Heartbreak sucks, but you’re not suffering alone. We all know that feeling, almost everyone has been there. The feeling of being tired of being heartbroken is the same feeling of being exhausted from the pain in your chest and the tears on your cheeks. It’s the feeling of being tired of wanting someone who doesn’t want you.

It’s the feeling of wanting nothing more than to be happy but knowing that it will never happen because you are too far gone for anyone else to ever be good enough for you again. Feeling heartbroken can be painful, especially if you have been in a long-term relationship or friendship and are now single again. You might feel like you are never going to get over your ex, or that things will never be the same again.

You may also feel like you will never find someone else who can make you happy. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, depression, anxiety and even physical illness. It can be difficult to get over someone when you’re constantly reminded of them through memories, photos or objects that remind you of them.

Below is a collection of tired of being heartbroken quotes that you can use to express yourself if you’ve had enough of heartbreak.

I am tired of being heartbroken. I’ve been broken for way too long, and I just don’t see the point in continuing this. There is not a single thing that I like about this emotion anymore. It’s now become something that teases other people just to see if they will fall for it.

1. I am tired of being heartbroken and having to see the same people every day. I have been in this town for two years, and I do not want to befriend people who are just doing it for popularity.

2. I am tired of being heartbroken, I want to be loved back, I want someone to love me and cherish me, and I want to feel special, secure and happy because sometimes that doesn’t happen.

3. I am tired of being heartbroken. It takes so much energy to love someone who does not love you back that it doesn’t leave much of me left.

4. I am tired of being heartbroken. And I know that once I understand the process of how we happen to find ourselves in the same situations over and over again, there is a way out. Because what’s happened before will happen again if nothing changes.

5. I am tired of being heartbroken. I’m tired of putting my heart out there and getting it kicked around, like a little defenceless puppy with no one else to turn to.

6. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of feeling sad, angry and ashamed. It has been going on for so long and I feel like I will never get better.

7. If you’re tired of being heartbroken, it is time to learn how to love yourself and build a life that will make you happy. Stop feeling like an unattractive loser and start living a life that is passionate, exciting and filled with positive energy.

8. When you are living in a toxic relationship, it can be hard to see an end in sight. But the pain of being heartbroken is the best motivation there is to break off this destructive relationship and move on. You need to recognize that you deserve better and that life can be much more fulfilling without them

9. I am tired of being heartbroken and I want to move on. There are times when I feel like nothing matters anymore and I can’t explain why. I’m tired of crying, feeling broken and empty, would someone please just hold me?

10. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am sick of getting disappointed over and over again. It is not fun to be in a relationship where you are treated like dirt or cheated on.

11. I have no more strength left in me. I am tired of being heartbroken. All I know is that I will never repeat the same mistakes again.

12. I am tired of being heartbroken. I’m tired of my friends telling me they’re here for me and then disappearing when it gets hard. I’m tired of second-guessing every word, and action and feeling like I’ve done something wrong. I’m tired of feeling guilty for not being or doing enough; for not saying “I love you” enough or doing something just because someone else wants me to.

13. I am tired of being heartbroken. I don’t know why I can’t find love but I’m sure that there are many more out there just like me

14. I am tired of being heartbroken. I’ve done all the things society tells me to do. I’m a nice guy, funny and smart. But time after time it’s the same old story – she has a boyfriend, or we have nothing in common, or that “spark” just isn’t there. What is wrong with me?

15. I am tired of being heartbroken, disappointed and having to endure what I think would be an endless journey when it comes to loving myself.

16. I am no longer willing to settle for broken, damaged, or incomplete. I want the full experience of love that comes with giving away all that I am.

17. I am tired of being heartbroken and insecure. I need to be my own best friend and love myself enough to know I am worthy of love.

18. I am tired of being heartbroken. I’m tired of the fight and the sorrow, of being sad and upset. It is time for me to put an end to all the pain, and finally be happy again.

19. I am tired of being heartbroken. My poor, fragile heart yearns for your love and affection. I have opened myself up to you completely only for you to break my heart over and over again.

20. I’m tired of being heartbroken. I’m tired of it all. Tired of waking up with my heart feeling like it was ripped out and trampled on, then shoved back inside to sit on a frayed curse that sits beside the hole in my chest. There is a hole there and it won’t go away until someone comes along and finally puts back what they took away from me.

21. I am tired of being heartbroken and abused by people who claim to love me. I know that it’s not my fault but sometimes I wonder if there was something I could have done differently. No matter what, I need to stop letting people hurt me.

22. I am tired of being heartbroken. I have been hurt over and over again by the same person, but each time that happens, I fall right back into the same relationship. It’s like a vicious cycle. I keep hoping things will get better, but they just don’t. He can be so convincing when he wants to be. He acts like nothing ever happened and convinces me to go back out with him, when all along he knows damn well that he isn’t going to change.”

23. I am tired of being heartbroken. It hurts when I know that you are somewhere happy with somebody else, laughing and living in your happiness. But if I am being honest with myself, I would not want to be a part of it. My daydreams about us only result in tears and pain.

24. I’m tired of heartbreak. I want to be loved, but I don’t know how to open up. I want someone to see the real me and accept it, flaws and all.

25. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of not knowing how to deal with my broken heart, how to mend it, or how to pick up the pieces. I want my heart back but I don’t know where to look for it

26. We all get heartbroken from time to time. We’re taught to suck it in and soldier on, but what if I told you that I’m tired of being heartbroken? You see, no matter how many people you love and lose in your life—or how many fights you have with one another—that doesn’t make your bond any less important. It’s vital that we never lose the courage to love even when it hurts.

27. The fact that you feel heartbroken can be a reason to want to find true love. You should not allow your feelings of being heartbroken to consume your thoughts and emotions.

28. I am tired of being heartbroken. At times I cannot control it, I may be sad and miserable, but I’ve been single for a while now and I don’t have time to waste on sadness or fear of relationships.

29. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of trying to prop myself up in a relationship. The more love I give, the higher I place that person on a pedestal, and the harder it is for me to see them for who they really are. Chances are you’re not perfect – but neither am I. We’ll never find perfect people – we just have to learn to accept the people we meet along life’s road.

30. I am tired of being heartbroken, I have been through so much and yet every time someone says that they love me and care for me, I get destroyed even more. It is like someone keeps on playing a game with me where they want to see how long this will last.

31. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am sick of crying over a man that isn’t worth it. I’m done with the pain and the heartache. It serves no purpose, and I want to live again!

32. I am tired of being heartbroken. You have no idea what I go through, or how much energy it takes when I’m with you. The constant tears and the feeling that everything is going to be ok. But then it doesn’t because you break up with me again and again. I can’t do this anymore, I no longer want to try at anything because the more I do, the more pain we are going to cause each other.

33. I am tired of being heartbroken. There are some things we can’t control, but with a little bit of effort and persistence, we can control our own destiny and break the cycle of losing love.

34. I am tired of being heartbroken. I have experienced it time and time again. It’s a horrible feeling for me to feel unwanted and unloved by someone who has made me feel like we are soulmates. At this point in my life, I believe that my dreams will never come true because of the constant heartbreak I seem to experience whenever I get close to a man or woman.

35. I am tired of being heartbroken and the effects that heartbreak has on the mind and body. I am tired of having to work so hard to get back to who I truly am. Every time I get close, there is another great loss or self-doubt just around the corner. It comes from people who loved me unconditionally and people whose disappointment hurt just as much as their love healed in the past. It comes from toxic relationships that have left scars in my heart and soul.

36. I hate being heartbroken. I wish I had someone to hold and kiss me. I hate that nobody wants to be with me. I miss loving the most.

37. I need to get over this feeling of being heartbroken. The pain and the slow healing process are taking a toll on my life and I feel like I am slowly coming apart.

38. I’m tired of being heartbroken, I don’t want to be hurt anymore. All I want is someone who can love me in a way that I can feel safe.

39. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of the endless cycle of misery, tears and desperation. I am tired of the constant rejection from the man I love. I want to live my life on my own terms and be happy again.

40. I am tired of being heartbroken by people who shouldn’t hurt me. I want to move on and find someone who can appreciate me for who I am, not for what they want me to be.

41. I am tired of being heartbroken, I have been hurt so many times and abandoned. So I give up on love, I hate fighting for the one you love and he doesn’t do the same for you when your heart is broken.

42. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of having to watch my loved ones walk away from me. I want to love again. I want to be happy again.

43. It’s time to stop playing the waiting game. Stop worrying about the one that got away. Because the longer you wait, the more time you give your broken heart to heal, but it won’t.

44. I may look calm and collected, but the truth is that my heart has been broken so many times that it’s just about to shatter into pieces.

45. When you feel like giving up, your friends are right there with you. They want you to be happy, and they want to fix the problem. But at the end of the day, it’s your heart that’s been broken again. It’s up to you to decide what happens next.

46. I am tired of being heartbroken. I don’t want to be afraid to love someone because I am afraid to be hurt again. I don’t want to be afraid to allow my heart to feel again, because I know it will break.

47. I am tired of being heartbroken, but I cannot seem to find a way out. My body aches and my heart is broken. I wish for liberation from all the pain that I feel. How can I free myself from this misery?

48. I am tired of being heartbroken by love. I am ready to stay single and live my life without a relationship with anyone. I want to be myself and not someone’s future wife that he waits for. I want to stop having trust issues with people who are not worthy of it.

49. I am tired of being heartbroken. I feel like I have spent so much time being heartbroken and alone that all my hopes and dreams have died, or at least have been put on hold. It seems that everyone around me is happy with their lives, but all I feel is sadness. I just want to be happy.

50. I am tired of being heartbroken. I’m tired of being disappointed by people who don’t care about my feelings. I just want to be happy and for once in my life, I wish for something to actually work out.

51. You are tired of being heartbroken. I know how that feels. Heartbreak does not mean you are weak; it means that you have tried something, and it did not work out as planned. You are strong for slogging through the misery and surviving.

52. I have been heartbroken too many times to count. If only there was a way to prevent this from happening again, or to stop the pain that comes afterwards when I realize that the person who broke my heart doesn’t really care about me at all. I wish my life could be different—that I didn’t have to deal with this so often.

53. I am tired of being heartbroken. I am tired of falling in love only to have my heart shattered again and again. I am tired of the pain and loneliness that comes with loving someone who does not love you back. I want to find someone who will love me back! I want to hear, “I love you” from someone who will treat me right.

Hello there! I want to appreciate you for going through the collection of tired of being heartbroken quotes. I hope you were able to get something out of them. Please let me know by leaving a comment below. Thank you.

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