A Survey Of The Problems Of Computerization Of Office Functions In Selected Business Establishment In Aguate L.G.A


Title page…………………………………………………….……….i

Approval Page………………………………………………………..ii



Table of contents……………………………………………….…….v



  • Introduction and background of study ………………….1
    • Statement of problems……………………………………….3
    • Purpose of study……………………………………………….4
    • Research question……………………………………………..5
    • Significance of study…………………………………………..5
    • Definition of terms……………………………………………..6 


  • Review of literature……………………………………………..8
    • Evolution of computers………………………………………..9
    • Introduction of computer……………………………………..10
    • Misconceptions about computer…………………………….21
    • Hindrances to computer application in Nigeria organization …………………………………..23


  • Research Methodology…………………………………………31
    • Design of the study…………………………………………….31
    • Area of study…………………………………………………….31
    • Population of the study……………………………………….32
    • Sample of the study……………………………………………33
    • Description of instrument used data collection………….34
    • Validation of the instrument…………………………………35
    • Method of data analysis………………………………………36
    • Decision Rule……………………………………………………36


  • Presentation data………………………………………………37
    • Analysis of data…………………………………………………37
    • Discussion of the findings……………………………………46


5.0 Summaries of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

  • Restatement of the problem…………………………………48
  • Summary of findings………………………………………….49
  • Conclusion ……………………………………………………..51
  • Recommendations…………………………………………….52
  • Limitations of study. ………………………………………….53
  • For areas for further research……………………………….54


Appendix I………………………………………………………..56

Questionnaire …………………………………………………..57


The contribution of the Business Establishment to the economic development of any cannot be over-emphasized. The has also contributed greatly to the functions performed by these to meet its economic obligations to the nation.

The computer as a very necessary tool has not been adopted by all business establishments. So many establishments, on the other hand, have able to see it as a means of improving business transactions and keeping necessary data on customers and other services.

Organizations that have not actually adopted computers, will see that its positive effects surpass its negative effects if they should look into it.

This study, therefore, is going to show the actual contributions of computers to the business establishments and the problems faced by the establishments, that have not gone into computerization. In trying to state the problem related to computers the researcher used both secondary and primary data.

The main purpose of this study was to determine the functions of computerization in office function in some establishments in Aguata L.G.A Anambra State.  The population of the study consisted of 94 people from 5 selected organizations Aguata Local Government Area.

The sample for the study was 50 people out of 94, which we drew using simple random sampling.  Four research questions were formulated which guided the study.

A 14 items structured questionnaire was developed.  Mean were use to answer the research questions.  The major finding of the study was (1) any staff can lose his job if you are not computer literate.  (2) Computerization can reduce the cost of service in the organization.

(3) When there is light it can save time. (4) When the is qualified staff it can bring customer satisfaction. (5) Providing adequate machines can also make the job sweet.


One of the major objectives of most business firms, individuals, and government agencies in the installation of computers is to assist them in data processing, counting, information storage and to eliminate manual interference between data, input, information, and output.

In the past, counting and other simple arithmetical operations were performed by the use of parts of the human body such as the fingers and toes. Also used were objects like stones, sticks, and drawing lines and works on the surfaces.

However, when the volume of data to be processed increased and also to need for faster processing and more accurate results become imperative, then aids or tools to be used for computing because necessary, hence the need for mechanically processing equipment, otherwise known as computers.

The earliest mechanical and to calculations used in China and other parts of the world e.g ABACUS or BEAD FRAME was crude, time–consuming and worsen the situation. It was only used to perform arithmetical operations.

To overcome the limitations of ABACUS, it was still necessary to carry out research on the improvement of the equipment and to invent a more sophisticated one that will not only solve the problem of the country but also produce accurate results in data processing,

business, and management information for decision making that will be utilized in all sectors of any economy. With the above in mind, the computer came into being

The emergence of computers and also their application to various sectors of the economy may not come without problems.  Actually, the usefulness of computerization cannot be over-emphasized especially to execute office functions.

At nonetheless there are some problems to be encountered by firms, and government agencies that may wish to computerize their office function.


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