Angel is a word that can be used for both good and bad. When you see the good in people, you are seeing their angelic side to be that guide for them. An angel is assigned by God to watch over each of us at all times, no matter where we are. When you say a prayer to your angel, it alerts him or her that you need help.

Our guardian angels exist to help protect and guide us in various situations. There are times in life when we feel like there is a dark cloud over our heads. As if someone has sent a guardian angel to protect us from all the hardships.

Everyone has that moment where they feel as if an angel is watching over them. A lot has to do with the fact that we’ve all had situations in which we’re having a bad day or some sort of misfortune. At that point, you just have to pull out one of these quotes and apply it to your life. It’s like your guardian angel has just told you everything is going to turn out fine.

Do you want to know more about angels and how they watch over us, continue to read this collection of angel watching over you quotes.

In times of trouble, fear, and anguish, angels are at your side watching over you and making sure everything goes on well in your life. They guide you, protect you, and help you become the person you’re meant to be if you allow them.

1. When it feels like the world is on your shoulders and you don’t know what else to do, remember that an angel is watching over you.

2. When you feel lost and alone, know that an angel is watching over you, guiding you through the tough times.

3. Feel good knowing that angels are watching over you, even when the world seems unfair or scary.

4. When life gets out of hand, remember that your angel is always with you.

5. When you’re feeling hopeless and down, angels are watching over you to help protect you from negativity.

6. When you are unsure of your future and need the help of someone to guide you, take refuge in the protection offered from above.

7. Remember that with God, you’ll never be alone. He and His angels are always watching over you.

8. No matter what kind of situation you’re in, you are never alone. You’re loved and protected by the angels, no matter what.

9. The angels are watching over you. They guide you in the right direction and protect you from evil.

10. You are being watched over by the angels above. You are also being protected.

11. When you feel like your world has collapsed and you have nothing else left, the angels will be there with you, watching over you, holding your hand, and supporting you.

12. You’re always being watched over by angels.

13. When a loved one passes, angels watch over the heartbroken to guide them through their grief and help them find peace and comfort.

14. Fly high, with the wings of an angel’s embrace. They’re always watching over you.

15. I have the angel watching over me, although sometimes I need to remind myself that I have her.

16. My guardian angel watches over me, protecting me from the demons that dwell in darkness.

17. You are an angel, my love. May you always be watched over, loved, and protected.

18. Angels are watching over you if you just take a moment to look.

19. Angels are always watching over you. Just take a moment to look for them, and you’ll find them present in everything you do.

20. Angels are watching over you, ready to protect you, and your loved ones. They could be in front of you in the form of a firefighter or law enforcement officer or just by singing a lullaby to your little one.

21. Angels are everywhere. They want to help you when you’re in trouble, when your heart is broken, or when you feel overwhelmed with life.

22. Your guardian angels are always there, alongside you and your loved ones.

23. Like an angel watching over you, I won’t let anything happen to you.

24. Remember, angels, are always watching over you to guide and protect you.

25. When you feel like you need a guardian angel, be assured that one always has your back.

26. Angel, please watch over me and protect me from harm.

26. I will be your guardian angel, I will protect you from the world.

27. Your guardian angel is always watching over you, keeping your heart safe from harm.

28. I look up at the stars and I wonder where you are. I know you’re looking down on me, and you will always be my angel.

29. Angels are everywhere—behind, in front, beside you. They’ll take care of you every day, so there’s nothing to fear.

30. Angels will watch over you and your family, every day, round the clock. You’re in good hands.

31. Angels are here to protect you, watch you, and guide you through your life journey. You are never alone, they are always nearby watching over you.

32. Watch over us, angels. Keep us safe from those who seek to do us harm.

33. When you’re feeling sad, scared, or just a little confused—you are being watched over by an angel.

34. As we walk through this world, our guardian angels watch over and walk beside us. They are there to protect us and guide us wherever our path leads.

35. The angels are here with wings of love that protect you from all harm.

36. You’re always being watched over, so trust your instincts.

37. It’s the little things that matter most, like being protected by an angel to keep you out of harm’s way in a time of need.

38. A smile does wonder, but only after you have a guardian angel to watch over your hopes and dreams.

39. Good health, happiness, and prosperity are precious assets. Your guardian angel is there to protect them and watch over you at all costs.

40. When you feel as if you are being watched over and protected by an angel, it’s time to give your guardian angels a little love.

41.️ Your guardian angels are always with you. In this special moment of your life, remember to spend time with them.

42. You are being watched over and protected by an angel or several angels who are guiding you in your life. What you have to do is stay open, and listen to their loving guidance.

43. As you go about your day, you may feel that there is a light shining upon you from above. When that light makes you feel safe and protected, you can give your guardian angel a little thank you. The feeling of safety that you experience when that light shines on you is the presence of your guardian angel reminding us all that we are being watched over.

44. You may not see angels, but they’re there. You’ve got an angel on each shoulder and plenty around every corner to protect you – 24/7.

45. Guardian angels are with us throughout our lives, guiding us, watching over us, and loving us. We can come to them for comfort and guidance in even the most difficult times.

46. Balance, harmony, and wisdom have one thing in common: they protect you. Your angel helps to create a healthy balance in your life so you can protect your mental and physical well-being.

49. As you go through your days, the angels are always there to keep you safe and guide you along the right path. They will light up your life with their love and joy.

50. At the end of each day, before you go to sleep, look up to your angel, and say a prayer. Thank God for watching over you.

51. You are loved, you are watched over. Above all, you are understood.

52. Angel watching over you from beginning to end.

53. You are a precious gift to this world, and an angel watches over you always.

54. I wish for you to have the strength and courage to be your true self. You are being watched over no matter what happens.

55. You are safe, and you are loved. You can relax because you are safe. The angels are watching over you.

56. You are never alone, every moment in your life is watched over by angels.

57. An angel will watch over you and guide you through every moment in life, no matter what happens.

58. You are not alone. Angels watch over you. Angels surround you.

59. Protecting your family, guiding you to great lengths, angels will always be with you.

60. Your soul is precious and your mind needs to be constantly guarded. Surrender your worries, and let the angels guide you.

61. Angels are watching over your life and protecting you from danger. They’re always near, even if you can’t see them.

62. The angels are always with us, watching and protecting us from harm.

63. The angels are always with you. The angels protect you. They surround you with love and confidence and give you the strength to do right.

64. The angels are here to protect you from any harm or danger. Any evil that comes your way will be defeated. You are always safe and secure.

65. When we’re feeling down in the dumps, it helps to put things into perspective. Here’s a reminder for us all to remember that angel is always watching over us.

66. You’re never alone in your journey. You have the angels to watch over you, and others like you.

67. Angel watches over you every step of the way. Rise and shine. It’s a beautiful day. An angel is watching over you.

68. An angel is watching over you and doesn’t want to see you doing this on your own.

69. That angel is there to help you. He’s looking out for you and wants to protect you and your family. You’re not alone.

70. An angel is sharing the light of his soul with you, and he won’t let anything bad happen to you

71. No matter where you are right now or what you’re going through, an angel is watching over you and ready to help.

72. Rest easy, knowing that your angel is watching over you, always.

73. A gentle reminder: angels are always with you. May they bring comfort to all those suffering from heartbreaks.

74. Angels are all around you, throughout your lifetime, and are always there to help you when you need it the most. They will also guide you in any way they can.

75. Angels are all around you, watching over you and protecting your loved ones.

76. Angels are watching over you, and they are ready to offer you guidance, protection, and support at any time.

77. Your angels are always there to watch and protect you from anything that can harm you in any way. They will keep you safe, secure, and loved.

78. You are never far from your angels. They protect and guide you at all times. They can help you make decisions, and will always be there when you call on them.

79. Angels are everywhere, protecting you every day and being there when you need them the most. They’ll guide you if they can.

80. Angels are here to protect you from dangerous situations, as well as prevent negative entities from entering your life.

81. Angels are like a shield that protects you and your loved ones.

82. Angels are divine beings watching over you, guiding you, and protecting you from harm. They are God’s messengers and your best friends.

83. Angels are protecting you against all negative energies. They will be stronger than any other type of force, therefore protecting you against evil spirits.

84. The angels are always watching over you. You are protected, watched over, and loved by an angel.

85. You are protected, watched over, and loved. Your angel guides you and gives you their protection.

86. If you’re feeling down or if things just aren’t going your way, it can help to know that you’re protected, watched over, and loved by an angel.

87. You may be shielded from harm, watched over, and loved by an angel.

88. Believe that angels are in your life to protect, watch over, and love you.

89. You are guarded and kept by a heavenly angel who watches over you and loves you at all times.

90. When you feel down, worried, or scared, a loving angel is always there to protect you.

91. An angel is always working to protect you while guiding you with wisdom. They are here to watch over you and help you fulfil your purpose.

92. Angels are constantly watching over you, to guard and protect you from harm. They will give you strength and guidance when you need it most.

93. Angels work hard to preserve order and balance in the world. They are your friends and protectors, guardians of truth.

94. Angels are watching over you, protecting you each day. You are never alone.

95. The angels are always there, ready to watch over you and guide you.

96. Whether you need protection from a dark past, fear the present, or worry about the future, angels are with you every day.

97. Angels are there to guide you and give you the strength you need to make it through challenging situations.

98. An angel is watching over you. Always know that I will be by your side every step of your life.

99. An angel walks beside you when life gets rough, an angel watches over you every moment of your life.

100. You never walk alone. With so much going on each day, it can be hard to focus your energy on keeping yourself safe and motivated. Your angel is always with you to keep you strong, to remind you that everything will be okay if you just take it one day at a time.

Hey there. I hope you find the collection of angel watching over you quotes I have here helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments so I can know how you feel about the post. Thank you.

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