– Determinants of https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICTS Influence on Literacy and Culture –


Integrating into the educational sector is progressively influenced by different multihttps://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/cultural across the world.

Accordingly, this research employed a modified Unified of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to how culture directly affects the acceptance of https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT in .

This study focused on the Hausa-Fulani https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/cultural group in Jimeta-Yola, questionnaires were administered to gather data (quantitative approach) which was analyzed using smart PLS.

The gathered data uncovered the presence of barriers amongst the selected sample towards the acceptance of https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT in education.

Findings indicated that culture directly affects acceptance of https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT in education within Jimeta- Yola area of Adamawa State. The research concludes by providing recommendations for research and practice.


Background of Study

The world as we know it today continues to rapidly evolve with the impact of the digital age across various sectors (educational, personal, business, social, professional, etc.) as we navigate through our daily interactions in the new age.

One of such remarkable impacts of technology in this new millennium is the progressive growth in the educational sector spurred by the integration of Information and Communications Technology (Apena, 2012).

Thus, within this period, is considered among the essential constructs of the present progressive societies and thus, leading numerous countries to its adoption (UNESCO, 2002).

People are becoming more skilled in using https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT as a tool for enhancing essential as supporters of https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT advocate that, as the rapid development and use of technology increases daily, technology knowledge will become a necessity in education, work, community and private activities (Erumban & de Jong, 2006).

Consequently, people from different https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/cultural backgrounds would support https://studentsandscholarship.com/current-projects/determinants-of-icts-influence-on-literacy-and-culture/ICT and its application would slowly and gradually be implanted into day-to-day operations.

Technology continues to spread across the globe leading millions of people to appreciate and adopt its use in their daily operations.


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