Birthdays are amazing days of our lives to be celebrated. They are days that we look forward to and always want to make the most of. When the birthdays are of those we love, however, it hits even differently.

No doubt, your friend’s son is just like your own. And you may even love to wear that godmother tag, proudly. Celebrating him on his birthday is a thoughtful thing to do. That’s even the least of the things you can do to make your friend happy.

Now that it’s your friend’s son’s birthday, you sure will be more than excited to look for ways to make him have a great day. One special way I’ve found is for you to send him amazing birthday quotes. And here you go with these amazing happy birthday wishes for your friend’s son her you shouldn’t hesitate to send to him.

Your birthday will mark the beginning of great things in your life, dear son. I’m so excited that you came into our lives when you did, and my friend is more than blessed to have you as her own. This birthday will be the best for you, son. Do have an amazing one.

1. Dear son, I’m elated about you today. Watching you grow is so much of a delight for me. I thank God for a new year. God bless you so much, son. Amen.

2. From suckling to a grown-up, it’s been amazing watching every phase of your growth. Know that I’m proud of you, you’ve made every one of us proud. My prayer for you is that the Lord will order your steps now and always.

3. Time really flies. I was with your mother when you stepped into the world, it was such a beautiful Saturday morning. And this morning, I have those memories flooding my heart again, and I’m thankful to God for your life.
Young man, you’re amazing.
Happy birthday, dear son

4. The story that surrounded your birth is proof that God’s faithful. You’re our joy, you bring gladness to our souls.
My dear son, as you add another year today, I pray that God’s blessings stick with you always. Amen.
Happy birthday to you, son.

5. My heart is full of thanksgiving today. God is really good to us, He gave you to us.
I’m a proud godmother.
I’m proud of you always son.
Happy birthday to you today, have a fabulous one.

6. I’m glad it’s your birthday today.
I wish you long life, prosperity, good health, and happiness even as you journey another year. I love you son.

7. Son, happy birthday.
I pray that the Lord will cause His face to shine upon you.
We’ll never have a reason to lament over you. Amen.
Happy birthday to you once again.

8. I’m glad to call you my son too.
You’re an amazing young man. I’ll keep watching you unfold greatness. The sky isn’t even a limit, so keep soaring high.
Happy birthday to you.

9. Thank you for doing us proud.
We’re super proud of you. As you celebrate your birthday today, may the good Lord bless you and cause His face to shine on you.
Happy birthday to you, dear son.

10. My dear son, I pray that the Lord will bless you and grant you a lifetime of happiness and joy.
Happy birthday to you, my dear son.

11. I’m really excited about your birthday today. God has caused me to weep tears of joy. My friend and I are always glad to speak of God’s goodness in your life. We’re thankful for how far he has brought you. We know he’s taking you even higher. Amen.
Happy birthday to you, son.

12. We’re never disappointed in you. You’ve made us glad. You’re our joy, you make my friend really glad. Now, I pray that God will cause your heart to be full of joy and light.
Your children will make you proud too. Happy birthday to you, son

13. This is the Lord’s doing, and it’s marvellous in our sights.
Happy birthday to you dear, the Lord will bless you real good, and cause your name to be reckoned with.

14. You shall continue to grow and prosper…
God’s mighty hand will elevate and keep you from failing and falling.
My dear son, happy birthday to you today. Cheers!

15. Cheers to new beginnings, a year of good success and happiness, wrapped with joy and peace. Amen.
You mean so much to us.
Happy birthday to you today

16. It shall be well with you.
Long life and prosperity shall be yours forever.
My dear son, happy happy birthday to you today.
God’s blessings.
Enjoy your day.

17. This is indeed the Lord’s doing, so marvellous in our sight.
I’m thankful to God for a day like this. It gladdens my heart to see you grow into the greatness you now exude. I’m a happy godmother.
I wish you a wonderful celebration.

18. My prayer for you is that you’ll keep growing in stature, knowledge and wisdom from now on.
Keep being the amazing young man you’ve always been. God bless you.
Happy birthday to you.

19. I pray that the Lord will see you through in all that you do. Amen
Happiest birthday to you, my darling son.
Do have a wonderful celebration.
God bless.

20. Today is a wonderful day I must say. Reason being that a wonderful young man was born, years ago, on a day like this.
You’ve brought us joy, son, you’ve made us really glad. And the Lord will cause you to always rise above your enemies. Amen.
Happy birthday

My darling, my wishes for you on your birthday are that you grow in all wisdom and understanding. Among your peers, you will be singled out for greatness. Accept these heartfelt messages as I send them with all my love. Have a great birthday, darling. I’m so privileged to call you son, you are just like my own!

21. May the Lord bless and keep you. This new year you’re beginning will set you out for unusual success. Amen.
Happy birthday to you, son.

22. My dear son, God’s is faithful, we can boldly say this because this faithfulness is palpable in your life.
I’m glad it’s your day today, and I wish you the best of the new year.
Happy birthday.

23. Happy happy birthday my son.
Your mother and I are glad about you.
This joy is beyond measures.
I pray that may you continually be a source of joy to us, and may we both live long to share in the joy. Amen

24. May the good Lord bless you and keep you from your enemies. God will raise your head up among your contemporaries, now and always.
Happy birthday my dear son.

25. Today is a special day for us all. We can look back and say God’s all good to us. He has brought you thus far.
My prayer for you is that you’ll keep advancing in all you do. Amen.
Happy birthday, son.

26. Birthdays are special days. And special people deserve a grand celebration. Son, you deserve all of the celebrations. God bless you so much. Happy birthday.

27. You shall blossom and flourish like the lilies, you shall always be above, never beneath, God’s mercy will continually locate you, now and always. Amen. Happy birthday to you, son.

28. Your diligence, resilience and courage in handling life matters show how much of a great man you are.
Well done son, your mum is proud of you, I also am.
Today, God’s grace will overshadow you. Amen.

29. Whoever blesses you is blessed, whosoever curses is likewise cursed.
You’ll never see shame, my son.
Thanks for taking care of your parents, and reaching out always to me.
Happy birthday to you

30. This is a beautiful day that the Lord himself has made. My heart blesses you. You’ll prosper. Amen.
Happy birthday to you, son.

31. As you add another year today, I wish you goodness, peace and light. May you prosper in all you do. Happy birthday my dear son.
God will bless and keep you.

32. Thank you for doing us proud. You deserve all of the massive celebrations today.
I join the world in the celebration. Happy birthday dear son. You shall prosper.

33. You’ll soar higher than your challenges. You’ll be great and will continue to be.
Happy birthday my dear son. I’m so glad it’s your day today.

34. Birthday blessings my son.
You’ll grow in wisdom and grace.
We’ll never have a reason to lament over you. And your parents shall live long enough to reap the fruit of their labour over you. Amen.

35. Dear son,
God’s great, we have evidence in you. We’ll always be joyful.
Happy birthday to you my dear son, I wish you a wonderful celebration.

36. God has a track record of coming through for His Own. Son, your life is a testimony of how God can turn a terrible situation into great joy in an instant.
Congratulations today.
Happy birthday to you, son.

37. I wish you a prosperous and wonderful birthday celebration. Happy birthday my dear son. God bless you.

38. May the Lord cause your enemies to scatter before you and bless all you lay your hands upon.
Happy birthday to you my dear son. God bless you.

39. You’re the kind of son every mother prays to have. You’re exceptional among your equals. Thank you for bringing your parents and me so much joy.
You deserve accolades. Pls, enjoy your day.

40. This is the day that the Lord has made. The special day we’ve been awaiting is here. Bobo, as I fondly call you since your birth, you have brought us tears of joy. Happy birthday to you my son. You’ll always prosper.

Dear friend, happy birthday to your boy. Please do send him my greetings and love. I’m glad to be your friend and more glad to be able to be a part of your son’s life. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful young man. I pray he continues to thrive and shine like the light that he is. I love you two!

41. Happiest birthday to you dear son.
I pray that the Almighty God shall lift your head up. Amen.
I wish you a very wonderful celebration.

42. My prayer for you is that your life be seasoned with sweetness, peace and joy unspeakable.
Happy birthday to you my dear son. Have a blast.

43. The goodness of the Lord be bestowed upon you and all that pertains to you. Happy birthday my dear son. May the Lord bless you.

44. I’m proud to call you my son too. I stand with the world to celebrate a great one.
Happy birthday to you dear son. Have the best of it.

45. It’s amazing!
God has kept you thus far, and today we can boldly say that our God has been good to us.
My son, I’m happy today, God will bless you so much.
My regards to your mother. Take care.

46. Goodness, sounds of rejoicing, and new songs shall always fill your mouth. Happy birthday my son. You shall continue to grow in strength.

47. I pray that you progress in all of your undertakings.
Birthday blessings my dear son. May you live long. Amen.

48. I jubilantly write to you today my son. Happy happy birthday to you.
May the Lord prosper your ways and lift you up. Amen.

49. Son, my prayer for you is that you’ll never be overcome by your enemies. Amen.
I wish you a wonderful celebration. Happy birthday my dear son.

50. May the Lord be with you and crown your efforts with good success. Don’t stop being the great man you’ve always been. We’re proud of you. Happy birthday my son.

51. My friend and I speak of how much of a pillar of support you’ve been to the family. I can’t deny that I partake in this goodness too. Thanks for making us happy. God will continue to prosper you. Happy birthday to you, son.

52. Happy birthday to you today. I wish you a wonderful celebration in wellness and health. Have an amazing one son.

53. Godspeed my son! As you begin another year today, I pray that the Lord will uphold you and keep you from falling. Happy birthday to you.

54. God be with you, now and always. I wish you a wonderful celebration, my dear son. Live long and prosper. Happy birthday.

55. We bless God for keeping you to this day. It’s amazing how you’ve grown in every way from a toddler to this stage. And I must add that It’s been amazing watching you through the years. Happy birthday my dear son. Have a wonderful celebration.

56. Congratulations today.
Happy birthday to you, son.
God shall cause you to triumph. Once again, happy birthday to you. Enjoy today.

57. God has been a lot faithful to us. See how beautiful he has made your life.
My heart is full of joy, and my heart, of rejoicing. Happy birthday my son.

58. It’s your birthday today. And I can’t but wish you the very best of it. Happy birthday to you today son, have a joy-filled celebration.

59. Happy birthday to you my dear son. I pray for advancement, establishment and good success in all you do. Amen

60. This year, I pray that the Lord blesses you and give joy. Enjoy a year of good life and peace.
Happy birthday to you, son.

Hey, son! Happy birthday to you. Thank you, a million times, for bringing so much joy to my best friend’s life. You are the best thing that ever happened to her, to us. My wishes for you on this big day of yours is that you grow and exceed all limitations. Your path shall continue to shine brighter and brighter. I love you, son. Have a great day!

61. My dear son. It’s with great delight I send this to you today. Happy birthday to you dear. God will bless you richly. Amen.

62. As you journey through life in this new year of yours, I pray that God’s hand be mighty upon you. Peace be yours. Amen

63. I wish you a prosperous new year and a wonderful celebration. Happy birthday my dear friend’s son. Have a great time.

64. God’s blessings on you. As you mark another day today, my wish for you is that you continue to grow in strength and wisdom.
Happy birthday my son

65. I can as well call you my son because that’s what you’re to me. I’m really excited about today because I get to celebrate one of my favourites. God bless you son. Happy birthday.

66. God has given you to us, our joy is full.
My dear son, I wish you a wonderful birthday. Happy birthday, dear.

67. It seems like I’m more excited about your day than your mother herself.
You’ve become a son to me too, one I can brag about. I pray that this new year, your barn shall be full. Happy birthday to you.

68. God be with you, may His face shine on you, and may all that you lay your hands upon prosper exceedingly. Happy birthday to you my dear son.

69. I wish you the best in this life. The world will come to bow to you. Amen.
My dear son, happy birthday to you.

70. This new year, God’s peace with is unfathomable be multiplied unto you. Joy, peace, and more joy be your portion. Amen.
Happy birthday to you.

71. As my friend’s son is also mine, I can’t but thank God for your good life. Thank you for making us, proud mums. You shall never be put to shame in your life. Amen.

72. This is a great day for me. Not because of any other reason asides from the fact that today’s your birth date. Every mother prays to have successful and glorious children, and that’s what you are. You’re an exceptional son. And I join the world to celebrate you today. Happy birthday to you.

73. Goodness, peace, happiness and success be your portion from now on. Amen.
Happy birthday to you my dear son.

74. To a great son of mine, wealth and health be multiplied unto you. I wish you a happy celebration. Happy birthday my dear son.
Warm regards to your mother.

75. Know that you’re really precious in my sight. It’s great calling you mine too.
Cheers to a year filled with great pleasure and light.
Happy birthday to you, son.

76. I wish you an amazing year. Happy birthday to my son. I’m so glad about you.
Have a blast.

77. My friend and I keep mentioning that you are a wonderful son. I can boldly say you’re my son too. You’ve never brought us shame or pains. I pray that God will honour you hugely.
Happy birthday to you, dear.

78. May you live long on Earth.
May peace and blessings be yours.
May you have all you need.
May your years be long, son.
Happy birthday.

79. Looking back, we can say that God never abandons his own.
I look into the past and have tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
I’m so happy. My dear son, congratulations today. Happy happy birthday. I wish you everything beautiful.

80. Cheers to a year of unusual accomplishments and massive success.
Happy birthday to you my dear son. You prosper.

My heart is filled with so much joy as you celebrate your birthday today, son. My prayer for you is that your joy knows no bounds and that you continue to be a source of joy to us. Happy birthday once again, my dear. You are simply the best, and my friend and I couldn’t have wished for a better son!

81. Birthdays are special, and for special beings, they should be celebrated in a more grand style.
My dear son, you’re one of the special people. I wish you a happy birthday.

82. I can say over and over again that you’re an amazing son. May you live long and prosper on earth.
Have a fabulous celebration.

83. God be with you my dear son. I pray that you experience unusual expansion in all you do. Do enjoy a wonderful celebration. Happy celebration son.

84. My son, my prayer for you is that you’ll continue to grow in wisdom and strength. You’ll not fail. Happy birthday to you, son.

85. I’m a proud godmother. Son, happy happy birthday. I wish you one filled with love, joy and happiness. Happy birthday.

86. I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration this new year of yours. Experience a great one.
Happy birthday my son.

87. I pray that your health be preserved and perfect joy be yours.
Happy happy birthday to you my dear son.

88. I wish you a hitch-free and prosperous year my dear son. Happy birthday to you today. Enjoy to the fullest.

89. You shall prosper, and continue to prosper,
You shall be great, greater than foes, your head shall be lifted, above every limitation.
My dear son, I wish you a happy birthday.

90. You shall be singled out for good. Great joy shall continually be yours. Amen.
Happy birthday to you, son.

91. Son, happy birthday. I wish you a happy birthday and many happy returns.
Know that I’m proud of you, always.

92. I’m a happy godmother, you’ve brought us great joy. You deserve all of the celebrations. Happy birthday to you my son.

93. May your lifetime be seasoned with sweetness and gladness. May your joy be full, exceedingly full. My dearest son, I wish you a happy birthday.

94. Happy birthday to you today, my prayer for you is that you’ll continue to be in abundance and wellness. Enjoy your new year my dear son.

95. Birthday blessings my dear son. I want you to know that you mean so much to me too, just as your mother often says. Happy birthday to you, son.

96. I hope that this birthday will usher in peace and light to your entire home. Happy birthday, son.
Have a great celebration, my dear son.

97. I wish you the best life has to offer.
I pray that may you gain prominence in your own world. You’ll always be great. Son, have a good day today. Happy birthday my dear son.

98. This birthday shall mark the beginning of newness in your life. Everything great and awesome happens to you. Live long, my son! Happy birthday. From your favourite godmother.

99. You shall be elevated, you shall shine and not grow weary.
Happy birthday to you today, my very own son, continue to prosper.

100. On a special day like this, I pray for acceleration, massive success and undiluted happiness. My dear son, do have a fantastic birthday. Happy birthday to you.

I hope you had a great time reading these happy birthday wishes for friend’s son. Please, stay glued to this space as I will always be here to feed you with more amazing content, just the way you want it.

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