Being tired of walking on eggshells means being too scared to state your opinion or make a request because someone else might get upset. When you are around certain people, you tend to hide your true feelings. Walking on eggshells can be a very stressful and difficult thing to do. It can make you feel like you are walking on a tightrope, where one wrong move could send you plummeting to the ground.

When you are tired of walking on eggshells, it means that the constant stress and worry have finally taken their toll on you. You have had enough and need some relief from this constant fear of saying or doing something wrong. It can make you feel like everything that comes out of your mouth is going to be criticized or judged. This makes it difficult for anyone who is walking on eggshells to be open and honest with others, which makes it harder for them to have healthy relationships with others.

Also, when someone is tired of walking on eggshells, they want their feelings and thoughts to be heard without fear of being criticized or judged by others. They also want their opinion to be respected just as much as everyone else’s opinion; otherwise, it would just be another way for them to feel inferior compared to everyone else around them.

Are you tired of walking on eggshells and being careful to avoid all the taboo topics? Then these tired of walking on eggshells quotes are for you. They will help you understand how to talk about difficult topics as well as help you practice saying what’s on your mind without hurting another person’s feelings or offending them.

I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have to be too careful what I say and how I say it, and my feelings don’t matter at all. If you want to talk about me behind my back, go ahead. But don’t expect me to keep quiet when you are talking about me in front of my face.

1. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I want to feel safe, respected and loved. I want a man who is constant, who will be there for me through thick and thin.

2. I am tired of walking on eggshells. You should not have to tiptoe around your own thoughts, feelings and expressions.

3. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I never know what to say, what to do. The best I can do is ignore it and hope not to upset you further.

4. I am tired of walking on eggshells because my husband drinks excessively. Sometimes he gets violent and we don’t know when. My children and I want our lives back, but they get hurt every time they see their father like this.

5. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of the constant worry, the worry that my family feels when they are around me. I am tired of apologizing and explaining who I really am over and over again. I am tired of holding back because it will hurt somebody else. The time has come for me to remember that I have needs too.

6. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Concern for my own safety and well-being trumps what might be some perceived violation of someone else’s feelings. I cannot protect you from me. As a result, I need to learn to love myself better. I need to learn how to embrace the parts of myself that are not like other people.

7. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of being told they are “all good.” I’m tired of always having to make sure words are safe and avoid topics that might invoke a negative reaction. I am completely over feeling like it’s my job to keep our family happy and well-adjusted.

8. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Tired of being afraid to admit that I have feelings and needs as if doing so will turn me into a monster. Tired of feeling like I have no voice, or that it’s dangerous to speak up because I might hurt someone else’s feelings or damage a relationship.

9. My life has been filled with anxiety, pain and exhaustion because I don’t want to make anyone upset or angry. I am so tired of feeling bad about myself and the world around me. I have to stop this and this is why I need to walk away.

10. I am tired of walking on eggshells with invisible hands that claw at my back and pull off my hair. I am tired of being afraid that if I say the wrong thing, someone will get angry and leave me forever. I understand that being vulnerable comes with the territory, but it doesn’t mean you have to let every person who enters your life be in charge of your happiness.

11. I am tired of walking on eggshells around them. I once started a conversation with a co-worker and was pulled aside, reprimanded, and then told that this didn’t happen in her department. The rules change every day in my office, which makes it hard for me to know where I stand at any given time.

12. Your refusal to engage in dialogue, your repeated need to be right, your lack of accountability, and your inability to empathize with others have had a detrimental effect on both my personal life and career. I am tired of walking on eggshells.

13. I am tired of walking on eggshells around people because I do not think that everyone understands that I have an autism spectrum disorder. I used to think that my personality was something different, but now I realize that it is part of who I am and thanks to my psychologist, we have come up with a plan to make things work for me.

14. I am tired of walking on eggshells. It makes me feel like I am constantly on the verge of losing you to an argument or one of your crazy mood swings. It makes me want to scream at you or leave. You make me feel like a scared little girl, lost and confused and thrown into an environment that doesn’t suit her. I don’t know how long it will take to get over what you have done to our relationship, but now is the time for me to move on.

15. You were a part of my life, a big part. Almost like the person inside me who loves other people and loves to make friends was hiding behind a shield because of you. I put in time and effort but did not get anywhere with you. It seems that you found yourself in an advantageous position at my expense.

16. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am not interested in being a pawn in your game and you’re going to need to learn what boundaries are as you grow up.

17. I am tired of walking on eggshells and being told to accept things that I do not agree with and that I have been told time and time again are something I have to put up with.

18. I am tired of walking on eggshells when I know that if I stood up for myself it would end badly. It hurts more to hold my tongue than it would for you to hear what I have to say.

19. I’m tired of walking on eggshells. I’m tired of pretending everything is okay when it is not. It just isn’t worth it anymore.

20. It is exhausting to walk on eggshells. The constant anxiety and tension, along with avoiding what we want cause a tremendous amount of stress.

21. I am tired of walking on eggshells. You need to speak up and tell me if something is bothering you or we both are going to be miserable and end up resenting each other.

22. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of being empathetic. I am tired of trying to understand what you are thinking and feeling.

23. I have been walking on eggshells for so long that I don’t know where to start. I felt trapped and trapped myself into feeling trapped by the same person who gave me everything I wanted in life. It wasn’t until recently that I really understood that this isn’t fair to me, nor is it fair to my family and friends.

24. I am tired of walking on eggshells around you. It is exhausting always having to worry about what you think or how you will react to things. It does not matter anymore because I am done.

25. I am tired of walking on eggshells and being so afraid to speak up. I am tired of taking on all the responsibility in a relationship, only to be blamed for not being able to meet other people’s expectations. I am tired of not being respected, listened to or valued even though I am an amazing person who deserves better.

26. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I’m so tired of always having to watch what I say, think and do. What happened to just being a normal person? Where can I escape this constant stress that is slowly killing me?

27. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I choose to walk away slowly, anticipating heartbreak and not knowing if it will ever stop.

28. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of trying to be nice, for the sake of others and myself. I will not continue to give to those who don’t deserve it. I cannot willingly become a doormat, because they are too lazy or selfish to hold open their own doors!

29. I am tired of walking on eggshells terrified of saying the wrong thing, and doing the wrong thing. I am exhausted from trying to avoid confrontation and fighting so hard to hold onto my sanity.

30. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I just want to be me, who is a normal person with feelings, that can be hurt and will get mad when pushed. No one else in the world will want to hear me rant and complain about my problems because everyone has their own problems.

31. I am tired of walking on eggshells, pretending everything is fine when it’s not, I would like to speak my mind without worrying that my words might offend you. I would like to say what I think and not worry about how you feel next to me.

32. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I want to be with someone who can express their feelings and wants, whether that be in a nice way or not. I do not want someone to treat me with kid gloves because they are afraid to offend me by telling me what they actually want from me. It is very draining having to guess what someone wants out of you at all times.

33. I am tired of walking on eggshells and biting my tongue. You are not perfect, and I am not either. But maybe if we stop pretending to be perfect, we can finally get to know each other for who we really are.

34. I am tired of walking on eggshells because my anxiety is so bad. It’s not like they don’t know it is affecting me, but I guess they don’t care or have the slightest clue about what will help. They keep acting like it’s no big deal and that I’m overreacting to their behaviour.

35. I am tired of walking on eggshells—mortifying myself in the hopes that she’ll be more likely to stay out of anger, happier if she stays in, and may even be grateful for your restraint.

36. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have been so loyal, caring and understanding to your constant demands and complaints. When will it stop? You are constantly complaining about everything and nothing. I’ve totally had enough of this…

37. I am tired of being afraid that you are going to hurt me. I have been sleeping with one eye open, waiting for the kick that I need so badly. You refuse to take responsibility for your actions because then it would mean that you would be held accountable for the pain that you caused me.

38. I am tired of walking on eggshells with you. Because I have nothing more to lose, I will tell you what I really think about the way you behave.

39. I am tired of walking on eggshells! It is not my fault that we have a relationship problem and you won’t talk to me about it. It is definitely not my fault that my feelings are hurt, because I am worried about our marriage and will not do anything without hearing what you have to say first.

40. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have to spend so much time figuring out what to say, what not to say, how to act around you so that I don’t offend you. You are not my mother, nor do I want your advice or opinions about my life. This is something that has been bothering me for a long time and it is just getting worse.

41. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I cannot let my emotions out or talk about them or express how I feel until it’s “safe” to do so.

42. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of holding back who I am and trying to be something else so that others feel more comfortable around me. That’s not me. Not even close to it. I am far from perfect, but I am definitely authentic!

43. Tired of walking on eggshells and being by the way. Tired of crying myself to sleep and wondering why. Tired of begging for attention at the kitchen table with a cup of ice cream, because that’s when you’ll give it to me. Tired of losing my mind trying to figure out what I did wrong so maybe I can stop doing it. So I can stop being so unlovable.

44. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have spent my whole life looking over my shoulder and trying not to offend anyone, but it stops today.

45. I am tired of walking on eggshells, tiptoeing around and being careful to not upset you. You are my best friend and I try very hard to step lightly with you, but it is exhausting.

46. I am tired of walking on eggshells. It seems like everything I say and do is wrong, but when I am quiet, I get nothing in return.

47. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I need to tell you a story about myself that is important for both of us to hear, and my apologies if this hurts your feelings, but it’s time, to be honest with each other.

48. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I feel that my words are constantly being judged and critiqued. I feel like I have to walk around on eggshells until you’re ready to talk to me, instead of talking to me right away.

49. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of using my words so carefully that they are parsed, dissected and analyzed. I am tired of being afraid to make other people uncomfortable.

50. I am tired of walking on eggshells, constantly holding back and trying to figure out how not to upset the other person. I am tired of feeling like the elephant in the relationship.

51. I am tired of walking on eggshells, of waiting for the right moment and trying to be perfect. I am hurting inside and I want to open up, but it seems impossible.

52. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have tried to be so patient and understanding but the ignorance that you show is really beginning to annoy me. It’s time to stop playing with me, it’s time to stop messing with my feelings and start being a sincere friend. Do you really think it is okay to use people in order to get what you want?

53. I’m tired of walking on eggshells. I’m tired of being told how well I look by my husband when in reality he hates what’s been going on with me. I am tired of being forced to do something just so he can get his way, knowing full well that it’s unhealthy for me or that he doesn’t give a damn about me.

54. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I want to enjoy my life without fear. I just want a chance to be me without being judged for it.

55. I am tired of walking on eggshells. It is so hard for me to talk about my feelings, and I feel like sometimes my feelings get stuffed away. When I do share how I am feeling, it’s often met with negative words or actions that make me feel even worse.

56. I am tired of walking on eggshells. Whenever I say something that might upset my husband he takes it very personally and acts like a child. He looks at me with hurt in his eyes and asks why I would say that. He won’t listen to reason, it’s just an excuse for him to get mad and hurt.

57. I am tired of walking on eggshells, having to wonder what will trigger her temper and fear-provoking it. I want things to be how they were before she was diagnosed, but I know that time is past. I have tried to find the middle ground between taking care of myself, and my kids and helping her but it is becoming impossible.

58. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I crave more than just politeness, kindness and respect from my loved ones. I want transparency, honesty and acceptance.

59. I am tired of walking on eggshells every time I see your face. What I know and what I feel is that I can keep my mouth shut and try to be as friendly as possible under these hostile circumstances.

60. I am tired of walking on eggshells. It seems like I am always trying to comfort you or worry about what you might say next. I am tired of the tripwires, the exploding grenades, and the unexploded ordinance.

61. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of worrying if what I say will set you off; if my answer will be the wrong one and cause you to withdraw. I am tired of feeling bad for bringing up an issue in fear that you will get defensive and shut down because after all, it’s not like anyone else’s opinion matters but yours right?

62. I am tired of walking on eggshells and not knowing when one wrong word or action is going to make my man burst like a volcano.

63. I am tired of walking on eggshells and dreading any quiet time with my significant other. I feel like I’m being strung along in a relationship with no commitment or accountability while they have all the control. I can’t let this continue.

64. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I have done nothing but try to make you happy, but all I get in return is a wall of silence from you. It seems that the more effort I put into this relationship, the less you want to talk to me until eventually it just feels like every sentence I type to you is wasted because you don’t say anything back.

65. I am tired of walking on eggshells and always keeping things positive because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I can’t live my life like this anymore, it is too exhausting.

66. I am tired of walking on eggshells. I am tired of asking permission to do things that I normally do. I am tired of feeling like my options are limited because you never know when you’re being watched or judged by someone else in the company. It’s not just a lack of trust, it’s also a lack of respect because if you respected me enough then you wouldn’t have to keep tabs on me all the time.

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