There is a big difference between being tired of someone’s excuses and being angry with them. When you are tired of someone’s excuses, it means you are frustrated by their behaviour but still care about them enough to want to help. It’s a common feeling, especially when the person you’re tired of is a friend or loved one. They may be your best friend or family member, but they’re making you miserable with their excuses and evasions.

You feel like they are preventing you from moving forward in your life. Being tired of someone’s excuses is a sign that the situation has been going on for too long and that it needs to be addressed. If your partner or friend has been using excuses for months or years to avoid taking responsibility for their actions, this could be a sign of deeper issues. It is easy to become frustrated when someone uses excuses instead of being honest with you. It can feel like they are trying to avoid dealing with problems or avoid facing consequences for their actions.

You start to see the flaws in that person. You may even start to see who they really are and what they really want from you. You may also become aware of how much time and energy it takes for you to put up with all their excuses. When it comes to this, your frustration is understandable, but it’s important to remember that nobody wants to be in this situation.

Everyone wants to be seen and heard, but sometimes people have trouble knowing how to do this effectively. It can be hard for them to express their feelings about what’s happening in their lives when they are feeling anxious, depressed or overwhelmed by other things going on in their lives at the same time.

This collection of tired of your excuses quotes below is perfect for any occasion to let that person know how you feel.

Nothing is more annoying than excuses. You’ve given me every reason under the sun why you can’t complete a work assignment, every argument for why we can’t go out on a date and every reason why you can’t even consider going to bed early. It’s time to stop making excuses because I am tired.

1. I am tired of your excuses. I cannot be with someone who does not have a solid plan and ambition. You have no direction in life and are living in the past.

2. You know what I’m tired of? I am tired of your excuses. You think they are good excuses, but they’re not. You need to get your act together and stop making excuses for yourself.

3. You know the excuses, you hear them every day. The “I’m too busy” excuse, the “I’ll do it tomorrow” excuse, and all the others we use to avoid taking care of ourselves. Well, I’m tired of your excuses. You need this, so get it done!

4. Excuses are for losers. Based on this fact, I demand that you do something about your situation or else just accept the fact that you will never be successful.

5. I am tired of your excuses. If you cannot behave with respect and manners, then take a long walk off a short pier. You need to learn how to be civil before anyone will want to deal with you.

6. I am tired of your excuses. You have been making the same excuses for years and they don’t add up anymore. It’s time to take some responsibility and stop blaming other people and circumstances.

7. I am tired of your excuses. You know what you want but you are afraid to go after it. You have to stop living in your past and start living in the present moment!

8. I am tired of your excuses. Every time you turn around, there is another reason why things did not work out or why you could not do it. Enough is enough! It’s time for you to step up and take action!

9. You have been consistently unreliable, making poor excuses as to why you couldn’t do what was asked of you. I no longer care to hear your excuses and expect that starting tomorrow, you will be more accountable.

10. I am tired of your excuses. Stop making excuses and start making progress. It’s time to ditch the excuses and stop procrastinating – take action now!

11. Tired of your excuses? I know I am. Why do you give me excuses when all I need is a simple yes or no? If you’re tired of hearing my excuses too, then let’s make a deal. You stop giving them to me and I won’t have anything to complain about.

12. I am tired of your excuses. Tired of blaming others for your failures and shortcomings? You are who you are, and it is time to stop making excuses. It is time to take responsibility for your actions and stop clinging to excuses for why you aren’t where you want to be in life.

13. I am tired of hearing your excuses because the truth is nothing is ever going to change until you decide to make up your mind.

14. I am tired of your excuses. They are not valid. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I truly appreciate you being true to me.

15. I am tired of your excuses. You are full of so much ‘I can’t’ and ‘it is not possible. It is all nonsense, you need to focus on the positive and realize that everything is possible with hard work and dedication.

16. I am tired of hearing your excuses. It seems that every time I ask you to help out with the housework, you come up with some lame excuse. It’s gotten to the point where it doesn’t even matter what I say or do: if it involves cleaning or cooking, you will find a way to put it off. You don’t even want to wash dishes even when we have company over for dinner.

17. I am tired of your excuses. If you have any real problems let me know but I ain’t buying no more excuses. This is getting old.

18. I am tired of your excuses. I am so angry I could scream and have the neighbours call the police. I have had it up to here with your self-pity and histrionics, and you can use up all the oxygen in this room because, for me, it is over!

19. I am tired of your excuses. You always make excuses for yourself, but you never think about how it affects me. We were supposed to be a team, but it feels like I’m on my own now, trying to do everything by myself. I want someone who is going to commit and stick around, not just when things are easy or convenient.

20. I am tired of your excuses. You are a grown man, and you should be able to handle your affairs without having to seek my advice. I want to help you get back on track, but it’s clear that you are not listening or taking initiative.

21. You are a person who is always looking for excuses, you think that you know everything, but nothing in life is worth it. I hope you can take this opportunity to be better than what you are now.

22. Excuses are an easy way out, but nothing ever gets done. It’s time to get back to work and stop making excuses for yourself. You can’t keep blaming others for your own problems; you need to take responsibility for yourself and get back to work!

23. I am tired of your excuses. I’ve heard every single one before and every time you use them, I feel frustrated, disappointed and let down.

24. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of you taking credit for things that you didn’t do. I have put up with your nonsense for far too long and now it is time to end this once and for all.

25. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of your explanations. I am tired of you using your children as an excuse. I want to spend time with you but it seems that every single time I try to make plans, something always comes up and it gets pushed aside.

26. You are hurting me. The excuses, the lies and the broken promises. I am tired! Tired of your excuses. Tired of your lies and broken promises. You owe me nothing.

27. Nobody is going to do this for you. If you want to start working out, then you have to make it a priority. Make your excuses and laziness go away by getting up and doing something about it.

28. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of you wasting my time when all you want to do is sleep late, play games and hang out with your friends. That’s not the kind of life I want for my family.

29. I am tired of hearing your excuses. What I mean is you can’t just say that you did nothing wrong, and then act as if nothing happened. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else. It’s time for a change.

30. They are all excuses. I am tired of your excitement and enthusiasm. I am tired of your excuses. They are just wasting my time and don’t benefit me in any way, so I am going to tell you just how much I dislike them.

31. You’ve been making excuses for so long it’s become part of who you are. And you think that’s okay. You’ve settled into your routine, but I’m not going to let you stay there. Get up, dust yourself off and get ready to start living the life you were meant to live by making small changes every single day until your goals become a reality.

32. It is time to stop making excuses and start doing. If you want something badly enough, you will find a way to achieve it. By taking baby steps, you can achieve that one goal that seems so big and impossible.

33. I hate being disappointed. And I am tired of your excuses. You can do better, and it is time for you to start living up to the standards that you hold everyone else to.

34. Your excuses are not working anymore. You’ve let me down too many times, and I am tired of it. This time, you have to do the right thing.

35. I am tired of your excuses. I have been patient with you for a number of years, but now it is time for you to own up to your commitment and stop being so lazy.

36. I am tired of your excuses. Stop making them. Stop being so negative. You are not the victim here, you are the perpetrator. You have been a narcissist for years and that is why no one is around you anymore.

37. I know you want to change and you can but please do not make me spend my time and love on someone who does not seem to care about their lifestyle. I am tired of your excuses.

38. I am tired of your excuses. You make up a reason why you can’t do something and then use it as an excuse to avoid doing it again.

39. Don’t tell me that you are tired of my excuses. If you don’t have time then stop talking to me. The problem is not going to go away by itself, get off your lazy ass and do something about it.

40. I am tired of your excuses. I don’t want to hear any more about how you work so hard and try so hard. The only reason you are not where you want to be is that somewhere along the way, you quit trying.

41. I am tired of your excuses. I have heard them all before and they are not going to work anymore. You wear them out like a pair of shoes that are just too small and you still try to squeeze into them because they look good.

42. Yes, I am tired of your excuses. They are not worth another breath. You have no intention of changing, and your behaviour is going to get worse. Please make the decision now to move out of my house!

43. Okay, we have had enough. I am tired of your excuses. Stop pretending that everything is fine. You need to snap out of it, right now.

44. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of you coming up with excuses as to why you can’t or don’t do things. I am tired of pretending that everything is okay and keeping a smile on my face when all I want to do is cry because the world has turned its back on me. Your excuses are not helpful, they are only hurting you.

45. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of hearing that you just need to wait, need to fix yourself and then you will be ok. Instead, let’s take some time together, and look at what you can do now that can make a difference in your recovery.

46. It’s time for you and your excuses to go. It’s time for a change. Admit it, if you don’t feel like going to the gym, then don’t go… but once that decision is made then act like it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

47. If you have excuses for not doing something, then find a way to do it. If you don’t want to accomplish your goals, that is your choice. But if you don’t even try, then I will make the decision for you.

48. I am tired of your excuses. If you really want to be happy in life, then you must get motivated and work hard to follow your dreams. So stop making excuses and start doing something about it.

49. I am tired of hearing your excuses. You have to rise up and take responsibility for your own actions.

50. If you think those excuses are going to work with me, then you are sorely mistaken. I have had it with your excuses, and if you continue to make them, I will be forced to terminate our relationship.

51. You are simply looking for excuses. Enough is enough, it is time for you to get your act together. It is time for you to start making a difference in your life and the lives of others.

52. To perfect yourself and improve your life, you need to eliminate your excuses for not doing what you should. I am tired of hearing the same excuses.

53. I am tired of your excuses. Either you take responsibility for your actions and make things right, or I will be forced to do it myself. I am finished dealing with you, and I am no longer going to be your scapegoat.

54. I’m tired of hearing your excuses. If you don’t know how to do something, there are many ways to learn it. I am not willing to put up with any more unnecessary delays in our project.

55. Excuses are not welcome here. It is time to get some things done. It is time to stop making excuses. It is time to do what you need to do. I know that you can do it.

56. You have been making excuses for too long now. You said you would start working out and you haven’t. You said you would live a healthier lifestyle and look at the weight gain on that burger you are eating.

57. I am tired of your excuses! I would like to hear no more about your inability to attend parties, meet new people, or go out in public without getting anxious. No more excuses, and it’s time for you to start living.

58. I am tired of your excuses for not working out or eating healthy. We are never going to be as old as we are right now, and it’s important to start living your best life. Don’t waste it being lazy.

59. I am tired of excuses. You are either going to do what you say or it is as good as not doing it at all. That is it. You are fired. You wasted valuable time making excuses when you should have been working.

60. You are using too many excuses and you are making me tired. Stop complaining, learn from your mistakes and use one excuse at a time.

61. I am tired of your excuses. I don’t care what you have going on in your life, or why you can’t meet me tonight. I want my man to man up and be ready for whatever comes his way. Until that day comes, consider yourself cut from the roster.

62. I am tired of the excuses you have been making for the past three years. If you are unable to get a job, start studying for one. If you have no money, apply for financial aid and start saving. If you have no car, walk; don’t buy something new when there are used cars out there. The list goes on and on.

63. It’s time for you to stop giving me excuses. And if you keep it up, I will make your life a living hell.

64. You are the one who is responsible for doing things around the house, not me. I am tired of hearing all of your excuses!

65. I am tired of your excuses. If you want to succeed, then stop making excuses and make it happen.

66. I am tired of your excuses. You waste so much of your life being lazy, complaining and making excuses. You will never succeed without the discipline to do what is necessary.

67. I am tired of your excuses. I am exhausted from hearing the same lame excuses from you every time we get in a fight. It is not my fault for asking for my fair share and being frustrated about the lack of effort that’s been put forth to be a team and partner.

68. I am tired of your excuses. Do not think that you have a good reason not to do what is expected of you. You owe it to yourself, your family, and everyone else involved in this project to see it through.

69. I have heard all of your reasons, excuses and explanations. I have been tired for a long time. I am tired of the excuses you make for yourself, your family and your friends. If you are tired of me being tired…it’s time for a change.

70. It is time for you to stop making excuses for not having the body you have always dreamed of. There are no more excuses to be made because I am tired of your excuses.

71. I am tired of your excuses. They are weak, and I do not believe you have any intention of changing yourself, so it is time for you to go.

72. I am tired of your excuses, I am tired of your lies. I am tired of the way you keep playing with my feelings, and telling me that it’s not what it looks like. Well, guess what, It is what it looks like… I’m going to let you know how it feels when someone lets you down over and over again.

73. I am tired of your excuses. You are the only one who can change things and make life better. Do not forget that.

74. You don’t want to live in the same place your whole life. Yes, I am tired of your excuses. If you don’t want to work hard and if you are not willing to make sacrifices then why even bother trying?

75. I am tired of your excuses. It is time to take responsibility for yourself and take action to improve your life.

76. I am tired of your excuses. You need to stop making the same mistakes over and over again!

77. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of hearing you tell me that you don’t have enough time to exercise, or that you aren’t focused because you’re too busy. I’ve heard them all, and none of them is valid anymore.

78. Listen up! I am tired of your excuses. You are capable of achieving what you dream to do. Don’t let other people influence who you are or what your potential is.

79. You have been making excuses for far too long. It is time for you to step up and take responsibility for your life.

80. I am tired of your excuses, you should stop making them. It is the time to own up to your mistakes and takes responsibility.

81. I am tired of your excuses. There is no reason why you can’t do better at work or school. You need to improve your productivity, expand your skills, and not give up just because things get a little hard. If you want to make anything happen in life, then it’s time to stop making excuses and start taking action.

82. I know that you think your excuses are valid. You’ve convinced yourself that it’s okay to do things late, or not take any steps at all in order to get what you want out of life. What I am tired of hearing is how busy you are, or how stressed out. If these things are true, then you need a plan and a system that can help you work around them every day!

83. I am tired of your excuses. You said that you would do this and that and here we are again in the same place. We have been together for a long time but it seems that you have forgotten what our goals are. You need to get serious with yourself and start doing the things you say you will do.

84. I am tired of your excuses. At this point, they are not credible and you need to face your situation. These are my terms, accept them and live with them.

85. We have been over this before. As a master of excuses, it seems that you have mastered nothing else. I’m tired of your excuses.

86. I am tired of your excuses. I have heard them all before. You sell yourself short and run away from what is real. The time has come to make some changes in your life.

87. I am tired of your excuses. If you want something, go for it! Don’t worry about what others think or say. If you’re in the way of your dream, get out of the way.

88. I am tired of your excuses and your reasons why you cannot do something or why you do not want to do something. This is the time to start doing what you should have done a long time ago but did not have the right motivation.

89. I am tired of your excuses. I know that you are not trying, but I want to be with someone who wants to care for me, and the only way that’s going to happen is if you do the work.

90. I am tired of your excuses, I don’t care what you say. You can say what you want but the truth is that you are not willing to provide.

91. I am tired of your excuses. You are so determined to wallow in self-pity that you can’t even see how selfish and short-sighted you are being.

92. I am tired of hearing your excuses. It’s time for you to start stepping up and taking accountability for your actions. I’m sick of being the parent in this relationship and having to make excuses for you in public so that we don’t look bad.

93. You’ve given me enough excuses, you know what I want and I know what to do with it. I will leave you if you continue to use your excuses

94. I am tired of your excuses. They mean nothing, especially to me. From now on, if you have something to say, then say it. I don’t care if it’s good or bad. We will both just have to live with the consequences.

95. I am tired of your excuses. You tell yourself you’re a failure and it’s not your fault, but it is. It always is. Are you embarrassed to go to the gym because you don’t have any friends there? Don’t be embarrassed for them, be embarrassed for yourself for letting that happen.

96. I am tired of your excuses. I want to believe that you will do better, but you have been lying to me so much that I am beginning to lose faith in your words. You’re making my head hurt.

97. I am tired of your excuses, so you better change or we aren’t going any further. It’s time to get real if we hope to be together.

98. I am tired of your excuses. I am tired of your tantrums and fits. There is nothing left to say because you haven’t changed a thing.

99. I’m fed up with you making excuses for your lapses, mistakes and sins. Jesus paid it all, He was crushed for your transgressions and crushed for my disobedience. I am tired of your excuses.

100. I’m tired of your excuses. I’m tired of hearing you blame the economy or the rain on why you didn’t get this done, or that completed.

101. I am tired of your excuses. If you don’t like how long it takes to get something done, then do it yourself instead of coming up with lame excuses to avoid getting it done!

102. Enough with the excuses of why you haven’t achieved your goals. I am tired of hearing about how hard it is to get up early. I’m tired of hearing about how your kids won’t let you out of bed at 6 a.m. If you want good results, then just get started!

Hello there! Thank you for going through the collection of tired of your excuses quotes. I hope you found them helpful. Please endeavour to drop your comment and share the post with others.

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