We’re living in a time of massive change. The world is changing faster than ever before and it’s affecting us all. It’s easy to feel like you have no control over this change. But that’s not true! You always have the choice to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. You are the only one who can decide what happens next. Your reaction to events will determine whether they become opportunities or obstacles, whether they bring you closer or further from your goals, and whether they help you become a better person or not.

You choose how to respond to events and situations – there is no such thing as being forced into anything. When you make a conscious effort to change your thoughts and feelings, it becomes easier to change your behaviour as well. Your thoughts and feelings are the key ingredients that affect everything else in your life—from how you feel physically and emotionally, to how well you sleep at night, and how much energy you have during the day.

You might not always be able to control what happens around you, but when it comes to how you respond and react, it is always up to you. Nobody else has control over this—it’s up to you.

Below is a collection of it’s always your choice quotes that might help you choose wisely the next time you’re confused as to which choice to follow.

It’s a choice between what is best for you and what is best for others. It’s always your choice, but sometimes it can be hard to decide which way to go. All you can do is weigh your options, think about the consequences, and then make your choice.

1. It’s always your choice. You choose how to use your time and energy, you control your moods and emotions, and you choose the people who will enter your life and those who will not.

2. You are always in charge of your choices. It’s your life, and it’s your responsibility to determine what you do with it.

3. It’s always your choice. The choice is your life. You have the power to make the decision that will determine what lies ahead.

4. You can decide to be happy, or you can decide to be sad. You can choose how you want to live your life. Life is a beautiful thing, and it’s up to all of us to make the most of it. It’s always your choice.

5. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it. There is always a way around obstacles that may seem impossible at first glance. If you want something, you will find a way to make it happen. It’s always your choice.

6. You can choose to live in the past or you can choose to live in the present and the future. It’s always your choice.

7. You can choose to think about all of your problems, or you can choose to concentrate on solutions. It’s always your choice.

8. You can choose happiness and well-being. You can decide to be happy or sad, angry or peaceful. You can choose to be bitter or loving, angry, or forgiving. It’s all up to you.

9. You can choose to have a bad attitude, or you can choose to have a good one. It’s up to you. Whatever you choose, it is because of your thoughts and feelings, not because of anything else.

10. It’s always your choice. No matter how much you love someone, you need to be happy before you can make them happy.

11. It’s always your choice. You can choose to be happy and fulfilled in life. You can choose to be angry, depressed, and disappointed.

12. You are the only one who chooses how to react to situations and people in your life. No one else has any control over how you feel or what you do with your life other than yourself. It’s always your choice.

13. You can choose to let someone else’s actions stop you from living the life you want, or you can choose to take action and move forward with your dreams and goals. It’s always your choice.

14. You can choose not to try something new because it might not work out for you.

15. You can choose to see the glass as half empty or half full. It’s always your choice!

16. It’s always your choice. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable.

17. You can choose to be healthy or you can choose to be sick. It’s always your choice.

18. You can choose to lead a life of abundance and prosperity or a life of scarcity and poverty. It’s all up to you.

19. Whatever you decide, the choice is yours and it’s always your choice.

20. You can choose to be angry, or you can choose to be calm. It’s always your choice.

21. You can choose to be negative, or you can choose to be positive. It’s always your choice.

22. You can choose to let things get you down, or you can choose to focus on what’s good in life. It’s always your choice.

23. It’s always your choice. You can choose to be happy and fulfilled, or you can choose to be miserable and frustrated.

24. You can choose to be optimistic and motivated, or you can choose to be pessimistic and negative. It’s always your choice.

25. You can choose to live a life of abundance, or you can choose to live a life of scarcity.

26. You can choose to make the most out of every day, or you can choose to let it pass by without having made any progress at all.

27. Everyone has the right to be respected and treated with dignity. It’s always your choice whether to use violence or not, but you also have a choice about how you respond if someone else uses violence against you.

28. It’s always your choice. You can choose to be happy, healthy and successful. You can choose to be a winner.

29. You can choose to have fun, play with passion, and make a difference in the world. It’s always your choice.

30. You can choose to live your life at a higher level than others around you. It’s always your choice. The only thing you have control over is yourself, so don’t waste it!

31. It is your choice how you react and respond in any situation that comes your way, whether it be negative or positive.

32. You’re in control of your destiny. You have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be. It’s always your choice.

33. You can choose how you live your life, even when things are not ideal or when you have no control over the situation. The choice is yours.

34. How you choose to live your life is up to you. You have the freedom to make choices that will affect your happiness or bring you misery.

35. You can choose to be kind, or cruel; helpful or hurtful; generous or stingy; loving or hateful. You can choose to be a good person or a bad one. It’s always your choice.

36. You are the one who decides what you will do. You are the one who decides how you will act. You are the one who decides whether or not to make a change. At the end of the day, it’s always your choice.

37. It’s always your choice. You can choose to be with someone you love, or you can choose to be alone. It all depends on what you want and what makes you happy in life.

38. Your life is your choice. You have the power to create a life you truly love and choose the path that leads you there.

39. The first step is realizing that you always have a choice in how you react to anything that happens around you. As long as we are alive, we are free to make choices about how we want our lives to go.

40. There are times in life when you have to make a choice. It’s a choice between what is right and what is easy. It’s a choice between doing the right thing and not hurting someone else.

41. It’s always your choice. You can decide to be miserable and live a life of pain and suffering, or you can choose to be happy. It’s up to you.

42. You must remember this: No one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your life. You are the only person who gets to decide how things will go down in your own life; no one else can make that decision for you.

43. It’s always your choice. You can choose to believe that you are a victim of circumstance, or you can choose to believe that you are the creator of your destiny.

44. You can choose to believe that the only way to change your circumstances is through hard work and sacrifice, or you can choose to believe that the universe is conspiring on your behalf.

45. You can choose to believe that life is random and chaotic, or you can choose to believe there is a higher power at work guiding your steps along an unseen path.

46. It’s always your choice. You are in control of your life, your experiences, and the way you view the world around you.

47. You can choose how to react to any situation, and what thoughts and feelings to have. You can choose what actions to take and which ones not to take. It’s always your choice.

48. You can choose to be happy and make the most of life or you can choose to be miserable and make everyone else miserable too.

49. You can choose to feel sorry for yourself, or you can choose to do something about it. You can choose to let the events of your life control you, or you can choose to take control of your life. It’s always your choice.

50. You can choose to be happy, healthy, and whole. You can choose to live the life you want. You can choose to turn the tide of your life and create a new reality for yourself. You can choose to be whatever you want to be and do whatever you want to do. It’s always your choice.

At the end of the day, the choice is yours, but I hope these it’s always your choice quotes help make it easier for you to make the right one.

By admin

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