Love is one of the most popular words in the world, but as sweet and positive as the word is, it has hurt many people because of the wrong concept and ideology they have about it.

Love is not a game, it is not something to be played or manipulated. If you do, you won’t get the best out of it. Love can hurt you, and it can also help you, only if you approach it the right way.

If you want to enjoy the fullness of love, you must be ready to commit yourself, to sacrifice your time, energy, and resources to make love work. Whether it is with friends, family, or even your lover, love needs commitment.

The quotes below will help you see that love is not a game and challenge you to stop playing love like a game.

Love is not a game. Falling in love must have complete sincerity. When you have fallen in love with someone, don’t play around and be honest with yourself to take the chance on something real.

1. Love is not a game, you can’t win or lose. You must be ready for the next challenge because love never stops.

2. Love is not a game but a new experience in living. Love is not something you conquer, but something that conquers you.

3. Love is not a game, love is not a contest. It’s about taking chances, being brave, and doing things you don’t expect to do even when they feel scary.

4. Love is not a game. Love is not a risk. It’s a commitment, a partnership, and the most important decision that you will ever make, so don’t play games with it.

5. Love is not a game. Love is love. When you have fallen in love with someone, don’t play around with it, be honest and take the chance on something real.

6. Love is not a game; it’s something that’s much more than a beating heart and an unbroken promise.

7. Love is not a game. It’s a fight. And if you don’t fight, you will never win it and that fight will always wait for you.

8. Love is a game of trust, not knowing and feeling. Love is not a game of luck. Love is finding each other in the darkness and starry nights.

9. Love is not about playing with emotions and it’s not a game. And you can do it alone if you want, but I promise no one will understand the way that you feel, that’s why I know what love is not.

10. Love is not a game, always believe in love, even when it makes you cry.

11. Love is not a game, there’s no winning, there’s no losing, and there are only trying. To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must love in order to lose and then, perhaps, to win.

12. Love is not a game, it is reality. Love is about the little things. You will never recognize how much love you have inside until someone comes along and shows it to you.

13. Love is not a game, love can be a competitive game, but at the end of the day, it’s all about enjoying each other’s company. [love] is about taking chances, it’s about being brave, and doing things you don’t expect to do even when they feel scary.

14. Real love is impulsive. Real love is not a game or a contest. It is about taking chances, being brave, and doing things that you don’t want to do even if they are scary.

15. Love is not a game, and love is not a contest. It’s about taking chances and believing in something that feels so big it scares us sometimes.

16. In love, as in life, there are no rules. Love is not a game and should never be a contest. It’s about being brave and taking chances on no matter what or who.

17. The game of love can be fun, but it’s not a game. Stop trying to play love else you’d get hurt.

18. Love is not a game, and you shouldn’t play games with people. Sop playing hide and seek, go to someone special, today.

19. Love is not a game. Love is not a risk. Love is pure, powerful and inevitable so don’t play games with it.

20. Love is not a game but the most important thing you will ever experience in your life. It is a commitment, and it’s never a game.

21. Love is not a game. There are lots of ways to fake love, but real love requires intention. Don’t let your feelings be used as a weapon.

22. Love is not a game. Love is a promise. For better or for worse, together you’re stronger than you are on your own.

23. Love is not a game. Love is finding someone to fall in love with, it’s usually followed by intense feelings of joy, passion and excitement. And the best part is that these feelings don’t fade over time. Just ask any happily married couple, and they’ll tell you that they’re still just as in love as they were when they first met.

24. Many people don’t enjoy love because they think it’s something to enjoy when it’s sweet and ignore when it’s sour. They didn’t know that love is not a game, it must be committed to.

25. Love is not a game. Love is beautiful. It makes us feel wonderful, and it makes us want to fall asleep peacefully at night. Love is lovely. When you are in love with someone, don’t play around with it take the chance on something real.

26. Love is not a game. Love isn’t something to play with. Take a chance on something real.

27. Love is not a game, easy to fall in love, hard to find love. When you find it, take the chance and don’t play around with it.

28. Love is not a game as you already know, games are not for real life. Love someone enough to be open and honest.

29. Love is not a game; it’s an experience that goes beyond the feeling of joy and excitement.

30. Love makes us do crazy things. Love is not a game, it’s something just as real as the ground we stand on while we’re falling.

31. Love is not a game, love is more than a feeling. It’s unconditional. Countless books have been written using this theme, but The Vow captures it beautifully.

32. Love is not a game. Love is a living, breathing thing. It beats in your hearts and stretches to the edges of time.

33. Love is not a game. It’s an eternal emotion, a feeling that connects two people in the most unique and unfettered way.

34. Love is not a game, it is like sand beneath our feet; it’s always there but sometimes we have trouble finding it.

35. A game is something that’s done playfully, and a contest is a race or competition. Love is not like this at all.

36. Love is not a game. Love is not a competition. It’s when two people are thrown together and learn to like each other.

37. Love is not a game, love is what keeps us going. It’s one of the greatest things on Earth that no one can live without.

38. Love is not a game. Love is not a risk. It’s a commitment and the most important decision that you will ever make.

39. Love is not a game. Love is something special. It’s the most important decision you will ever make, so why play games? Make sure that it’s right for you and your partner before you take the plunge.

40. Love is not a game. Love is not a risk, it’s a commitment. Until you are ready to commit yourself and all you are, you can’t enjoy the fullness of love.

41. Love is not a game, from the first kiss to happily ever after, make a decision you’ll never regret by finding the one you love and sticking with them.

42: Love is not a game. Love is enduring and more powerful than any force in this world.

43. Love is not a game. Love is more than the feeling of complete trust, commitment, and understanding.

44. Love gives you strength, warmth, and courage. love is not a game.

45. Love is not a game. It fills you with creativity and kindness, and love makes you special.

46. Love is not a game, and it’s not a business of profit and loss, it’s an investment that pays off.

47. Love is not a game. Love is true, then true love will give you, hope and makes you powerful.

48. Love is not a game, it’s like a seed, planted, watered and with time becomes stronger and last forever.

49. Love is not a fan, it is a deep feeling that comes with so much sacrifice and takes more than the strength to give.

50. Love is not a game, it is more than a game. It’s like a drawing, the more time you spend on it, the more beautiful the outcome will be.

51. Love is not a game. Love is not about winning, or losing. Love is about letting go of what you’ve always known and stepping into something that’s bigger than you can imagine.

52. Love is not a game. It’s simply a matter of trust, commitment, and communication between two or more people who care about each other.

53. Love is not a game. It’s the only thing that takes effort and puts in the work to make it real. If you love someone, you have to fight for them. Love is a fight!

54. Love is not a game. When you love someone, it is not about what they can do for you. It is about what you should do for them!

55. Love is not a game. Embrace it and live it every day, stop trying to play it.

56. Love is not a game. It is not a contest and it’s never won or lost. Love is something you appreciate every day, like breathing. Love is being there for someone when they need you and let them know that you are there to help them through their troubles.

57. Every day is a new chance to make happiness. Love is not a game. It’s an adventure, let’s play.

58. Love is not a game to be played. It takes time, love and commitment. Choose wisely.

59. Love is not a game. If you’ve got love in your eyes and a smile on your face, then it’s not a game.

60. Love is not a game. Love is an adventure. Love is about exploring and discovering. Love is about saying yes to new things, to new people, to new possibilities.

61. Love is not a game. Love is like a gem, it starts out rough but polished over time, it grows from the smallest of things at its core and then radiates outward.

62. Love is not a game. Love is a beautiful thing, but it’s not easy. It takes trust, commitment, and communication to make it last. You have to communicate openly and honestly to keep your relationship alive.

63. Love is not a game. But relationships are like a game of chess. It takes time, effort, and commitment to win.

64. Love is the purest feeling in the world. Love is not a game, but simple gratitude to the person you love.

65. There’s no doubt that dating has its challenges. But when you find someone you really love, the best thing you can do is take steps to ensure your relationship succeeds. You need to know that Love is not a game.

66. Love is not a game. Love is the only thing that takes effort, works hard and doesn’t let go. If you love someone, you have to fight for it. Love is a battle that you have to win.

67. Love is not a game. It’s hard work. You have to fight for it. If you truly love someone, you will work to make that relationship successful. Love is a fight!

68. Love is not a game that you play with. If you are serious about love, then you have to fight for your partner. Love is not a soft toy.

69. Love is not a game. Love is a real thing and it takes effort to keep it going. The real kind of love is hard to find, and it’s up to you to put in the work and make it last.

70. Love is not a game. Love is like a battlefield -it’s not easy and doesn’t come easy. Once you find your love, you have to fight for it if you want to keep it.

71. Love is not a game! When you love someone, you do things out of respect, support, and understanding. It’s not about power balance or manipulation.

72. Love is not a game, but it should be fun. When you give love, it should be out of respect, not self-interest.

73. Love is not a game, you need to do something that makes your love happy and feel fun.

74. Love is not a game. Love is when you go out of your way to make someone else happy because they deserve it.

75. Love is not a game. When you are in love, you do everything to make the person feel happy and comfortable.

76. Love is not a game. Love is lovely. When you are in love with someone, don’t play around with it take the chance on something real.

77. Love is not a game. It’s a dedicated commitment to another human being.

78. Love is not a game. When you find love, don’t let it slip away. Love someone and let them know that they’re yours. Fall in love with the idea of being loved because you never know what can happen tomorrow. Don’t judge love by its flaws but by the good feelings, it brings to your heart!

79. Love is not a game. Love is an essential part of any successful relationship. We believe it’s the foundation that brings you closer together and helps you create a bond that lasts.

80. Love is not a game. The feeling of love connects two people as one. When you experience love in your life, what you and your partner have is special and can survive, no matter how hard the situation is.

81. Love is not a game. Love just happens. It finds you at the right time, in the right place and you can’t help but fall under its spell.

82. Love is something that you do for the good of the other person. love is not a game, it is not a contest and it is never won or lost.

83. Love is not a game. love is what you show every day. It is your commitment to the one you love and faithfulness in staying loyal to that person.

84. Love is not a game. Love is the first feeling you get when you see the person who changed your life. Love is a promise to be there when times are good and bad.

85. Love is not a game. Love is more than butterflies and kissing in the rain. It is about loving someone for who they are and accepting their faults and imperfections just as you accept yours.

86. love is not a game. Love is a powerful and overwhelming experience that brings people together and fills their life with the joy of living. You can only love if you have someone to love.

87. Love is not a game. Love makes the world go around. It warms our hearts, keeps our relationships strong and gives us that special feeling, of positive energy.

88. Love is not a game. Love is not a game. It should not be based on rivalry or self-interest. It should be about sharing and experiencing the best of what life has to offer with another person.

89. Love is not a game. It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling of commitment and joy that you share with someone you care about.

90. Love is not a game. when you fall in love, it’s a special feeling. You feel happy, open and relaxed. And if you are really lucky, the person you love makes you happy too.

91. Love is not a game. Love is not just about the butterflies and googol eyes we get from that first kiss, though those thoughts do fill our minds.

92. Love is not a game. Love is something that is always there, no matter what you are going through, it will always support and guide you.

93. Love is not a game. Love is something shared between two people with true commitment, trust, respect and loyalty.

94. Love is not a game. Love is doing things for them even when you know they can do it themselves, it is being there when all others are not.

95. Love is not a game. Love is standing by each other’s side through thick and thin, even if it means moving halfway around the world.

96. Love is not a game. Love makes you feel like anything is possible, even at the end of the world.

97. Love is not a game. Love is someone who will be there for you when things are going wrong, and allows you to cry on their shoulder when you need someone.

98. Love is not a game. Love is being able to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and understand how they feel.

99. Love is not a game. Love is an environment, a living space that makes people feel welcome.

100. Love is not a game. Love is an energy that brings two people together and keeps them connected even when they’re apart.

I hope thsee love is not a game quotes written above have changed your perspective about love and made you see that love is not a game, but it is a way of life. Feel free to share and leave comments below.

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