Design and Implementation of a Computer-Based Warehousing Information System


This project is to address the problems encountered by the staff of custom and their customers.

In of these problems, the manual process in in the handling and management of goods in custom office were critically studied and the problems noted.

This project went further to treat the different techniques used in implementing the newly designed software.

Table Of Contents   

Title page





Table of content

List of table

List of figures


1.1  Background of the study

1.2  Aims and objecti

1.3  Statement of the problem

1.4  Purpose of the study

1.5  Justification

1.6  Scope of the study

1.7  Definition of terms


2.1  Benefits of a computerized system

2.2  Importance of this work


  • System methodology, analysis, and design

3.1  Description and analysis of the existing system

3.2  File organization

3.3  Fact-finding method

3.4  Input analysis

3.5  Process analysis

3.6  Output analysis

3.7  Problem of the existing system

3.8  Justification of the existing new system


  • System implementation and programming

4.1  Output specification and design

4.2  Input specification and design

4.3  File design

4.4  Procedure chart

4.5  System flow chart

4.6  System requirement

4.7  Implementation

4.8  Program design

4.9  Program flow chart

4.10       Pseudocode

4.11   Test run

4.12   Documentation

4.13   User documentation

4.14   Program documentation


  • Summary, Recommendation, and Conclusion

5.1  Summary

5.2  Recommendation

5.3  Conclusion



The warehouse is where goods and commodities are kept for further clearance. Narrowing it to Nigeria Ports Authority, there are many warehouses where imported consignment and goods are stored.

This is cleared by carrying the billing papers from post to post, waiting, and wasting much time in seeing who is in charge.

Goods that take about two weeks to berth into the country take another two weeks to get cleared.  This makes the importers and the clearing agents run from port to port, in search of where the goods were kept.

The introduction of computers in warehousing will enable importers to know which and where their goods are kept, as it will always be stipulated on the bill of laden papers.


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