– A Survey Research on the Viewership of Silverbird (Stv) Station by the Populace of Awka Urban –

Download A Survey Research on the Viewership of Silverbird (Stv) Station by the Populace of Awka Urban project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


Silverbird television was established in 1980 by Ben Murray-Bruce (Chairman) and his major aim was to provide family entertainment and relaxation.

The first major breakthrough by the firm in media and entertainment was in 1997 (silverbird Group, 2008) when transformations where made to the existing style of radio broadcast in Nigeria with the introduction of Rhythm Fm.

This invention did not change the existing regulations binding media houses at that time but brought a mixture of entertainment and style in television  broadcast.

They created a multi-media platform with the intention to first win Nigeria’s media and entertainment industry and expand operations throughout Africa.

The idea of Silverbird is based on knowing “what people want” (Ben, 2008) and the constant quest of satisfying and exceeding that need is the key to their success thus far.

They have embraced the ideology that “the customer is always right” in their dealings.

Silverbird Group is a conglomerate made up of Television (STV), Rhythm Fm, Entertainment (Most beautiful girl in Nigeria and Mr Nigeria), Galleria (shopping complex), Cinemas, Film Distribution, Properties and whole new Silverbird Lifestyle.

Her 1,564 employees serve over 56 and customers in both STV and Rhythm Fm cutting across all age categories (Silverbird Group, 2010).

Silverbird television was established in Nigeria in 1997 in Lagos   state and letter established in Abuja and Port Harcourt in 2002 and 2003 respectively.

1.1 Background Of The Study

Television transmission began in Western Nigeria on October 31, 1959. This service which was initiated by a Regional Government was not only the first in Nigeria, but remains today the oldest in the whole of the African continent.

The birth could be termed purely accidental, because it was borne out of political dissension. Chief Obafemi Awolowo and his partymen had walked out of Parliament in protest against a constitutional debate at the eve of Nigeria’s independence.

This action was condemned by the ruling government over the Federal all-Nigeria Radio Broadcasting Service, but access was denied the opposition leader to reply to the accusations.

Instead of establishing a Radio Station alone, to offer an unrepressed ‘voice’ in national affairs, the Western Region commenced television transmission.


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