– An Appraisal of the Roles Of Government Policies In Promoting Agricultural Insurance In Nigeria –

Download An Appraisal of the Roles Of Government Policies In Promoting Agricultural Insurance In Nigeria project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


This research work is focused on the appraisal of the role of government policies in promoting agricultural insurance in Nigeria. The study examined existing policies that were implemented by government and how these policies has gone to improve agricultural insurance in Nigeria.

Data were obtained through the use of interview and questionnaires, the researcher also used chats and tables. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tool The government of Nigeria has a duty to her citizen in terms of making available or providing the social, economic infrastructure and legal frame work that will promote agricultural business in Nigeria.

The researcher summarized and concluded the work by putting forward useful recommendations on how government can improve the agricultural sector and also how to maximize the benefits government policies has brought with it.


Title page





Table of content



  • Background of the study
  • Statement of the problem
  • Objective of the study
  • Research question
  • Hypothesis formulation
  • Scope of the study
  • Significance of the study
  • Definition of terms



Conceptual framework

2.1.0 Historical background of insurance in Nigeria

2.1.1The impact of insurance on economic growth

2.1.2 Classification of insurance business

2.1.3Meaning of agricultural insurance

2.1.4Agricultural insurance in Nigeria between 1970-1980’s

2.1.5Nigeria agricultural insurance cooperation

2.1.6Objectives and functions

2.1.7Benefits of the scheme

2.1.8Nature of agricultural risk

2.1.9Agricultural insurance product and policy

2.2.0Nigeria government policies toward agricultural policy from 2003 to    date

2.3 Empirical review

2.4Theortical frame work





3.1 Research design

3.2Area of coverage

3.3 Sources of date

3.3.1Primary data

3.3.2Secondary data

3.4population of the study

3.5Sample design

3.5.1 Non probability sampling method

3.5.2Sampling procedure

3.5.3Sampling size

3.6 Data collection instrument

3.7Validity and Reliability of study

3.8 Method of data analysis




4.1Presentation of data

4.2Summary of responses from questionnaires administered

4.3Presentation and Analysis of data

4.4 Hypothesis testing


5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion


Bibliography, Appendix, Questionnaire


Starting in  2010-2011, the government of Nigeria after years of being neglect began to reform the agricultural sector to focus the sector, the government implemented a new strategy called “The Agricultural Transformation Agenda ATA” this policy is aim at helping Nigeria’s refocus attention on agriculture.

Growth and development in any economy, especially the agricultural sector is an activity that cannot be effectively carried out without involving insurance, Thus insurance plays a vital role in the development of the agricultural sector Nigeria.

Agricultural insurance is normally undertaken as a market based activity by private or state sector insurance companies, often with the support measures from government .the government through  various  policies and intervention has been very active in the promotion of agricultural insurance in Nigeria.

This is buttressed by the fact that agriculture has been a predominant occupation which has over the years provided economic development, it accounts for about 40-50% of the GDP.

As far as agricultural insurance is concern the place of agricultural insurance cannot be over emphasised .one cannot discuss agricultural insurance before first identifying what insurance means.


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