s what I deserve.

35. Today is my birth anniversary, and I am grateful for my life. Although, at times, it has been a tough road for me, I wouldn’t change a thing about it. The way I see it, every single experience has made me who I am today. Even the difficult ones.

36. Today is my birthday, and I’m writing to say thanks. Thanks for being part of this amazing journey with me. Thanks for the support. Thanks for being a good friend and for being you. Here’s to all the good things to come in the new year of my life.

37. Today is a special day for me. It’s my birthday, and I am lucky to be alive, healthy and happy. Life is too short for anything less. Whether we’re talking about this life or the next one, we are only here once. So it’s important to think about the things we currently have and reflect on what makes us grateful.

38. Birthdays are another reminder that our time on this earth is finite. Every day we take for granted is a day that could be our last. This has made me ask—why not do what you want? There’s no better time than the present! Let’s make today awesome. Today I will do something amazing.

39. Today is my birth anniversary. It’s a day I mark every year because it’s one less year I have to live. It’s a chance to reevaluate my life and realize how phenomenal our world is.

40. Today is my birth anniversary. While I can’t say it any other way, today is also the day I was born. My birthday has come again, a day to celebrate once every year. I have been given a moment of peace to appreciate my life a little more. A day to spend time with my family and send some love to folks far away.

41. Today is the day I was born, and I am grateful for everything I have in my life. I take this opportunity to express gratitude for everything that happened on this day in years past.

42. Today is my birthday. I am grateful for the life I have and all the love that I have received.

43. My birthday is a time for reflection. Looking back and being thankful for the life I have been given. It’s a time to be grateful for my family, friends and everything else in my life that I am blessed with. This year, I am especially grateful for the love and support of my friends.

44. Today is the day I was born, and I am grateful for my life. I have had a rough life, but my loved ones and friends always carry me through and keep me on my feet. I owe them so much, and this day is to remember that.

45. Today is a special day, the day I was born. My entire life has been a series of lucky happenings. There are many people whose problems are greater than mine, but I am grateful for my life.

46. Today is the day I was born, and I am grateful for my life. I’ve seen many ups and downs, but through it all, I’ve learned to appreciate all I have and be thankful for everything I have been given.

47. Today is my birthday, and I’m grateful for my life: a loving family, incredible friends, a great home and an amazing job. I also appreciate being blessed with health and happiness today and every day.

48. On this special day of my birth, I feel blessed to be surrounded by those who love me and help make every day a little brighter.

49. Today is my birthday, and it’s a great time to remind myself that I’m here for a reason. I also know that no one is guaranteed tomorrow so I will make a count today. I want to impact others by always choosing the right path.

50. Today is the day I was born. Today is the day I put my dreams into action, as I realize that the past has made me who I am today.

51. Today is the day I was born, and my day will not be complete without showing appreciation for how lucky I am for the life I lead.

Having gone through these quotes, I hope you were able to gather ample reasons why every day should be seen as a gift, especially the day you were born. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Thanks.

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