Design and Implementation of a Computer-Based Treasury Management System


The of this is to design and a computer-based treasury system to help the manual operation in the day-to-day activities of the treasurer.

I was motivated due to the stress in which treasurers go through in making their transactions in banks and also exchange rate management, loan records act with other banks, this project will help to reduce all these problems.

The used to code this program is PHP and MySQL. This will help reduce the stress that a treasurer goes through on daily basis.


Title page                                                                                         i

Approval page                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                                        iii

Acknowledgment iv

Abstract                                                                                            v

Table of contents                                                                                       vi

List of tables

List of figures


1.0     Introduction                                                                            1

  • Background of study 3
  • Statement of the problem 5
  • Aim and objective of study 6
  • Significance of study 7
  • Scope of study 8
  • Limitation of study 9
  • Definition of terms 10


2.0     Introduction                                                                            11

2.1     Structure of an integrated treasury unit                                 19


  • Introduction 22
  • System analysis 22
    • Detailed definition of the problem 23
    • Feasibility study 24
  • Methods of data collection 25
    • Interviewing 26
    • Observation                                                                           26
  • The problem of the existing system 26
    • Data preparation 27
    • User preparation 27
  • The objective of the new design 28
  • Program structures 28
    • Top-down program design 30
    • System flowchart 30
    • Program flowchart 32
  • File maintenance module 33
  • Main menu specification 33
    • Output specification 34
    • Input specification 36
    • File/database specification 37


  • System implementation and program                                             38

4.1     Justification of the programming language                                     38

4.2     System control                                                                        40

4.3     System requirement                                                                40

4.3.1  Software requirement                                                             40

4.3.2  Hardware requirement                                                            41

4.3.3  People                                                                                     41

4.4     Implementation details                                                                    42

4.4.1  Coding                                                                                    42

4.4.2  System testing                                                                        42

4.4.3  Training and re-training of staff                                                      43

4.4.4  File conversation                                                                             44

4.4.5  Changeover procedure                                                           44

4.4.6  Commissioning                                                                       46

4.4.7  User manuals                                                                          46

4.4.8  Maintenance details                                                               47


5.1     Conclusion                                                                              49

5.2     Recommendation                                                                             50

References                                                                                        52



The computer-based treasury management system is a software package that is designed to help improve the manual operation of these day-to-day activities of the treasure.

This solution and stratifies is a sign on treasury cash management and foreign exchange and any other financial operation. This was developed because of the stress in which treasurers go through in other to carry out their daily transactions.

It is also known as a treasury workstation in a term for a treasury-oriented system or software package that specializes in the automation of manually intensive, repetitive steps needed to manage a bank or company’s cash flows.

The system allows a company to efficiently communicate with financial institutions in other to manage cash, transaction, forecasts, and even investment and debt.


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