We live in a world that is constantly bombarded with chaos, noise and uncertainty, which can affect our relationships with others as well as our self-esteem. But peace comes from within, and it is a state of mind, so you need to look inside yourself to get the required peace. This is because it’s much easier than changing the world around you.

Believe that peace of mind can be just a small measure away. Life may get hard, but when there is no peace, that is all your thoughts can process, and you go mad. Be at peace with yourself to have happiness in your life.

This collection of a small measure of peace quotes can just be the strength that helps you get through the day. If you have been struggling with finding your way and searching for answers in life, then these inspirational quotes about peace will help inspire you to find your inner peace as well as showing you that peace is possible.

When you’re drowning in a sea of fear, a small measure of peace can make all the difference. Use the difficulties and challenges of your life which have been placed there to test your commitment, strength and ability to endure to break down barriers that have kept you from enjoying peace, fulfilment and happiness.

1. A small measure of peace is enough to bring joy to you and your surroundings.

2. A small measure of peace opens not just the mind but also the heart.

3. Peace is not just the absence of conflict. It’s a conscious choice that you make each day by creating more peaceful thoughts, words and deeds.

4. Sometimes, a small measure of peace is all you need to conquer the world.

5. A small measure of peace is the sweetest of all that heaven sends.

6. Along with the benefits of a small measure of peace is a full understanding that peace cannot be achieved through violence.

7. Small measures of peace are like small galaxies. They may appear to be insignificant, but they have the potential to make all the difference in the world.

8. No matter how far you come or how many times you fail, there is always a small measure of peace which can help you recover from all those stresses.

9. Peace is in the simplest of things, and peace is found in the Simplicity of life. Peace is the stillness of the mind, and when you attain peace, then you can see things for what they are and not for what you want them to be.

10. Life doesn’t end when things fall apart. It ends when we stop breathing, talking, trying and fighting for peace.

11. A small measure of peace allows us to live in the moment. It allows us to see the beauty that is around us and appreciate it fully.

12. Peace is all about having a small measure of peace in your heart. Once you have it, all your worries and problems will not matter. You will begin to look at the situations around you differently. You will be happy, even in the midst of chaos and sorrow.

13. You are the result of your thoughts. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. A small measure of peace is worth any inconvenience it causes.

14. Peace is a small measure of quietness and confidence, trust and faith. Do not let others disturb it.

15. It is not the big things that make us who we are, but the millions of small things. The small peace is what makes life worth living.

16. When you feel anxious, take a moment to acknowledge the fact and realize that feeling anxious is okay. Taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, or doing something that brings you joy can help bring you back to peace.

17. A small measure of peace is a wonderful thing. It may not sound like much, but it’s a great feeling when you’ve finally made a place for yourself in the world and can step back from your problems.

18. You can make a small measure of peace in your life by starting with yourself.

19. Peace is a small, quiet gift – but it is more valuable because of it.

20. A small measure of peace is better than a great measure of anxiety.

21. Small measures of peace and joy will be granted in due time, according to the love and understanding you put into your efforts.

22. A small measure of peace is the best choice for your living.

23. A small measure of peace is better than great riches, for the wealth that we cannot enjoy ourselves does not make us happy. A small measure of peace is greater than the whole earth, and to have it, a man must be content with his condition.

24. Peace is the perfect storm. A small measure of peace is better than any amount of trouble.

25. If you are seeking to live in peace and harmony, if you want to live an inspired life, then one of the best things that you can do is to practice a small measure of peace every day.

26. In these times of turmoil and uncertainty, a small measure of peace may be all we need to keep us going.

27. Peace is very rare, and most people are far from it in life. But there is a small measure of peace when you let go of things, people and responsibilities

28. A small measure of peace is better than a great measure of anxiety.

29. Peace is the natural state of your being. When you are in that state, you are more aware of the beauty and inspiration that surrounds you. Peace and quiet bring a small measure of calm.

30. A small measure of peace is a prize worth having. It’s hard-won, but with practice and persistence, you can find it. You deserve it!

31. You can’t change your past, but you can become your own hero. Listen to the beat of a small measure of peace and bring that peaceful rhythm into your life.

32. A measure of peace is not what it seems to be. It is a simple break from the busyness of the world. Today may be the day you need to make time for this small break to shut down electronics and unplug from work for a little while.

33. I have a small measure of peace, which I treasure. This tiny piece of peace is my base camp for the journey through this life.

34. It’s a small measure of peace for me to be able to help others and give them a little bit of respite from the insanity that’s been going on in their lives

35. There is no cure for life, just a small measure of peace.

36. Conflict is a part of life. But some people rise above it and find peace, while others are pained by it.

37. A small measure of peace quotes, A little bit of quiet, A slight measure of calm. You are not alone in this world.

38. Never leave home without the hope of peace and love.

39. To obtain a small measure of peace, have self-respect, respect for others & dignity.

40. There’s a small measure of peace in every moment, and sometimes that small measure is all you have to be thankful for.

41. You can find comfort in the small measure of peace you share with those who surround you.

42. When we’re able to take a deep breath and count our blessings, we can find peace in the midst of any challenge.

43. I would prefer a small measure of peace over violent peace any day.

44. There is a small measure of peace that comes from the realization that you are not alone.

45. There is a small measure of peace in knowing that we are not perfect yet.

46. There is a small measure of peace within each heart if we only try.

47. When you’re feeling down and out, remember: a little bit of peace can go a long way.

48. As you take these small steps toward peace, remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. You’re not alone.

49. What a pretty little thing to remind you that peace of mind and tranquillity come in small packages.

50. A small measure of peace is better than a great measure of turmoil.

51. This small measure of peace will erase a large measure of anger, rage, and pain.

52. The best way to find peace is through the process of purging. Purge your mind of the negative, purify your soul from inner pollutants and let peace fill up in you.

53. A small measure of peace is worth a large amount of trouble.

54. Peace is a journey. A journey that involves many hours of hard work and perseverance, struggle and strife. But it is also one full of opportunity, where putting others first opens up more avenues for happiness than you could imagine.

55. A small measure of peace is all that we need to achieve success. It doesn’t mean we don’t want more. This world needs more peace, not less.

56. A small measure of peace can be found in prayer. A little bit of faith can help you through hard times.

57. When you find that small measure of peace, it’s all worth it.

58. A small measure of peace can be found in every breath you take.

59. It is always beneficial to have a small measure of peace every day.

60. Peace is a small moment, a fleeting thought, a whisper in the wind that changes your world forever.

61. A small measure of peace is worth a lifetime of regret.

62. Choose to smile, even in the midst of chaos. A small measure of peace is all it takes to begin a lifetime of happiness.

63. A small measure of peace is better than a great full measure of anything else.

64. If a little peace could make a big difference, the world would be a better place.

65. Live a life of peace in your mind, body and spirit.

66. When we let go of what doesn’t serve us, we open the space to receive all that does.

67. A small measure of peace is all that we need to begin our day. And with the right mindset, it can last us all day.

68. In the midst of chaos, there is a small measure of peace.

69. Though small, it’s worth the effort to keep your mind on something that makes you smile.

70. A small measure of peace that is always with you always reminds you to let go of the troubles in your life and focus on the positive.

71. A small measure of peace is better than chasing the wind.

72. We all have moments of peace in our lives; it’s just a matter of figuring out how to keep them.

73. Sometimes, life just needs to be lived with a little bit of peace. When you have it, you can do anything.

74. A small measure of peace is all you need to be happy.

75. A small measure of peace is worth more than a great fortune.

76. Small measures of peace are more effective than large ones.

77. Small measures of peace and change can lead to big changes.

78. The small measure of peace we receive in every moment is enough to carry us through our darkest days.

79. A small measure of peace can help you find your way through this world.

80. A small measure of peace is a great thing to have if we don’t lose it.

81. Small measures of peace, in little packages of happiness.

82. The smallest measure of peace can be a profound antidote to the chaos and strife of the world.

83. I don’t ask much of life, just a small measure of peace.

84. Small measures of peace grow into great things.

85. Just a little bit of peace and quiet can transform your day.

86. I can’t imagine a world without peace in it. Instead, I create peace with every breath.

87. Small measures of peace have a way of growing into great things.

88. There is a small measure of peace in every heart if you will only look for it. You may find it in the quietest hour of your life.

89. The journey of life is not a race to the finish. It is a series of moments, each with its own meaning and purpose. Each one is nothing more than a small measure of peace.

90. When someone walks into your life, don’t be afraid of the storm that follows. Embrace that moment of peace when the world feels still for a moment.

91. The world is a beautiful place but also a dangerous one. We need to live with that in mind and realize that peace is never an accident. It is always the result of a conscious effort.

92. A small measure of peace is worth more than a great deal of money.

93. Some days, I just need a little peace of mind, a small measure of contentment. This morning I was blessed with just that.

94. They say a small measure of peace is worth more than a great victory.

Peace, no matter how small, is of utmost importance. So, seek to have peace of mind now. I hope you found this collection of a small measure of peace so inspiring. Feel free to share and drop comments below.

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