“I am not angry” is a friendly but firm tone that is used to tell a person you are aware of their faults but do not want to hear about them. A good way of reminding someone that their negative attitude is not welcome. Sometimes, when we are angry, our thoughts become sharp, our feelings become hot and we pay attention to everything that supports our anger. We often forget what it was like before we became angry. As a result, we don’t think about the good times or how nice it is to have someone special in our lives.

The more we focus on what went wrong, the angrier we get. This doesn’t mean that you have to forget about their mistakes or even keep them secret from your family and friends; it does mean that you need to distance yourself from your anger so as not to allow it to control you and ruin any chance of restoring your relationship with them. Whether or not you are angry, you need to explain yourself to the one who wronged you. This can be a friend, family member or even your boss.

Letting someone know that you are not angry is an important skill. It can help you have more effective conversations and build better relationships with others. You may have heard the phrase “Never let them see you sweat.” This is especially true when it comes to explaining to someone that you are not angry. If they see that you’re upset, then they’ll assume that something is wrong with them or their actions, which can lead to an argument or misunderstanding.

Here are some I am not angry quotes for explaining yourself to someone that you are not upset.

I am not angry with you. I am not going to find you guilty in my heart for this dumb thing you did. No matter what happens in court, I’m still going to be here for you. But I don’t think this would have happened if you hadn’t been drinking that night.

1. I am not angry. I am not angry with you. I am not unhappy with you. This is not a personal attack nor an indictment of your personal and professional character. I do not want to hurt you.

2. I don’t have any anger. I may be firm, but that’s because I care. Your behaviour is wrong and you should do the right thing.

3. It’s not personal and I’m not angry, but you must do the right thing. Please consider how your actions might impact others, especially now that you have a child.

4. I am not angry, but for the benefit of our relationship you must do what you said you would do; otherwise, we will not be able to sustain our friendship.

5. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. You may have done something that reminds me of the hurtful things I have experienced in my life. That is why your actions or words seemed so out of place or hurtful to me. But please know that it is not about you; it is about my past experiences and wounds that I carry inside me.

6. I can see that your actions are similar to those of the people who abused me in the past. I am not angry at you. It’s nothing personal. It’s just I am sensitive to your actions because they bring back painful memories of my childhood.

7. I’m not angry. Sometimes I need to tell you that so you know it’s not personal. Or to remind me. And I just want you to do the right thing. It is important to me that we show each other respect and honesty.

8. Asking you to do the right thing is not a punishment. It allows you to take ownership of your actions, and it opens the door for better communication in the future.

9. I don’t want to hear your excuses. You promised you would do it and now I need your help because you’re the only one who can help me. I’m not asking you to do it with any negativity, but I am asking you to do it because it’s fair, it’s right and most importantly, it’s something that we should all be doing for each other.

10. I am upset about something you did or failed to do. It’s not your fault, because this type of thing has been going on for a long time and there’s no obvious fix for it. But I’m hoping that you’ll help me by doing what needs to be done.

11. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. Since you haven’t gotten in touch with me yet, it is obvious that you intend to continue doing what is wrong.

12. I am not angry with you. But I have been patient for a long time, but my patience has run out and now things need to change.

13. Sometimes you need to let your partner know you are not angry at them and that you just want them to do the right thing.

14. I am not angry with you. I love and support you and want you to be happy and successful in life. I just want you to understand that what happened was wrong, so please do the right thing.

15. I am not angry with you. I am moved by your good intentions, but I wish you would think about how your actions affect others and make a better choice.

16. I’m angry with you. It’s the situation and my frustration with it that makes me feel a certain way toward you. Don’t take it personally, I’m just looking out for my interests.

17. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. You don’t have to agree with me, but I hope we can respect each other and work together in a way that respects both of us.

18. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. I believe in you and I know that if you apply yourself, you can accomplish anything.

19. I am not angry with you. I am just disappointed that you choose to do the wrong thing. It is not that hard to make the right choice, so no more excuses and let’s get it done!

20. No matter what you’ve done, no matter how foolish it may be to me. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing and stop doing stupid things that could lead to negative outcomes.

21. I am not angry with you. I am disappointed. I will not tolerate being treated like this anymore. Do the right thing or there will be consequences!

22. I am not angry with you. I just want you to see that the people whose lives you’ve affected deserve to be made whole. I won’t think any less of you, and neither will anybody else.

23. I know I may seem angry, but I am not. I want you to do the right thing because of all the bad things that are happening in the world and this can be a big part of it.

24. I am not angry with you. I am not trying to make you feel bad. I want us to get through this together as a family and be there for each other without judgment or guilt.

25. Listen to me. I don’t hate you, but I do strongly believe that making the choices that are best for you is an important part of life. Instead of walking around with a chip on your shoulder, own up to your behaviour and do what is right for you.

26. I am not angry at you. I am disappointed, but I do love you. I want to see you do the right thing and earn back my respect and love.

27. Not every difficult conversation is an argument, and not every disagreement is a fight. Sometimes we just need to sit down with someone and discuss our issues.

28. People make mistakes. We all do. I don’t want to be angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing for yourself, for our relationship and for everyone else in your life.

29. When you feel anger, you need to work it out. This is not something to hold on to. You must tell me exactly what happened so that I can understand why you are angry and recognize the importance of what needs to be done.

30. I am not angry with you. I only want you to do the right thing. In this case, the right thing is simple: be honest and complete your tasks on time.

31. I am not angry with you. I just want you to make things right—in a way that’s true to yourself, and as free of apology or regret as possible.

32. We all make mistakes. Some are big and others, small. But I do not get angry at you for making mistakes, because I also make them sometimes. And I want you to know that although I am not angry, I would appreciate it if you just did the right thing.

33. Being honest and clear is important in any relationship. I will always try to do the right thing, even when it might be difficult. When you see me struggling with this, I hope it means as much to you.

34. I will not tolerate lying, cheating, or stealing. When you mess up, I have to deal with it. This is my business, and I don’t want you to make it worse by doing stupid things.

35. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. We both must do what’s right for our family and future.

36. I know you were looking out for me, but now that I am older I know what is best for me. I hope that you will listen to my words and think about how I feel before making a decision that concerns me.

37. We all make mistakes, but that’s no excuse for saying or doing stupid things. I have a problem with mistakes that have consequences: the bigger a mistake the bigger the consequence. The only real solution is to do what is right and accept responsibility for your actions by making amends and seeking forgiveness if necessary.

38. I know people can be mean and cruel. But that does not give you the right to do whatever it takes to try and bring down others. You have a choice on how you handle life, and your fellow humans.

39. I am not angry. It’s human to make mistakes. But when you do, admit it and apologize. That way, you won’t have to feel ashamed or guilty later on.

40. I can understand your anger. The world does not always bend to our whim, so it should not surprise you when we have to take a stand. If I may allow myself to offer a different perspective: you are not wrong for being angry, but this is not the time or place to be angry.

41. I am not angry with you. But if you don’t do the right thing, I will be upset with myself for not being a better person.

42. I’m sorry for whatever it is that I did to upset you. I don’t want to fight with you but I need to have a better understanding of why you are doing this thing for me to respect your decision and trust your judgment.

43. I am not angry with you. I can be your friend, but only if you understand what is required of you.

44. I am not angry. I trust that you know how important it is to me that we live up to our agreement. If you were honest with me, there would be no need for me to feel upset about this issue.

45. I don’t want to be angry with you. I hate it when we fight. I want us to come together and talk like we used to. It would mean a lot to me if you would treat me with respect.

46. Step up and own it. You’re not afraid of a little conflict, or accountability. You don’t need to fight your battles for you anymore; it’s time for you to use your words and demand what you want from life.

47. Look, I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing for once in your life. Stop misbehaving and focus on what counts, which is taking real action to improve your life.

48. I am not angry with you. It’s important that we have a healthy relationship and creating an environment where we can both be authentic and encourage each other takes commitment, care and intentions on both sides.

49. I am not angry with you but do what’s best. People make mistakes, but when you come out of the house and realize that you have locked your keys in your house and need help getting your car door open, I’ll be there to help if you let me know.

50. This is my calmest, kindest and most rational statement. It is also the most intimidating. I am not angry with you but we all know what’s right here.

51. I am not angry, I just feel disappointed at what happened. I don’t have time to be mad, because life goes on and it has to be lived.

52. I am not angry. But I want to remind myself that everything happens for a reason and most importantly, I will be stronger than ever because of this experience.

53. I’m not angry. I am disappointed that I had to hear the truth from an eyewitness and that it was so difficult to get the real answer.

54. I am not angry, just disappointed. I’m not mad about how things went, but I am disappointed that I didn’t get what I wanted.

55. Don’t be angry about the things that have happened to you in your life. Be grateful for the experience and learning it gave you.

56. The best way to deal with disappointment is to move forward, not backwards. Let it fuel you to be the best version of yourself. Go out there and make the world a better place.

57. Do not be too hard on yourself. The world is hard enough and we need to remember that the negative things in life will always happen.

58. We must be patient with ourselves and others, knowing that we were not asked to undertake this journey alone. We were meant to be supported; we were meant to be loved.

59. I am not angry. My biggest mistake was that I didn’t just sit down and think about it deeper. There is nothing to be disappointed about because this is just a life lesson that we all should learn from and embrace.

60. I am not angry. But everything happens for a reason, so let’s not get frustrated and lost in our sorrow. Let’s instead look at the good in this situation and our best bets for future growth.

61. This is not a letter of anger. Nor is it a threat from an angry parent. I just want you to do the right thing because that’s what will make us all happy in the end.

62. I am not angry with you. Kindly think about what I’m saying, and then respond in a respectful tone.

63. I am not angry. I’m just disappointed that you are choosing the easy way out because you think it’s what I want. I’d rather you chose the right thing over me, every time.

64. It’s not personal. It’s business and the truth matters. While I may appear serious, I want to keep our working relationship as positive and productive as possible.

65. Let’s be honest, I am not angry. I don’t have time to be angry. I am too busy trying to fix the mistakes you keep making. I just want you to stop making me feel like it’s my job to correct your bad decisions!

66. I may not be happy, but I won’t let that make me angry. Sometimes when you get angry, it’s because someone has done you wrong and you’re just looking to get even. But if no one has wronged you, try doing something good for others instead.

67. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing. Because when it comes down to it, that’s all that matters.

68. To everyone who said that I should be happy with the good things in my life, please listen to me. I am not happy with you. I am not angry with you. I just want you to do the right thing.

69. I am not angry with you. You should be grateful that I am paying attention to you at all because I could be doing something much more important.

70. I am not angry with you. When we do what’s right, it makes a difference in our lives and the lives of others. I know this isn’t easy. It takes effort, but I’ll be with you every step of the way. Together we can make a difference.

71. I know you are probably feeling defensive right now and that’s okay. Just know that I’m not angry with you; all I want is for you to own up.

72. I feel frustrated, irritated and disappointed. But my anger is directed at the situation and not at you. I love you and want the best for us both, so please let’s work together to find a solution.

73. I am not angry with you. You are capable of making good decisions for yourself and I trust that you will make the right choice in response to this letter.

74. I am not angry with you. As a long-time fan, you should know by now there is no discussion to have—you must do the right thing.

75. I am not angry. I know you are capable of doing the right thing because I have seen you do it. I just don’t trust you to do it willingly anymore.

76. I am not angry with you. I don’t blame you for what happened. I just want you to think about the consequences that come along with your actions.

77. I’m not angry with you, but I am disappointed. I understand that you made a mistake and I’m willing to forgive you, but before we can move forward, I need you to help fix the situation.

78. I do not hold anger in my heart. My thoughts are calm and rational as I listen to your reasons for doing what you did. It may be hard for you to see it now, but I hope that someday you will understand and appreciate my affection for you.

79. When you do disagree, let it not become an argument. Instead, strive to resolve the problems and disagreements peacefully.

80. I am not angry with you. You have made a mistake and I won’t let it go unnoticed. You could be in trouble but only if you don’t fix it now.

81. I am not angry with you. I have been polite and patient and accommodating, but that has not worked. If you refuse to do what is right, I will leave like a child, who thinks his father is mean because he won’t buy him a new toy when the one he already has is brand new. I will just leave and it won’t be me that misses you, it will be the people around you who kept asking me why you are so unhappy all the time.

82. I may be angry with you, but I am still not angry. I expect you to do the right thing, and I will support you when we both decide that this is the case.

83. I am not angry with you. We have all been there, and we are all entitled to our feelings, but at a certain point, we have to change our behaviour — for ourselves and others.

84. I am not angry with you. I just want you to tell me exactly what happened. If you can’t, I will be forced to ask other people and try to find out on my own.

85. You did not steal my credit card. I would never suspect you of doing such a thing. Please tell me how it happened, so we can prevent it from happening again.

86. I am not angry with you. But please open up because I do not know what you are talking about right now, and that is making me angry.

87. I am not angry with you but this kind of confusion can be dangerous and lead to misunderstandings that we don’t need in our relationship.

88. I asked you to tell me exactly what happened, but instead, you’re avoiding the question and it’s making me extremely frustrated. I need you to tell me what happened so we can move forward.

89. I am not angry with you. When I get upset it is because I think one of my rules has been broken, and then I feel like you’re letting me down. Tell me what happened and we’ll work it out.

90. I am not angry with you. Don’t look guilty—I am just telling you what happened, I want to know exactly what happened.

91. I am not angry with you. I was just trying to remind you of what happened so that we could understand it better.

92. I know you did not mean to upset me, and I’m not angry. I want you to tell me exactly what happened so that we can get past this and move forward.

93. I am not angry with you. I just want us to have a chance to talk about it. I don’t want to explode in anger like this anymore. Please tell me what happened, so we can resolve it together.

94. I’m not angry at you. I’m just very worried about what happened today, and I need to know exactly what happened so we can move on.

95. Everyone feels angry sometimes and it is not always easy to deal with. But I want you to know that I am not angry with you. I just want you to tell me exactly what happened so that we can discuss it together.

96. I am not angry with you but I need you to tell me what happened so that I can help you solve the problem. We can’t move forward unless we look back and address the problem.

97. I believe that you have been trying to hide your actions, actions which may result in sanctions to you and your team. I need those specifics, so I can take the correct follow-up action.

98. When you’re upset and don’t want to talk, it may be hard to express how you feel. However, if you can tell the other person exactly what happened, it will make the conversation so much easier.

99. I am not angry with you. Remember I’m here to help create solutions, but first, you need to tell me what the problem is so that I can understand.

100. I am not angry with you. I can tell that you are in distress and I’d like to help but there also has to be some compromise on both of our sides.

101. I do not hold grudges, and I am not angry with you for making a mistake but there are still consequences to be endured. You need to tell me exactly what happened.

Hello there! I hope you were able to get great quotes to express your feelings from the collection of I am not angry quotes up there. Please don’t forget to share the post with others. Thank you.

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