Toxic relationships are often not easily ended because people stay in them for so many different reasons: guilt, fear and habit. People tend to stay in these types of relationships because they don’t want to hurt their partner’s feelings; they believe that their partner doesn’t have any other options; they feel like it’s their fault and want to fix it; they’re afraid of being alone; or because they just don’t know how to get out of this situation without causing more problems than there already are.

The feeling of being tired of a toxic relationship can be overwhelming at times but there are ways to deal with this situation calmly and effectively so you can move forward with your life and find happiness again.

If you are in a toxic relationship and you are tired, then you need to go through these tired of toxic relationship quotes below. 

I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. It makes me feel like I’m going crazy sometimes, or like everyone else is right and I’m the only one who sees it. We both have issues that go along with this, but no help seems to be around.

1. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I need to get over the past and move forward.

2. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I can’t take it anymore. I feel like the walking dead, but when I open my mouth to speak, an apology comes out instead of what I want to say.

3. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I have not been given the attention that I deserve. No one cares about me and my needs. People always walk all over me so they can get what they want out of life; but what about me? Do I not have any right to have my own needs met?

4. If you are tired of being in a toxic relationship, then you should do something about it because negativity has never helped anyone. It is better to be alone than to be with someone who takes advantage of our kindness.

5. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship, I want better for myself than to settle for someone who doesn’t see me or value me. I am worthy of love and respect from myself, from you, and the world around us.

6. You are tired of being in a toxic relationship, and it is not your fault. You deserve better and you should not feel bad about yourself for seeking that out.

7. When you’re in a toxic relationship and it feels like your life is falling apart, remember that things will be better soon. You deserve to be happy and healthy. You can make positive changes in your life and relationships, which is enough.

8. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I have met my soulmate, he is the perfect man for me.

9. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship where my dreams and goals are not the same as my partner’s. I am tired of being in a relationship where someone else is controlling me, abusing me, and abusing my power. I am tired of being verbally abused and humiliated in front of others.

10. It is difficult to stay in a toxic relationship and I must admit that I am sick and fed up.

11. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship where I feel drained of all my energy and want to get out. I feel like I’m stuck on a treadmill, running but getting nowhere.

12. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am tired of trying so hard to make it work when my efforts are not reciprocated. I’m tired of spending hours crying in the bathroom when I know that it is time for me to leave

13. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am tired of having to wake up and think about that person, wishing and hoping that someday this person will change for the better. I am going to stop holding onto something that is never going to change.

14. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I went from feeling like my best self to being a shell of myself because there was no one around to give me the love and support that I needed. I can’t take it anymore. It feels like this situation will never end and that it will continue to hurt me over and over again until something changes.

15. I am so tired of being in a toxic relationship. The best thing for me to do is leave the relationship. In the end, I have always asked myself what I have done wrong and what did I do to deserve this. The relationships that are meant to be will always find a way back together

16. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship with the world I live in. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship with people around me.

17. I’m tired of being in a toxic relationship. But I am hopeful that this is the last time I will have to deal with it and get out for good.

18. I’m tired of being in a toxic relationship. It seems like every time I try to leave, he finds a way to reel me back in.

19. I am tired of the pain from my toxic relationship. I need to go back to being in control of my happiness, not someone else’s.

20. I’m tired of being in a toxic relationship. It doesn’t matter if the person is your best friend or someone you’ve known for a long time – because people can and will change. If they do not want to be with you, then they need to leave. There may be unresolved issues or unaddressed problems, but sometimes the fastest way out of something is simply walking away

21. I am tired of the lies and drama. I am tired of holding my tongue so as not to upset anyone, who cares much more about themselves than they do about me. I am tired of being constantly told hurtful things that are completely untrue; just to make them feel better about themselves when in reality they are full of self-loathing and self-hatred.

22. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I want to leave my partner and feel free, happy and vital again.

23. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I know it’s not healthy and I deserve better than this.

24. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship because after all the long hours and getting intimate with you I am drained. You never respect my feelings. 

25. I am tired of being in this relationship. It’s not you, it’s me. I can’t be fake any longer. But I won’t forget, how you made me feel when we were happy.

26. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am tired of repeating the same behaviours and patterns over and over again. I am tired of feeling like nothing is ever enough, or that there is something wrong with me.

27. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships are bad for your health, mentally, physically and spiritually. They pollute your soul and destroy your confidence. You need to protect your mind and body by leaving toxic relationships as soon as possible

28. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I want out of this relationship now and start the healing process.

29. By being in a toxic relationship, you are allowing that person to tell you who you are. They become your identity and if you will it, they can take over your entire life.

30. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am not afraid to admit it anymore and I speak up for myself. Tired of being ignored, mistreated and disrespected because of your selfishness? What’s most important is to value yourself first and foremost, no one else will unless you do.

31. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. Tired of being told that I’m not trying hard enough, or that I’m being too sensitive, or even worse…that I’m imagining things.

32. This is so sad and I know how you feel. I am also tired of being in a toxic relationship

33. I am sick of being in a toxic relationship and I want to leave.

34. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship and the only way out is to leave

35. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am tired of being the only one that tries, who gives and who stays. I am tired of being replaced by the next great thing because maybe this time he’ll be different.

36. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. It hurts so bad that it feels like I’m being punched in the stomach every time he touches me or says something to me. I don’t know how much more of him and his toxicity I can stand before I completely break down and lose myself.

37. Stop justifying toxic relationships. It’s time to get out and start living your life. Let go of the past and move on.

38. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. How you are making me feel is not right, it is not what you have ever done, but this is all I’ve ever known and it is not normal. I deserve better.

39. I love you, but I am tired of being in a toxic relationship with you. It hurts me so much to see what we have become, and it hurts me more to know that there is nothing I can do about it.

40. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. The love that used to be so sweet has turned sour. The butterflies have morphed into bees and are stinging me every chance they get. I’ve lost my confidence, my self-esteem and my sense of worthiness.

41. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. At first, it’s all about the romantic gestures, love notes and all that jazz. But pretty soon, you’ll find yourself forgiving all their nasty comments and bad behaviours and before long they’ve destroyed who you are as a person. It’s time to stop letting people walk over you and start living your best life!

42. I am tired of toxic relationships. I am tired of the ups and downs, back and forths; I am tired of being in a relationship where I don’t even know who I am anymore.

43. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. It feels like all the good has been sucked out of me, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

44. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I can’t take it anymore. While you read this my heart is breaking, my soul is crushed and my body feels dirty and tainted. The mere thought of having to see your face makes me want to run away and never look back. You are the most toxic person I’ve ever met in my whole life.

45. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I am tired of this battle that we both know we are going to lose. I am tired of the arguments, the name calling and the jealousy.

46. I am tired of feeling like I am being used, manipulated, and lied to. The more toxic relationships you enter into, the more likely you are to attract other people that have low self-esteem or have toxic relationships. If someone told you that they loved you just to use or abuse you, would they be your friend? Just walk away from them.

47. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I should not waste my time on people who don’t matter and treat me like shit. I deserve better than this, better than you

48. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I deserve better, I am worthy of true love and commitment.

49. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. The last few weeks have been the hardest ever. I’m not sure what to do or what my options are. I’m now stuck in this broken thing, and I’m exhausted.

50. Toxic relationships can leave you feeling empty, hurt, and angry. No matter how much you love someone, if they make you feel bad about yourself, then it’s time to move on. In the end, someone else will appreciate your worth as much as you do.

51. You’re not alone. We’ve all experienced toxic relationships and sometimes it can take years to get out.

52. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I want to be happy and have peace once again.

53. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship, where my love is being drained by someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves.

54. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. There is no point in staying. There is no light at the end of this tunnel. The other person doesn’t see what they are doing to you because they don’t want to see it. They don’t want to change but that should be the least of your worries.

55. Tired of toxic relationships? Say goodbye to toxic people and take control of your life.

56. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. It is not good for my mental health or my emotional well-being.

57. I am tired of feeling alone. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship

58. I am tired of sitting in toxic relationships and because I know I am worth more than that, I refuse to stay around.

59. I am tired of feeling empty, exhausted and in a constant state of depression. I am ready to put an end to my toxic relationship and start living again!

60. Being in a toxic relationship is not healthy for you. You are better than this and deserve so much more out of life.

61. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship, I’d rather be alone with no one than deal with this. It’s not healthy for either party.

62. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. So I decided to stand up for myself and leave the bad. I am so grateful that I did, because it has brought me closer to God, and has helped me realize that He is all that matters.

63. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. It is time to end it, once and for all.

64. I am tired of being in a toxic relationship. I have always been the type of person to put my own needs last as long as it serves someone else. In return, I was always disappointed and hurt. This is no longer acceptable or okay by me.

I hope you liked these tired of toxic relationship quotes above. Let me know in the comment section how you feel about this post. You can also share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you for reading.

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