Imagine a life where you consistently do more than you think possible. Imagine being so focused on your goals that all other distractions are pushed out of the way. Imagine being energized to pursue these goals every day, working hard to make every day better than the previous. 

Whether it’s the job we choose, the spouse we marry, or the life path we travel, every choice has consequences — not only for you but for those around you and the best way to live your life is to make today better than yesterday because each day, we have challenges and opportunities as well as choices and consequences, all dependant on the choices we’ve made.

To make today better than yesterday, you need to believe that it’s possible. You need to have a reason to get out of bed every day. If you don’t have goals, dreams, and aspirations to make yourself better every single day, then why are you even alive? The world isn’t going to get any better without your effort towards making it better.

This collection of make today better than yesterday quotes below is a small but beautiful reminder that we always have the power to change our lives. It’s not just a daily quote – you can use these inspiring quotes as your daily reflection, motivational phrase, or powerful affirmation to help improve your attitude and make it better.

The best moments in life happen when you aren’t rushing. Take it easy, be at ease, and enjoy the ride. Explore new experiences and see every corner of the world while you are at it. Ensure to make today better than yesterday.

1. Make today better than yesterday. Set goals and keep them, reach out to others when they need help, and be patient with yourself and others. Make each day better than the one before it.

2. Don’t just get through today, make it better. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.

3. Stop waiting for a perfect moment, and start making progress towards your goals every day.

4. The best way to keep track of all the great things you’ve done: Make today better than yesterday.

5. We can do anything we want if we put our minds to it. So make today better than yesterday.

6. We all want today to be better than yesterday. But we can only do that if we’re willing to try something new. Today, commit yourself to making today better than yesterday.

7. Be better today than you were yesterday and set a goal to become even better tomorrow.

8. Make today better than yesterday. If you are not living, start living now. Although life can be hard, it’s a lot more beautiful than anyone can ever imagine.

9. To create the life you want, you need to take back control of your day. Make today better than yesterday.

10. Make today better than yesterday. It’s something that we should all do, but it’s not always easy to practice. If we take one step at a time, if we live with gratitude and positivity, then it becomes easier and more rewarding too.

11. We all have the power to make today better than yesterday. Whether it’s a bad date or a good one, always strive to succeed and be your best self. There’s always a way out of your problems, but you must never give up trying.

13. Every moment you think of something new and better, you’re changing your life to make it even better than yesterday.

14. Make today better than yesterday, so you don’t have to worry about tomorrow.

15. Make today better than yesterday. The best way to do that is to get up and get out of the house. That simple act sets you up for success and sparks creativity, focus, and productivity—and it’s easy to do.

16. Today is another opportunity to do everything better. Don’t let go of your goals, and don’t lose track of what you want and what you need. Make today better than yesterday.

17. Every day is a new opportunity to make your life better than yesterday. What you do today will determine how good it will be.

18. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, so make it count. Life’s so short, don’t waste it. Do the things that keep you motivated and inspired. Be passionate about something in life.

19. Our lives change by the people we meet, the books we read, and the music we listen to. Make today better than yesterday.

20. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Act on your decisions and make today better than yesterday.

21. Procrastination is the thief of excellence, but with a little planning, you can take your productivity to the next level. Make today better than yesterday.

22. Make today better than yesterday. It’s simple but difficult: every day, do what you did yesterday, but better.

23. Make today better than yesterday because yesterday did not go as planned.

24. Be productive, and be better than yesterday. This is your life and you can make it as good or as bad as you want.

25. You can make today better than yesterday. It’s all about your mindset and the steps you take towards your goals.

26. It’s your time to shine, so let that light brighten up the world. Live life to the fullest and go for what you’re after. Today is one day you can make better than yesterday, so set some goals, work hard, and never give up on your dreams.

27. Today can be better than yesterday. You just decide to change your perspective and be positive and you will see the positive results.

28. Today is your day and tomorrow you should have a good idea so make it count. Do what makes you happy, because life is too short for anything else.

29. Let’s make today better than yesterday because yesterday has already happened.

30. We all have a vision of what we want our life to look like. One day, it’s going to happen but for now, we must put in the work every day to make that vision a reality. Make today better than yesterday.

31. The first step to making today better than yesterday is to realize that you can do it. As long as there is a tomorrow, you always have the chance to make things better.

32. Every day is a new beginning, and you can make it better than yesterday by practising being mindful of the present moment.

33. It’s not enough to just exist, you have to live. Life is a journey and it’s up to you to make each day the best that it can be.

34. The only way forward is positive. The whole point of today is that you don’t have to be the same person tomorrow as you were yesterday.

35. Make today better than yesterday by not letting the past get in your way of bigger and better things.

36. The new day is here with endless possibilities and endless opportunities. See what you can achieve today, and make today better than yesterday.

37. Yesterday, you managed what you could in the time and space you had. Today, that is not enough. You are capable of more. You can go further. You will be stronger.

38. Make today better than yesterday by being grateful for everything you have and all the blessings God has bestowed upon you.

39. Today is the day to turn your dreams into action, your goals into reality, and your life into a masterpiece. Make today better than yesterday.

40. Have an interesting day. Do something you’ve never done before and enjoy the moment of your life.

41. To be happy can take on different forms for different people. It could be spending time with loved ones or taking a walk in nature, but what matters is that when you wake up and look in the mirror, you are satisfied with who you see.

42. Life can be a roller coaster ride, so we need to lift each other in times of trouble, and celebrate in times of joy. Today is a time to help you get through it all.

43. Make today better than yesterday. Don’t live your life in the past or wait for a better time. Life is short, so make today count.

44. Make today better than yesterday. You can only go forward from here, so keep pace with your dreams.

45. Making improvements and creating new things is what gets us through tough times. With the right mindset, you can make today better than yesterday.

46. Live in the moment, be positive, and treat everyone with kindness—it’s not only what you do when things are good, but it’s also what you do when things are not so good.

47. Make today better than yesterday. What better time to start than today? The only thing holding you back is you. Have a great day.

48. Take one small step at a time and before you know it, the little things you do will add up to big results.

49. You only get one chance to make a first impression. So make today better than yesterday.

50. It’s all about the little things—and that’s how you make today better than yesterday.

51. Improve the day, not your circumstances. Don’t let yesterday determine today—make it count.

52. No matter what challenges you may face, you can always count on yourself and your strength. Make today better than yesterday.

53. Make today better than yesterday. Make it surpass that day. Make your life a story worth telling.

54. Make today better than yesterday, let tomorrow be a fresh start and the only regret is that we didn’t live today for what it was.

55. Nothing is set in stone. If you change your mind, you can always make today better than yesterday.

56. Life is a powerful thing. The way you see it today, tomorrow may look completely different. Keep going and never give up on what’s important in your life.

57. We can’t control what happens in the future, but we can choose how we handle it today. Make today better than yesterday.

58. Make today better than yesterday. Our lives are short and precious, so live them to the fullest.

59. If you don’t make today better than yesterday, you’ll never have a tomorrow to remember.

60. You can’t go back in time and make yesterday better than today, but if you can make today better than tomorrow, you’ll be a happy camper.

61. Don’t just look ahead—be ahead. Today is a new day and a new opportunity. Make it better than yesterday.

62. If today were better than yesterday, then it would be great. But it’s not, so today needs to be just as good as yesterday was.

63. The only day that matters is today. So make it count by taking the right actions, setting goals, and making them happen.

64. Be grateful for the small things. If you focus on what’s good, today will be a better day than yesterday.

65. Make today better than yesterday. Tomorrow is a new day and you’re gettin’ started on it the right way.

66. The only way to make today better than yesterday is to be the best version of yourself.

67. Some say the best way to make tomorrow better than today is to win more, achieve more, and be better.

68. Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. You get up one day and make it so that you have done everything you wanted to do.

69. You can’t control the past, but you can control what you do today and tomorrow. Make today better than yesterday.

70. We’re not looking for perfection. We’re just going about doing what we love. If you want to be the best version of yourself and make today better than yesterday, then get out there and do some good.

71. It’s never too late to make a better choice. Start today, change your life, and create the best day of the week.

72. Today is a new day, a fresh start. You’re capable of so much more than you think. It’s time to make it happen.

73. Today could be better – or it could be worse. But never forget that you are in control of your life, what happens to you, and how you respond to change is up to you.

74. We all have great days and bad ones. But what matters is how you respond when the bad days come.

75. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to make today better than yesterday. It’s easy to reach for the stars when you know you’re on your way.

76. You don’t have to be perfect—just work on making today better than yesterday.

77. You get to choose the type of day you want to have. Make today better than yesterday by eating right and exercising healthily.

78. Make today better than yesterday. The secret to a happy, healthy, and successful life is to make progress every day. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm for your goals.

79. The days are long and the years are short. Make today better than yesterday.

80. Start by making a better today than yesterday. By simply doing this, you’re already winning.

81. Each day is another opportunity to make yourself better than you were yesterday.

82. Today is the day to make it better than yesterday. Start your day right, and set yourself up for success.

83. Today is a new day and there are infinite possibilities. Make it better than yesterday.

84. Live in the now and never miss an opportunity to make your life better than yesterday.

85. There’s always something to accomplish. It’s never too late to start something new, and today is a good day to do what you’ve never done before.

86. Make today better than yesterday, even if that means getting up at the crack of dawn. Set your goals high and focus on them.

87. Today is the perfect time to get up and go. You can change your life. So, start now, and make today better than yesterday.

88. Chances are you’ve been thinking about what you could do to better yourself. Here’s a plan: something good is just around the corner.

89. Take it from someone who knows: today is the only day you’ve got. Don’t waste it on regrets, and don’t spend it on fear of things over which you have no control.

90. You only get one shot at making today better than yesterday. Don’t let anything hold you back.

91. Don’t let today be a day any different than yesterday. It can be better, it must be better—find ways to make today better than yesterday.

92. If you don’t try something new, you’ll never know how good it can feel. Your ideas are just as important as your skills, so go out and make them happen—today.

93. The only way to do better is to do better. You’re not where you are today because of yesterday, you’re here because of today.

94. Sometimes, all you need is a little reminder that this day is going to be different from yesterday.

95. New day new opportunity. You can’t make today better than yesterday, but you can make it your best work yet.

96. A new day, a clean slate. No more excuses. Let’s make today better than yesterday.

97. Today is a new day and a chance to do something different. Let’s make it better than yesterday.

98. Whatever you have going on today, let’s try and make it better than yesterday.

99. Make today a day you will remember. Do something that makes you smile, laugh, and feel good about yourself.

100. No more regrets. Make today better than yesterday, and you’ll be surprised at all of the possibilities that await you.

101. No matter what’s going on in your life, you can always make today better than yesterday.

102. The best way to make today better than yesterday is to treat others like you’d want to be treated.

103. The best way to make today better than yesterday is to plan for tomorrow. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start using your time wisely.

104. Make today better than yesterday. It’s never too late to turn things around and make things happen. Always go forward, never look back!

105. Don’t wait for tomorrow to make today better than yesterday. Make today a beautiful day for you, your family and your friends.

106. You have a choice. You can waste today or make it perfect. Make your day better than yesterday and start it off with a positive attitude.

107. The only constant thing is change. So let’s change the things we don’t like about ourselves and make this day a little bit better than yesterday.

108. Every day is a chance to make your life better than yesterday. Never stop working at it and never give up hope.

109. Whatever happens to you today, remember: “Today is an opportunity for a fresh start, and tomorrow will be the same”.

110. Don’t let yesterday define you. Make today better than yesterday and you will be amazed at what your body can do.

111. You’re never too old to chase your dreams. The sooner you start, the better you live. Today is a new beginning—let’s make it better than yesterday.

112. A good day is a day that makes you feel good about yourself, no matter what happened yesterday. Make today better than yesterday.

113. Make today better than yesterday. Don’t dwell on what happened yesterday—make today count.

114. Never let yesterday take up too much of your time, but always make today better than yesterday.

115. If your life is going well, you might not need to change, but if it’s going badly, you’re on the wrong track. The only way to make today better than yesterday is to try harder.

116. Keep pushing forward, keep progressing. Tomorrow is another day. Get up, get out, and have fun making today better than yesterday.

117. Don’t let yesterday define your future. Make today better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be an even better day.

118. We can’t change what’s happened in the past, but we can make today better than yesterday.

119. You can’t control what happens to you in the future, but today is your chance to make it better than yesterday.

120. Yes, there are days when you feel like it’s not going your way. But if you think back to how things were a week ago, what did you learn? That’s the only way we can make today better than yesterday.

121. Don’t let yesterday’s mistakes determine your future. Make today better than yesterday.

122. You have the power to make today better than yesterday. It’s not about being better, it’s about taking the right steps and making them happen. Keep doing what you’re doing but do it a little differently today.

123. Your life is graded on a curve. So make this day better than yesterday—no matter how small your improvement may be.

Thank you for going through this list of make today better than yesterday’s quotes I put up there. I hope it gives you the push you need to make each day better than the last.

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